Saturday, April 14, 2018

Road to Solo: Porgs from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro

    What do you think about the porgs? The porgs were created to deal with a real filming problem in The Last Jedi (the presence of puffins Skellig Michael where the Ahch-To scenes were filmed). Sometimes they're CG while at other times they're actually puppets. It's a pretty cool way of tackling the problem and created what for some people are the most recognizable creatures from The Last Jedi. I'm not porg crazy but I do like them and I was looking forward to them showing up in the Black Series toyline. Interestingly enough, the porgs were not ever included with any of the Black Series figures and have instead been sold as their own 2-pack. A very small 2-pack, I might add. The box is teeny, tiny at only 3 1/4 inches tall, 2 3/4 inches long, and 3/4ths of an inch deep. This is the first smaller sized Black Series release and it gives me hope that one day we may see more smaller creatures released this way if the porgs do well. They certainly seem to be selling just fine; they're hitting GameStop stores right now and most stores seem to be sold out of them. Let's take a look at this tiny two-pack of porgs after the break...

 The Facts:

Height: 7/8ths to 1 inch tall

Articulation: None on sitting Porg, ball jointed wings and swivel legs on standing Porg.

Accessories: None

Non-Scalper Price: $7 dollars
 The Positives:

* The set includes two porgs, the first of which is sitting on the ground. This is a simple minifigure with no articulation that just sits around and adds some character to your Ahch-To display. The paintwork is pretty nice on these little guys give the small size and the sculpted fur and feathers is quite detailed.

* My favorite of the two porgs is the standing porg. He has a funny expression on his face, slightly brighter orange around his eyes, and you can see his birdlike feet. He's pretty cute.

* He is also articulated. The porg's wings are balljointed so he can lift them up and his legs swivel so he can stand up straight. Is this perhaps supposed to be the porg who chills out with Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon's cockpit?
 The porg set is what it is: A 2-pack of minifigures with little articulation but really nice paintjobs. They only cost around $6 or $7 dollars which may seem a bit high to some collectors (my guess is that minifigure collectors won't mind) but not high enough that it will hurt sales. Personally, I do think Hasbro should have either packaged a Porg with various The Last Jedi figures or released a set of five or six porgs and a nest accessory as a standard Black Series releases. This is a Good and a 1/2 set, though, and does seem like a fun novelty item to pick up for collectors of the Black Series.

These are the first porg toys I've reviewed. For more Black Series figures from Phase III, check out the following:

442nd Siege Battalion Clone Trooper, 212th Attack Battalion Utapau Trooper, Coruscant Guard ---(Phase II), and 501st Legion Clone Trooper 4 pack
Admiral Ackbar and First Order Officer
Ahsoka Tano 
AT-AT Pilot 
Baze Malbus
Captain Cassian Andor (Eadu) 
Captain Poe Dameron
C-3PO (Resistance Base)
Captain Phasma
Chirrut Imwe 
Clone Captain Rex (HasCon Exclusive)
Clone Commander Gree
Constable Zuvio
Darth Revan 
Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath)
Director Krennic 
DJ (Canto Bight)
Elite Praetorian Guard
Elite Praetorian Guard (with Heavy Blade)
Finn (First Order Disguise)
Finn (FN-2187)
Finn (Jakku)
First Order Flametrooper
First Order General Hux
First Order Snowtrooper
First Order Snowtrooper Officer
First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter
First Order Stormtrooper
First Order Stormtrooper Executioner 
First Order Stormtrooper (with Gear)
First Order TIE Fighter Pilot
General Leia Organa
Grand Admiral Thrawn (SDCC Exclusive)
Guardians of Evil 4-Pack
Guavian Enforcer
Han Solo 
Hera Syndulla
Imperial AT-ACT Driver
Imperial Death Trooper
Imperial Death Trooper, Captain Cassian Andor, and Sergeant Jyn Erso (Jedha) 3 pack
Imperial Hovertank Pilot 
Imperial Shock Trooper 
Imperial Royal Guard 
Inferno Squad Agent
Jaina Solo (Legends)
Jango Fett
Kanan Jarrus
Kylo Ren 
Kylo Ren (SDCC 2016)
Kylo Ren (The Last Jedi) 
Kylo Ren (Starkiller Base)
Kylo Ren (Throne Room)
Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker 
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master) 
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)- Ahch-To Island
Maz Kanata 
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Force Spirit)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (SDCC 2016)
Phase 1 Clone Trooper Commander, Phase II Clone Trooper, Imperial Stormtrooper, and First Order ---Stormtrooper Officer four pack
Poe Dameron
Poe Dameron and First Order Riot Control Stormtrooper
Princess Leia Organa 
Qui-Gon Jinn
R2-A3, R5-K6, and R2-F2
Resistance Tech Rose
Resistance Trooper
Rey (Island Journey)
Rey (Jakku) & BB-8 
Rey (Jedi Training)
Rey (Jedi Training)- Crait
Rey (Starkiller Base) 
Rey's Speeder (Jakku)
Sabine Wren
Sandtrooper Sergeant, Crimson Stormtrooper, Lieutenant OXIXO, and R2-Q5
Scarif Stormtrooper
Scarif Stormtrooper Squad Leader 
Sergeant Jyn Erso (Eadu)
Sergeant Jyn Erso (Jedha)
Supreme Leader Snoke (Throne Room)
Tusken Raider 
X-34 Landspeeder & Luke Skywalker (SDCC Exclusive) 
X-Wing Pilot Asty 

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