Qui-Gon Jinn has finally arrived in Star Wars: The Black Series and I'm pretty excited! While I've always considered Liam Neeson's portrayal of Qui-Gon Jinn as one of the high points of Episode 1 (and the Prequels in general), over the past 6 years or so I've really come to appreciate Episode 1 as a whole. I've been anxiously awaiting some more Episode 1 characters ever since the release of Darth Maul in the first series of figures from 2013 and it's nice to finally have someone to face off against Maul. I really wish Hasbro would consider moving to themed waves with the Black Series, similar to how recent Marvel Legends often share a loosely binding theme or source. While a full Episode 1 series might have been considered a bit risky, a series focusing on Jedi vs. Sith would have been pretty cool. As it stands now, Hasbro just releases a bunch of random characters. Granted, it's Star Wars, so I'm pretty much down for anyone, but some theme to the releases would be nice. Anyways, let's get back on track: Qui-Gon Jinn. I started thinking about this and I'm pretty sure I haven't purchased a Qui-Gon Jinn action figure since the time when Episode 1 was out in theaters. I know I didn't pick up a Vintage Collection Qui-Gon and I don't think I've ever grabbed any others, either. How weird to consider that this is my first Qui-Gon since either 1999 or, possibly, early 2000 (there was some new Episode 1 stuff coming out around the time of the film's VHS release)!
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Friday, June 30, 2017
The Technodrome Tales #7: 'Return of the Shredder'
In this episode we discuss our thoughts on the TMNT Season 2 Episode 1: Return of the Shredder, which originally aired on October 1st 1988.
Feel free to email any questions or comments about the show to technodrometales@gmail.com
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @TMNTechnodrome
Please rate, review, and subscribe to us on iTunes, just search for: Technodrome Tales
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Rapid Reflections: Inhumans Trailer
Welcome to the 3rd edition of Rapid Reflections: A YouTube mini-review series that lets The Epic Review team get their immediate, raw, and visceral opinions out there on the geek properties they have just experienced first hand. In our 3rd Rapid Reflection we tackle: The Inhumans Trailer.
Find future episodes of this show, and don't forget to subscribe to us at: Confirmed Epic Podcast YouTube Page.
Let us know what you thought about the show in the comments section on YouTube!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Rapid Reflections: Jumanji Trailer
Find future episodes of this show, and don't forget to subscribe to us at: Confirmed Epic Podcast YouTube Page.
Let us know what you thought about the show in the comments section on YouTube!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Confirmed Amos Podcast Special: Transformers the Last Knight & Heroes-Con 2017
In a special Team Up episode The Reel Brad Bell of The Confirmed Epic Podcast and Amos of the aptly named Just Being Amos Podcast come together to discuss: Transformers 5 and Heroes-Con 2017. Amos gives his perspective as someone who has had his childhood destroyed multiple times by Michael Bay, in contrast to The Reel Brad Bell who finds The Bay Transformers film as a guilty pleasure. The guys will also discuss their experiences at 35th Annual Heroes-Con comic's convention in Charlotte, NC.
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or tweet us @thereelbradbell
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on itunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast or The GWW in the itunes store!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Action Figure Review: Lando Calrissian from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
Star Wars: The Black Series has now been around for four years (the first release was the SDCC exclusive Boba Fett in July 2013) and it's seen a fairly impressive amount of releases. The release schedule has been pretty awkward at times, though, as Hasbro has chosen to adhere to the modern style of staggering the release of classic A-list characters while also integrating characters from the newer films. I still can't believe we're four years into this line and we have yet to receive a single Padme or Prequel Jedi other than Obi-Wan and the recent Qui-Gon Jinn. Padme Amidala and Lando Calrissian's absences have been the most notable so it's nice to finally have one of those checked off. Yes, we finally have Lando! While this isn't my favorite Lando look (that would be his snazzy General's outfit) this is definitely his most classic look and the one I'm sure the majority of folks wanted first. Let's take a closer look and see how Lando Calrissian fares in his first entry in the Black Series...
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Start Your Epic Wardrobe Today!
The Epic Review and The Confirmed Epic Podcast are proud to present our very first round of merchandise. All proceeds go toward the production of The Confirmed Epic Podcast.
Find and own all 3 designs today in our store at: teepublic.com/user/thereelbradbell
Controlled Bayhem! - 'Transformers: The Last Knight' Review
One of the biggest dichotomies in the film industry has been Michael Bay's Transformers Franchise; your average movie watcher seems to love every entry into the series shelling out billions of dollars worldwide, while film critics have universally panned everything post the original Transformers film in 2007. Here at The Epic Review AKA Andrew Stokes and I have always been huge fans of the first film, and have been waiting for this franchise to return to its original glory for nearly a decade. Make no mistake this is our favorite series to hate watch, but could Transformers: The Last Knight restore the franchise critically a decade after Michael Bay wowed audiences across the globe on the 4th of July weekend 2007?
Find out in our Transformers: The Last Knight review after the break...
Action Figure Review: Tusken Raider from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
It's been a month since I last reviewed a figure from Hasbro's Star Wars: The Black Series, but guess what? I've found quite a few more! These figures, both the 40th Anniversary Series and the regular Black Series releases, have been pretty tough to find. The Tusken Raider was simultaneously released in series 2 of the 40th Anniversary series and in the most recent Black Series set alongside of Lando Calrissian and the Royal Guard (reviews are coming!) but I managed to find the standard boxed Black Series version on Amazon for MSRP, so I picked him up. I really like this guy, and it isn't just because he has a precedent as both a vintage Kenner figure and a POTF2 release. The Tusken Raider really feels like a Black Series release that gets back to the heart of what the Black Series originally felt like: A fairly definitive action figure release. Since he includes a gaderffii stick with three interchangeable heads and a rifle, this very well feels like the only male Tusken Raider figure you would ever need. I like that "deluxe" feel, even on a army builder (although this very well might be URoRRuR'R'R), and it makes the line feel like it's really doing something special in the same way that the earliest Phase 1 releases did. Let's take a closer look at this Tusken Raider after the break...
Monday, June 26, 2017
Rapid Reflections: Transformers The Last Knight
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Rapid Reflections: A YouTube mini-review series that lets The Epic Review team get their immediate, raw, and visceral opinions out there on the geek properties they have just experienced first hand. In our first Rapid Reflection we tackle: Michael Bay's Transformers 5 The Last Knight.
Find future episodes of this show, and don't forget to subscribe to us at: Confirmed Epic Podcast YouTube Page.
Let us know what you thought about the show in the comments section on YouTube!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Action Figure Review: Stone Cold Steve Austin from WWE Zombies by Mattel
Today I'm looking at the last figure in series 2 of Mattel's WWE Zombies and he's definitely one of the coolest figures in the series: Stone Cold Steve Austin! Stone Cold is without a doubt one of the most popular Superstars to have ever wrestled with the WWE and it's really cool to have him in this line. Since these are zombie figures, it seems unlikely that Mattel will ever offer classic Superstars who are deceased in real life (as that might seem to be in poor taste), so current Superstars and living legends are the likely candidates if the line continues. While most of the figures in this line are simply zombified versions of the Superstars, some figures like Triple H and the Undertaker have come across as more powerful, revenant-like creatures. Stone Cold Steve Austin comes across the same way as he seems way more powerful than your average zombie. Let's take a closer look at this zombified version of the Texas Rattlesnake after the break...
1970's Icons of Cinema Showdown Winner: Darth Vader
After hours of debate, and 2 weeks of voting, Darth Vader has been declared the most Iconic Film Character of the 1970's based on David Prowse and James Earl Jones portrayal. Darth Vader took home 76% of the vote compared the Shark from Jaws who garnered 24%.
We heard many complaints and considered there validly, that Vader transcended A New Hope, and the decade of the 70's too much to put him on the list. However according to our rules for this contest, he is eligible based on the fact that his introduction was in Star Wars: A New Hope in 1977, and 77 is the characters only onscreen appearance in the 1970's.
Thanks to all listeners of The Confirmed Epic Podcast proudly presented by Geeks World Wide Radio Network who voted, you can see the final results below. Stay tuned for the 1980's Icons of Cinema Showdown, which will start on The Confirmed Epic Podcast the second half of July 2017.
Icons of Cinema Summer Showdown Finals, @The_GWW Listeners who is the most iconic film character of the 1970's?— Brad Bell (@thereelBradBell) June 17, 2017
Thanks again to everyone that voted and thegww.com for sponsoring this contest!
Let us know what you think about these results in the comments below or tweet me @thereelbradbell
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Confirmed Epic Comeback #1: Release Dates, Movie Mysteries, & Nostalgia
Welcome to the Confirmed Epic Podcast Youtube Channel's first attempt to raise our game up! The Confirmed Epic Comeback is a weekly to bi-weekly Youtube series that allows to examine the three to 5 biggest entertainment stories in under 15 minutes. Beyond that, the purpose of the Confirmed Epic Comeback is to examine how these stories impact the broader entertainment landscape, not just regurgitate the news.
In the inaugeral show we discuss: If fans should get upset or excited over release dates based on the recent news of Miller and Lord being replaced as Han Solo Directors, the revelation of movies mysteries in relation to Ridley Scott's huge Blade Runner 2049 announcement, and answer the question of: are fans satisfied with the use of nostalgia in blockbuster filmmaking.
Find future episodes of this show, and don't forget to subscribe to us at: Confirmed Epic Podcast Youtube Page.
Let us know what you thought about the show in the comments section on Youtube!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Friday, June 23, 2017
Confirmed Crap Podcast #2:Tales from The Shack, The PIT, & Baywatch
Once every dark of the moon The Epic Review not so proudly presents The Confirmed Crap Podcast. A podcast in which the team discusses pretty much anything they want to, while there is usually Film, TV, and Comics discussion, this pod is not limited to those themes. So sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy some low brow unstructured entertainment.
For example in this episode we discussed: Old Jobs, The Beach, Baywatch, Dwight Howard, Heroes-Con 2017, Last Knight Reviews, and addressed listener comments.
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or tweet us @thereelbradbell
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on itunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast or The GWW in the itunes store!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Confirmed Epic Podcast Retro Rewind: Episode #32, Transformers 4 Age of Extinction
In honor of the release of Transformers 5 The Last Knight this week, and The Reel Brad Bell finally picking up one of his collection grails: The Transformers Age of Extinction Blu-Ray Collectors Edition (Seen Above!); The Epic Review proudly presents one of it's most requested/downloaded retro episodes, from The Epic Review Vault: Confirmed Epic Podcast Episode #32, Transformers 4 Age of Extinction. Listen as The Reel Brad Bell, AKA Andrew Stokes, and Jerry 'Barbecue 17' Reed review/discuss one of the worst, but most entertainingly hilarious films released since they started the podcast. Also enjoy Jerry's attempt to review the film with actually seeing it.
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or tweet us @thereelbradbell
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on itunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast or The GWW in the itunes store!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Action Figure Review: Seth Rollins from WWE Zombies by Mattel
Ready for yet another WWE Zombies review? How about we take a look at the Architect, the King Slayer, the Man, and the cover star of the upcoming WWE 2K18: Seth Freakin' Rollins! Seth is definitely near the top of the list of my favorite current WWE Superstars and I'm glad to be able to add him to my growing horde of WWE Zombies. He looks great alongside of the other former members of the Shield, too. Who would have thought we'd be able to assemble a zombified version of the Shield, right? That's pretty cool! Let's take a closer look at zombie Seth Rollins after the break...
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Action Figure Review: Sasha Banks from WWE Zombies by Mattel
Ready for another WWE Zombies review? I hope so because today I'm checking out the zombified version of the 3 time WWE Women's Champion and legit boss herself, Sasha Banks. Sasha Banks is a pretty cool looking figure and really adds a splash of color to the WWE Zombies line thanks to her bright pink hair. Sasha is easily in my top five favorite female Superstars currently on the roster and is without a doubt one of the most talented in ring performers in her division. Mattel did a pretty impressive job of translating Sasha Banks' appearance into the zombie line, so let's check out the impressive work they did. More after the break...
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Action Figure Review: Kevin Owens from WWE Zombies by Mattel
While the writing might be a bit iffy (I'm still pretty pissed about the finish to the women's Money in the Bank match on Sunday), there is some incredible talent in the WWE these days and one of my favorites superstars is Kevin Owens. The dude is just incredible. I feel like like KO could sell any gimmick or storyline he's involved with. Even a zombie gimmick. Yup, in the 2nd series of WWE Zombies we get an action figure of the current "Face of America" Kevin Owens. Let's take a look at a zombified version of Chris Jericho's former BFF after the break...
Monday, June 19, 2017
Action Figure Review: Brock Lesnar from WWE Zombies by Mattel
Oh my gosh! Bork Laser is a zombie! Yes, indeed: The newest series of WWE Zombies action figures includes a zombified action figure of Brock Lesnar. I am absolutely not that big of a fan of Brock Lesnar for quite a few reasons, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to pick of a zombified version of the guy. I can respect that many collectors of wrestling figures are not that into this line but I'm digging them. I'm digging them hard. Like a madman digging up corpses in a graveyard. That's how much I dig this concept. Despite being a champion who rarely shows up at shows and who is devoid of almost any personality, Brock is a big deal and I couldn't pass him up as he makes for a pretty terrifying zombie. Let's take a look at zombified Brock Lesnar after the break...
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Confirmed Epic Podcast #65: 'Black Panther' Teaser, 'The Mummy', & The Icons of Cinema Summer Showdown of the 1970's
In the 65th edition of The Confirmed Epic Podcast The Reel Brad Bell, Aka Andrew Stokes, and Jerry "Barbecue 17" Reed return to the Icons of Cinema Summer Showdown with the 1970s. The Goal of this podcasting series will be to determine the 8 most iconic characters of each Decade continuing in the 1960's, and then let you decide who is the king of each decade of cinema. The series will eventually put the most iconic roles of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, and the NOW'S against one another in showdown for the title of most iconic film character of all time.
We also discuss the first teaser trailer for Ryan Coogler's upcoming Black Panther film, and review Alex Kurtzman's The Mummy.
*After realizing twitter only allows 4 option polls we changed it to a bracket system: two best of 4 series with the winners meeting in the finals.
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or tweet us @thereelbradbell
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on itunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast or The GWW in the itunes store!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Please Vote in The Icons of Cinema 1970's Finals below, and see how we came to this consensus in the podcast above:
Icons of Cinema Summer Showdown Finals, @The_GWW Listeners who is the most iconic film character of the 1970's?— Brad Bell (@thereelBradBell) June 17, 2017
Confirmed Epic Podcast #62: The Icons of Cinema Summer Showdown of the 1960's

As always we get into what we have been checking out this week, as well as the epic news items of the week before the showdown commences.
*After realizing twitter only allows 4 option polls we changed it to a bracket system: two best of three series with the winners meeting in the finals.
*Thanks to Mondo Artist JC Richard for the header image of his epic The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly variant
*After realizing twitter only allows 4 option polls we changed it to a bracket system: two best of three series with the winners meeting in the finals.
*Thanks to Mondo Artist JC Richard for the header image of his epic The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly variant
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or tweet us @thereelbradbell
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on itunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast or The GWW in the itunes store!
You can always email any questions, comments, and concerns about the show to thepicreview@gmail.com
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Action Figure Review: AJ Styles from WWE Zombies by Mattel
You know what? the only WWE figures I've purchased this year have been from the insane but awesome WWE Mutants line. I love the figures from that line that I picked up, but there was one WWE line I was really looking forward and ordered the whole set ASAP: WWE Zombies series 2! Last year Mattel's WWE Zombies line was one of the best things about Halloween 2016 and I'm glad that the concept seems to have proven popular enough to warrant a second outing. Yeah, they're not your typical WWE figures, but I really like them. Whether you love the concept of the WWE Superstars as zombies or just like pretty slick zombie action figures in the 6-7 inch scale, these should scratch a (possibly necrotic and infected) itch. First up in my review of series 2 is the Face that Runs the Place and the Champ who Runs the Camp: It's the Phenomenal One, AJ Styles! Since I'm most likely going to be cheering for AJ Styles at Money in the Bank tomorrow I figured I'd give him first dibs in the reviews. Let's check out yet another Georgia zombie after the break...
Friday, June 16, 2017
Action Figure Review: Wonder Woman from DC Comics Multiverse: Wonder Woman by Mattel
As Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman enters it's third weekend at the box office it's probably not going to come out as the number #1 film (I imagine that will be Pixar's Cars 3) but it most likely will still come in #2. The movie is having a great run in theaters and I'm really curious how merchandising tie-ins are performing. Mattel has put out a pretty decent line of Wonder Woman action figures, particularly the Wonder Woman subset of the DC Comics Multiverse line. Today I'm looking at the Toys 'R Us exclusive standard Wonder Woman whom has been relatively easy to find (Mattel and Toys R Us have both done a great job of making sure their joint DC Multiverse exclusives have been available both in stores and online!) and whom I picked up the week the movie was released. It's kind of interesting that Mattel chose to make the "standard" Wonder Woman the exclusive, isn't it? While there are rumors that we may get one more figure in this series (possibly another Amazon exclusive or an SDCC exclusive), this could be the last figure in the line. While it would have been cool to have received a Dina Prince figure from her time in London or Wonder Woman undercover in her blue part dress, we did get three variants of the character. Let's take a look at this classically styled Princess Diana after the break...
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Action Figure Review: Menalippe from DC Comics Multiverse: Wonder Woman by Mattel
So, Wonder Woman: Pretty incredible movie, right? It's nice to see that DC has a legit hit on their hands in the DCEU that is both critically and commercially successful. It's always interesting to look at a movie based line after the film is released; sometimes the character choices are rather odd. Take the subject of today's review, Menalippe. While I loved characters in the film like Sameer, Chief, Charlie, and General Antiope, we haven't received any of them in the toyline. We do have Menalippe, however, who I didn't even remember seeing in the film. I had to look her up in Wonder Woman: The Art and Making of the Film. She's currently a shared exclusive between Amazon and Toys 'r Us and has been available for around a month now. Let's take a closer look at Menalippe after the break...
Monday, June 12, 2017
Action Figure Review: Luke Skywalker with Speeder #175 from POP! Star Wars by Funko
Today I'm checking out the lone POP! vinyl from the most recent Star Wars Smuggler's Bounty Box from Funko: Luke Skywalker with Speeder! Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the release of Star Wars: A New Hope, this crate included a few items that hearkened back to classic elements from that film. The set includes the standard patch and pin (Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca, respectively), Han Solo and Greedo salt and pepper shakers, some Star Wars wristbands, and this oversized POP! vinyl piece. I really like these deluxe POP! vinyls and this might be one of the best yet. While Hasbro is releasing a Luke Skywalker with landspeeder later this summer, Funko has beat them to the punch. This is a pretty iconic Star Wars vehicle that looks great on your shelf. More details after the break...
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Action Figure Review: Damian Wayne Robin (Robin War) from DC Comics Multiverse by Mattel
While I love the DC Collectibles Bombshell figures and I think that Mezco's One:12 Collectives are among the best (if not the best) DC Comics action figures ever made, I gotta give Mattel credit for being the only company right now who seems to be creating actual comic inspired figures from more recent stories (yes, it feels like DC Collectibles has given up in this area). Today I'm looking at one of those figures: Damian Wayne from his role in Robin War. I'll admit that while I've ready most everything vaguely Batman related from the New 52 and Rebirth, somehow I let Robin War and We Are Robin pass me by. It's in my pile to read right now, so I should be getting to it in the next few days. Having not read the story certainly didn't deter me from wanting to pick this guy up, though. Damian Wayne has really evolved into a great character over the past decade but his action figure appearances have been few and far between (my favorite is still the Batman Incorporated version from DC Direct). This is Mattel's second shot at the character (a Damian Wayne Robin was also released near the end of the MattyCollector only DC Signature Collection) and the results are a bit mixed. He's exclusive to Toys R Us and seems to be pretty easy to pick up online (pair him with one of the Wonder Woman TRU exclusives and you'll get free shipping, too!), so hopefully he'll fill a gap in a number of Damian-less collections. Let's take a closer look at this new release after the break...
Monday, June 5, 2017
Minifigure Review: Pack D from M.U.S.C.L.E. Mega Man by Super7
Let me say that 99% of the time I take no joy in giving a toy or action figure a bad review, and these Mega Man M.U.S.C.L.E. figures certainly do not fall into that 1% rarity (every now and then I buy something that I know will be terrible just to review it). Not only do I feel like I wasted some money but I know that releasing bad product typically hurts a companies reputation, especially a smaller company like Super7 who is still establishing themselves. I've really enjoyed the Super7 stuff I've purchased over the past few years, particularly their various M.U.S.C.L.E. sets and the amazingly bizarre The Worst. Sadly, these Mega Man figured just didn't turn out well and are cursed with flimsy plastic, soft details, and an odd, shiny finish. My hope is that Super7 figures out what happened here ASAP, acknowledges it, and finds a way to rectify it. I'd love to own these figures in the same quality of plastic as the Street Fighter II or Alien minifigures and hopefully Super7 will find a way to offer these that doesn't reek of "double dipping." For now, though, I'll finish up this set of figures with a look at Pack D, containing Dr. Light, Elec Man, and Bomb Man.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Minifigure Review: Pack C from M.U.S.C.L.E.: Mega Man by Super7
I've already voiced my disappointment with Super7's new Mega Man series of M.U.S.C.L.E. figures so let me go ahead and get right into showing off these minifigures for the sake of having a complete archive on the site. It's disappointing when a company seemingly continues to get better and better (last years Alien M.U.S.C.L.E.s were an improvement over most of the Masters of the Universe stuff while the Street Fighter 2 minifigures blew everything before it out of the water) and then inexplicably takes quite a few steps back, but that's exactly what Super7 has done with the Mega Man series. These just aren't good minifigures due to the overly soft sculpts, oddly colored plastic (far too shiny and strangely bendy but not rubbery), and weird sticky, oily feel. These are a mess and this review is to serve as a cautionary tale: Read on to learn more about Pack C after the break...
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Minifigure Review: Pack B from M.U.S.C.L.E.: Mega Man by Super7
As someone who absolutely loves minifigures, particularly M.U.S.C.L.E., it hurts my hear that Super7's Mega Man M.U.S.C.L.E. figures are so terrible. Yeah, that's a spoiler for the rest of the review. Oh well. If you read my reviews fairly often, you might come to the conclusion that I'm not too harsh of a critic on most toys. That's partially because I usually buy stuff I'm predisposed to like but also because most modern action figures and toys that I pick up are actually pretty decent. Something happened with Super7's recent efforts on the Mega Man minifigures, though: The plastic is overly shiny, the figures feel bizarre (kind of oily/ sticky and not at all "solid"), and the sculpts are pathetically soft. Compare these to the Street Fighter II M.U.S.C.L.E. figures Super 7 released earlier this year and you'll wonder what happened. How did the same company release some of the greatest minis ever and some of the worst in such a short span of time? Who knows? Since I bought them and opened them, I feel compelled to at least review these as a cautionary tale for anyone who might be contemplating them!
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