I have many, many He-Man action figures. Dozens, probably. Today I'm getting ready to review another one that is really unique and definitely should make you stand up and take notice: It's Mondo's He-Man from their new Masters of the Universe line of 1/6th scale action figures. While best known for posters and vinyl records, Mondo has been slowly working their way into the collector's market with released based on TMNT, Batman: The Animated Series, and now Masters of the Universe. Mondo has indicated that they have some extensive plans for the line but He-Man is their first release. While He-Man is a 1/6th scale figure, rather than feeling like a Hot Toys release He-Man feels more like an oversized action figure with separate armor made from various mixed materials. It's a cool approach that works better for the barbarian-like clothes most MOTU characters wear as they're not usually wearing standard outfits. Another cool thing about this line is that rather than base the He-Man design off of one specific incarnation of the character, Mondo has designed their own take on the character. Like Sideshow's He-Man, this feels like it could be a possible movie inspired design for a fairly serious swords & sorcery Masters of the Universe film. He-Man has been shipping for a couple months now from some sources although Mondo seems to be taking their time getting these out everywhere. Let's take a look at this new Mondo version of He-Man after the break...
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Friday, May 31, 2019
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Action Figure Review: Sombra from Overwatch Ultimates by Hasbro
Hasbro is on a roll lately, aren't they? Marvel Legends and Star Wars: The Black Series continue to improve with every new release, they've now acquired the Power Rangers license and seem to be releasing some killer product there, and now they've jumped into a major video game license with Overwatch Ultimates. I'm going to admit right off the bat that I am not an Overwatch expert. I've never played the game although I am familiar with the characters as a number of them have become fixtures of modern pop culture. A little searching turns up the fact that these characters are pretty well developed, particularly for a game that is a team-based shooter. These little details remind me of the extensive backgrounds Larry Hama created for the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline. Sombra is a 30-year-old Mexican hacker named Olivia Colomar who uses her stealth, hacking skills, and machine pistol to deal damage to her opponents. For the past week or two GameStop has had a 20% off sale on Overwatch merchandise, so I jumped in and picked up Sombra to check these new figures out. Let's take a closer look at her after the break...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Action Figure Review: Teela (Shiva) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out the last of the Variable Variants from Super7's Masters of the Universe ReAction line and it's Teela...dressed as Shiva. Yes, this might indeed be the oddest Masters of the Universe variant I am aware of since the variant isn't based on a particular media representation of a character but is actually based on the Hindu deity Shiva. You might at first guess that this is supposed to be the Goddess/ Green Goddess from the vintage He-Man and the Sword of Power mini comic, but it isn't: That figure was released already last year as yet another color variant of the standard Teela figure. Super7 officially has listed this figure as Teela (Shiva), so it really does seem that this color variant is indeed simply based on the color palette of the Hindu deity. Apparently the inspiration for this figure, as revealed by Super7's Brian Flynn, is that there was discussion about the vintage MOTU variants released in India through the toy company Leo. Realizing there wasn't a vintage Leo Teela, Super7 decided to create this design and call her Shiva. Why? Well, Leo is an Indian based company and since the Hindu deity Shiva is sometimes depicted draped with a serpent, the serpent-like armor this version of Teela is wearing is fitting. Interesting choice and a fairly obscure reference, huh? Let's take a closer look at the figure after the break...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Minifigure Review: Tan Surfer from Imaginext Collectible Figures Series 12 by Fisher-Price
I've picked up every figure in the Imaginext Collectibles Figures Series and while I like most of them, every now an then there is a dud. For me those duds are usually the sports themed figures. I'm just not that interested in most sports in general and the designs tend to be fairly dull. Today I'm checking out what is referred to as the Tan Surfer, though I'll just be calling him the Surfer for the sake of brevity. Let's check him out after the break...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Action Figure Review: Slime Pit He-Man from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Ready for a Masters of the Universe ReAction review of a slimy green He-Man variant? Then let's check out Slime Pit He-Man! Alongside of the Variable Variants released a month or so ago Super7 also released this incredibly cool Slime Pit He-Man figure. While Slime Pit He-Man has been around since the 1986 minicomic Escape from the Slime Pit! he's fairly new to action figure form. We're sort of going through a trend with the character as the Loyal Subjects released a Club 28 version of Slime Pit He-Man a couple of years ago, Mattel showed off a concept figure of a vintage styled Slime Pit He-Man at SDCC last year, and one of the upcoming Power-Con 2019 exclusives is a MOTUC Slime Pit He-Man. Super7's Slime Pit He-Man is a simple translucent green version of the basic He-Man but the color of the plastic and the unique packaging make him really stand out. Let's check him out after the break...
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Minifigure Review: Empire State "Big" Robot Building from Imaginext Collectible Figures Series 12 by Fisher-Price
Today I'm checking out the second figure from Imaginext Series 12 and, man, does this one have a crazy long name: Empire State "Big" Robot Building. Yes, this is actually designed to look like the robot from the Tom Hanks film Big, which makes this figure another really, really strange homage in this toyline. This figure started showing up on international auction sites earlier this year which kind of tipped us all off that Series 12 was coming soon. What a strange choice for a figure, huh? I love how crazy Fisher-Price is with some of these releases and creating a toy in 2019 based on a toy prop from a 1980s Tom Hanks film just sounds crazy. Could a Zoltar be far behind? I definitely think that this figure, very clumsily called the Empire State "Big" Robot Building, is one of the two heavy hitters in this series along with the Adventure People inspired Black Clawtron Robot. Let's check this guy out more closely after the break...
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Action Figure Review: Skeletor (Midnight) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Earlier this week I reviewed the Cartoon Colors Orko, one of the figure the Castle Grayskull series of blind boxed Masters of the Universe series of ReAction figures and today I'm checking out a villain from the Snake Mountain: Midnight Skeletor! Like the heroic series the villainous series includes four characters (Skeletor, Trap Jaw, Merman, and Beast Man) each in two different variants. While the main figures (with a 2/12 rarity) come in their classic cartoon colors, the variants with a 1/2 rarity are a bit more unusual. This version of Skeletor is referred to as the Midnight variant and I gotta admit that he looks really, really cool. While Skeletor typically looks the same, he's a character who looks fantastic in alternate color schemes. This grey and black Skeletor with red eyes is absolutely striking. While he's just a simple repaint of the standard Skeletor, he's just too cool for school. Let's check him out after the break...
Friday, May 24, 2019
Minifigure Review: Black Clawtron Robot from Imaginext Collectible Figures Series 12 by Fisher-Price
Recently I acquired all of the figures from the 12th series of Imaginext Collectible Figures from Fisher-Price and today I'm going to start reviewing them all. I'm starting off with what might be the coolest figure in the set: The Black Clawtron Robot. Series 10 and Series 11 both had figures based on the Fisher-Price Adventure People toyline and series 12 continues the pattern. Clawtron was a character from Adventure People and while Fisher-Price hasn't been 100% faithful to the vintage toy, this Imaginext figure is definitely recognizable. Let's check out the Black Clawtron Robot after the break...
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Action Figure Review: Ram Man (Mini Comic) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out another one of the Variable Variants from Super7's Masters of the Universe ReAction line and this time it's the heroic human battering ram: Ram Man! I've already reviewed the standard Ram Man ReAction figure but this version comes in his mini comic colors from the vintage mini comic "He-Man meets Ram Man." Rather than being depicted with his red tunic and green pants, this guy's outfit is a mixture of orange and maroon. For some folks this will be an easy pass but for Ram Man fans and, of course, fans of the ReAction line who love the unusual variants, this is a pretty cool offering. Let's check out Ram Man (Mini Comic) after the break...
Monday, May 20, 2019
Action Figure Review: Han Solo (Mimban) from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
I finally got my hands on the final figure from the latest series of Star Wars: The Black Series figures from Hasbro thanks to a GameStop preorder: Han Solo in the Mudtrooper outfit he wears on Mimban. Solo had some of the best costume designs of any of the Disney era Star Wars films and the Mudtrooper design was a great design that managed to expand the Imperial legions while still hearkening back to the Original Trilogy sensibilities. Hasbro continues to improve the Black Series and this version of Han might easily be one of the best figures ever released in the entire series. Not only is this an incredible Han Solo variant but it also can be used as an army builder as well. Let's check out Han Solo (Mimba) after the break...
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Action Figure Review: Orko (Cartoon Colors) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out another ReAction figure from Super7's line of Masters of the Universe ReAction figures only this time it is one of their blind boxed offerings. Yes, for some reason Super7 decided to release blind boxed ReAction figures. There are two different assortments (one for heroes and one for villains) with each assortment including four characters. Oh, and each character has a variant. So...16 blind boxed figures. Crazy, huh? Yeah... anyways I did pick up one figure from each of the assortments and from the Castle Grayskull heroic assortment I ended up with Orko. I love Orko but this guy is really, really similar to the Orko figure Super7 just released. The differences are extremely minor but this Orko is actually based more on the Filmation cartoon color while the previous Orko is based on the toy version. Let's check out the cartoon colors Orko after the break...
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Action Figure Review: Man-At-Arms from Masters of the Universe by Super7
Today I'm checking out another figure from Super7's newest series of vintage styled Masters of the Universe figures and this time it's a Filmation styled version of Duncan, the Man-At-Arms to the Eternian royal family. While most of the vintage toys differed from their Filmation counterparts, Man-At-Arms always really stood out to me due to his mustache. Without the stache, the vintage toy just seems like a completely different character. Super7's current run of vintage inspired figures are all based on the Filmation cartoon (apparently a Mattel directive, as Mattel seems to be interested in doing something with the license again fairly soon) and thus have a different aesthetic from the original toyline. Seeing as Man-At-Arms is one of the core cast members from the vintage series, his presence here is very welcome. Let's check him out after the break...
Friday, May 17, 2019
Action Figure Review: Mer-Man (Carry Case Color) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out another one of Super7's Variable Variants from the Masters of the Universe line and this time is Mer-Man in his Carry Case Colors. What does that title refer to you might ask? It actually refers to the the blue colored Mer-Man on the vintage Jumbo Collectors Case. Yeah, this figure is based on the specific color scheme of a character from a 1980s action figure carrying case. That might be scraping the bottom of the barrel just a bit, huh? OK, I kid, I kid. I actually like the unusual themed variants that Super7 is throwing out here. It's fun for folks who like that kind of stuff and it's a great way to make Mer-Man available to the masses again. This is actually the first ReAction Mer-Man I own so let's check him out after the break...
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Action Figure Review: Beast Man from Masters of the Universe by Super7
While I've reviewed one of Super7's first attempts at recreating a true vintage Masters of the Universe action figure, I didn't review any of their first full series of vintage styled MOTU figures based on the Filmation designs. The first series apparently had a lot of problems and I skipped most of them (I own She-Ra and she's great, though I never reviewed her). The second series just hit and I decided to pick them up. The first figure from the new series I'm looking at is "Biff" Beast Man. Strange things are happening with the Masters of the Universe license now and one oddity is that it appears like Mattel has restricted Super7 to mostly making figures styled after the Filmation cartoon rather than figures from other mediums such as minicomics and such. The Filmation characters always seem to be a hit, though, so let's check out Skeletor's number one numbskull after the break...
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Action Figure Review: Man-At-Arms (Movie) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out another Masters of the Universe ReAction figure from Super7's Variable Variants series and this time it's a Man-At-Arms figure inspired by the 1987 film. I actually don't own the standard ReAction Man-At-Arms so this is my first time checking out this sculpt. I am actually a pretty big fan of the 1987 Masters of the Universe film, so getting a movie inspired Man-At-Arms is a real treat. Jon Cypher's portrayal of Man-At-Arms is easily my favorite portrayal of the character from any media source. Cypher really captured the character's nature as both a tough, dedicated veteran and a loyal, fatherly influence. Plus, his costume is excellent. While the colors are different the design was an excellent translation of Duncan's battle armor. While we're not getting a William Stout inspired Man-At-Arms from Super7 in their upcoming subset of MOTUC figures, this is an OK consolation prize. Let's check him out after the break...
Monday, May 13, 2019
Action Figure Review: The Faun from The Guillermo del Toro Signature Collection by NECA
Considering that the film is about 12 years old now would you have ever imagined that Pan's Labyrinth would now finally receive action figures? The Guillermo del Toro Signature Collection is one of the most exciting lines NECA has released lately and it continues with the Faun. The titular character from Pan's Labyrinth, the Faun is one of the most interesting look film creatures of all time and a great character that always leaves you guessing at his true intentions. NECA is the perfect company to take the terrifyingly beautiful designs from del Toro's imagination and turn them into action figures and they're doing a heck of a job. Today it seems that most toylines rely on heavy reuse in order to minimize costs, so a line with such unique and outrageous designs like this is a real treat. Let's check out Ofelia's guide to the land of faerie after the break...
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Action Figure Review: Hordak (Grey) from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out the first figure from a new series of Masters of the Universe ReAction figures that Super7 has referred to as Variable Variants: "Grey" Hordak. Yeah, Super7 is referring to this toy version of Hordak as Hordak (Grey") but, with the red stripes on the sides of his armor, he's really based on the Malaysian Hordak figure from the vintage Masters of the Universe toyline. Interestingly, many of the vintage figures released in (or even just produced in) different countries had lots of little variants. Super7 released a Hordak ReAction figure previously in this line in a 2-pack with She-Ra but he was based on the cartoon version. Let's check out this Malaysian Hordak tribute after the break...
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Action Figure Review: Teela from Masters of the Universe Ultimates by Super7
I recently acquired the Masters of the Universe Ultimates Teela from Super7, which was one of the first Masters of the Universe Classics figures offered by Super7 at the end of 2017 after the took over the brand from Mattel. Super7 offered Teela, along with He-Man, Skeletor, Ram Man, and Faker, as Ultimate edition figures that included multiple heads and accessories as a way to get the most prominent characters from MOTU back into the line. Teela was originally released in 2009 at the beginning of MOTUC and while Mattel did release a Battleground Teela and pilot Teela with the Talon Fighter, she's typically been one of the most difficult core characters to get. While she's now tough to find again (the Ultimates shot up in value quickly) I'm pretty pleased to have another Teela. While Teela is one of the core characters from the series it always feels like she gets neglected by toy manufacturers. Out of all of the product they released, the only Teela Funko made was the Pint Size Hero version. What gives? Let's show Teela some more love!
Friday, May 10, 2019
Minifigure Review: Heroes Vs. Villains Gift Pack #1 from Masters of the Universe by Mattel
I'm always down for checking out Masters of the Universe stuff and today I'm checking out something from the 200x line that is a bit off the beaten path: The Heroes Vs. Villains Gift Pack #1 from Mattel. While I imagine that most folks are familiar with the 2002 toyline designed by the Four Horsemen did you know that Mattel actually made a number of mini-figure versions of these characters? I don't remember them all that well as they were never the main focus of the line but they're interesting nonetheless. At between 2 and 3 inches they also kind of remind me of Mattel's Mega Force figures, which I loved as a kid. I was at a retro toy and game store a few weeks back and I found this set new in the box for $12 bucks. Sounded like a deal! Let's check out the set after the break...
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Action Figure Review: Stinkor #657 from POP! Television: Masters of the Universe by Funko
Today I'm checking out another Masters of the Universe POP! vinyl figure and this time it's Stinkor. Stinkor was the 2018 SDCC exclusive and was also released as a generic Summer 2018 convention exclusive version for FYE stores as well (the figure inside seems to be exactly the same). I still have a very vivid memory of my mom buying me the vintage Stinkor. This must have been in 1987 because I remember my mom taking me to see the re-release of Snow White and to McDonalds as well during the same trip. It's funny how stuff like that sticks out in your mind, isn't it? I hope my little one remembers stuff like that when she's older. Anyways, what's funny about Stinkor is that as a young child I never realized how often MOTU figures reused body parts and armor. Stinkor is a fully Frankensteined figure as he reuses Mer-Man's complete body along with Mekaneck's armor and a shield from the Castle Grayskull Weapons Rack. Add in some new colors and a wicked smell effect and you've got a brand new character! Stinkor is one of my favorites simply because of the novelty of his smell feature (patchouli oil was mixed into the plastic). Stinkor may trigger some smell memories for you, which makes him all the better. Let's check him out after the break...
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Action Figure Review: Skeletor from Los Amos Del Universo ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out a pretty unique ReAction figure from Super7's Masters of the Universe line, err, should I say their Los Amos Del Universo line: Skeletor! The vintage Masters of the Universe line was popular worldwide and the figures were made in many countries, including Mexico. In Mexico the line was called Los Amos Del Universo and the figures were slightly different due to molding differences as well as being packaged in boxes. Last year Super7 released some exclusive MOTU items for the Unboxing Toy Convention in Mexico City, Mexico and two of the releases were ReAction figures. Today I'm looking at one of the figures, Skeletor, in a very different color scheme. Based on the recolored art of the Mexican version of the minicomic "Battle in the Clouds" this figure gives Skeletor a much more pastel color scheme. He kind of looks like an Easter egg, doesn't he? Let's check out this unusual Skeletor variation after the break...
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