Remember how I had to review a figure of the Sorceress in order to add Zoar in for Masters of the Universe Month 2021? Well, I'm going to have to review Evil-Lyn in order to give Screeech his spot this month as I'm trying to cover different versions of all of characters, beasts, and vehicles from the 1983 series of vintage MOTU toys. Now I actually have already reviewed Evil-Lyn for this month as she's first appeared in the 1983 line as well but keep in mind that 1. This is all about Screeech and 2. I rarely need much coaxing to review a Masters of the Universe Classics figure. Evil-Lyn (and Screech) were released in April 2010, just a little over 11 years ago, and I remember ordering her, or trying to order her, from Matty Collector. Moss Man was my first MOTUC figure and Evil-Lyn was the first figure I ordered (or attempted to order) on the day of sale. Ready for a look at this evil sorceress and her evil barbarian bird? Then join me after the break...
The Facts:
Height: 6 7/8ths inches
Articulation: Hinged ankle rockers, hinged ankles, boot swivels, hinged
knees, swivel thighs, swivel/hinge hips, swivel/hinge shoulders, bicep
swivels, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, and a double balljointed head.
Accessories: Dagger, wand orb, short wand, staff, Screeech, perch, and bird armor.
Year of Release: 2010
The Positives:
* Evil-Lyn shared the same basic body as Teela, just like the vintage Evil-Lyn did, but her bright yellow skin and blue outfit really makes her stand out from the rest of the crowd. The detail on her one-piece, which appears to be a slightly rubbery overlay that covers her torso, and on her bicep bands and bracers is excellent. The paint applications are excellent and really show off all of the details. I especially like the metallic highlights as it just makes her armor stand out all the more.
* Evil-Lyn turned out really nice! The Four Horseman did excellent work on the headsculpts in this line and Evil-Lyn is fantastic. The paint work, especially her green eye shadow, really highlights her features. She has a fairly neutral expression on her face though she does look rather serious and quite stern. The work on her headdress is really good and matches the solid paintwork on her outfit.
* While the MOTUC Classics body is a bit outdated these days I still really like it. They're fun, durable figures and the articulation scheme really preserves the look of the sculpt. I have no complaints.
* Evil-Lyn comes with two different wands. Well, more accurately, she comes with the staff of two different wands. She has one headpiece but you can swap out either the short wand, like the vintage toy, for a longer staff, more like the 200x version of the character. It's a cool feature and just one of the was that MOTUC felt like a more deluxe and exciting toyline when it first came out.
* The wand itself looks really cool. There are some great paint highlights on it and the orb atop the wand is made from translucent plastic, giving it a mystical, magical look!
* Evil-Lyn also comes toting a dagger. It's a wicked looking thing with a jagged blade and a small skull shaped pommel. This is another item inspired by the 200x version of the character and it's a cool little addition to help Evil-Lyn in her sorcery!
* Screeech has hinged wings and swivel talons and can stand atop the included perch. It's a cool accessory since the vintage toy had one and it allows the falcon to be displayed on your shelf. Screeech stays perched with out much difficulty.
* Last, but not least, Screeech comes toting some serious battle armor. There are missiles, a laser cannon, and presumably lots of other gadgets that help give Screeech an edge in combat.
Evil-Lyn is an Epic figure and another very sold release form the era when MOTUC was just about the hottest thing around. She's got great accessories, a great sculpt, and Screeech as a companion. You were getting a lot of extras with some of these early figures in MOTUC and it made them, feel very deluxe and very exciting. Screeech definitely isn't that popular, despite everyone seemingly having owned one as a kid, but it was nice that MOTUC paid tribute to the vintage toy.
If you're a fan of Evil-Lyn I've also reviewed the M.U.S.C.L.E. Evil-Lyn from the Masters of the Universe green boxed set, Tweeterhead's Evil-Lyn bust, the ReAction Evil-Lyn, Super7's neo-vintage Evil-Lyn, the Monogram International Evil-Lyn bag clip, the standard Evil-Lyn POP! + Pez dispenser and the Evil-Lyn (Metallic) POP! + Pez Dispenser, the Rock Candy Evil-Lyn, the MOTU Origins Evil-Lyn, the Mega Construx Evil-Lyn and Evil-Lyn (series 2)and Mega Construx Heroes Evil-Lyn.
Battle Lion
Beast Man
Beast Man (Blood Red Henchman)
Blast Attak
"Buzz Saw" Hordak
Camo Khan
Castle Grayskull
Clamp Champ
End of Wars Weapon Pak
Evil Seed
Eternia Pine Deodorant
Fang Man
The Fighting Foe Men
Galactic Protector He-Man
Galactic Protector She-Ra
General Sundar
Goat Man
Granamyr (Green Power-Con exclusive)Grizzlor
Heads of Eternia
He-Ro II
Horde Prime
Horde Troopers
Horde Zombie He-Man
Hover Robots
Intergalactic Skeletor
King Chooblah
King He-Man
Laser Power He-Man & Laser Light Skeletor
Lizard Man
Loo-Kee and Kowl
Lord Dactus
Lord Masque
Mara of Primus
Moss Man (Unflocked Ears)
Night Stalker
Ninja Warrior/ Ninjor
Queen Grayskull
Rokkon & Stonedar
Rotar and Twistoid
Sea Hawk
Sir Laser-Lot
Sky High with Jet Sled
Slamurai and Snake Troopers
Snake Armor He-Man and Battle Armor King Hsss
Snake Face
Spirit of Grayskull
Spirit of Hordak
Stackable Stands
Strong-or/ Strongarm
Terror Claws Skeletor & Flying Fists He-Man
Trap Jaw
Tung Lashor
Two Bad
The Unnamed One
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