Today is the last of my reviews wrapping up stuff released in 2021 so tomorrow get ready for stuff that's brand new for 2022! Today's wrap up review is from the Four Horsemen's Mythic Legions line and it's another of their Masters of the Universe tribute characters. This time we're looking at Bryophytus, a lichen orc who pays tribute to my favorite vintage MOTU figure, Moss Man. I've always loved Moss Man and ever since the 2010 release of the Masters of the Universe Classics Moss Man, that version has been my favorite. While Bryophytus isn't technically Moss Man, he might just be the best Moss Man there is to date. With a name deriving from Greek and Latin, Bryophtyus plays off of the plant family bryophytes, of which moss is a part of. Bryophytus basically means "Moss Plant" or "Moss Tree." Bryophytus was part of the All-Stars 4 series and shipped in early December 2021. Let's check out Bryophytus after the break and see why he's all the rage among Moss Man aficionados these days....
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Monday, January 31, 2022
Friday, January 28, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Evil-Lyn from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Mattel
I ended up skipping reviewing the standard Man-At-Arms and Powers of Grayskull He-Man since they were pretty similar to other releases (I'm sure I'll come back to them at some point) but I didn't want to skip Evil-Lyn. I haven't found Sorceress or Orko yet but I did get Evil-Lyn for Christmas and I was quite excited for her. I really enjoy the Netflix He-Man and the Masters of the Universe show as it's putting something out that's quite different yet still feels like MOTU to me and I'm thrilled the second season was just announced. The toyline has been rather average so far. Obviously these figures are truly made for kids in mind and I do applaud Mattel for putting out a variety of characters, having plenty of stuff in the pipeline, and keeping these at a fairly reasonable price point. From what I've seen most of the stuff other than the Chaos Snake Attack and the 8.5 inch Battle Armor He-Man seemed to disappear from the shelves during Christmas, so the line clearly has fans. In this take on MOTU both the heroes and villains can be transformed, so Skeletor at one point has his Dark Masters. usually Evil-Lyn is just Evelyn, a Word Witch working with Keldor and Kronis, but when transformed by the Havoc Power of Skeletor's Havoc Staff she becomes Evil-Lyn. Let's see how she turned out after the break...
Wrapping Up 2021: Beast Man (Lords of Power) from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
It's time for the final figure from series 6 of Masters of the Universe Origins so get yourself ready for a look at another take on the Lords of Power Beast Man. This figure is really a repaint of Beast Man from the 2020 Power-Con Lords of Power set but I was surprised to find that I actually like the colors on this version better. It looks closer to the artwork of Mark Taylor, the designer and creator who passed away on December 24th, 2021. Read some books about Masters of the Universe or watch some of the documentaries available and it's clear that the creation of MOTU was a group effort. While credit must be given to Roger Sweet, I (and many others) credit Mark Taylor with not just designing the line but with bringing the heart and soul to it. Just look at the artwork of Mr. Taylor and you'll automatically recognize that he had these ideas in his mind and in his art for years prior to the line being pitched. It's really cool to see the Lords of Power Beast Man get a mainstream release so let's take a look at him after the break...
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Webstor from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
Ready for the third figure from series 6 of Masters of the Universe Origins? It's Webstor, the Evil Master of Escape! I remember getting Webstor for Christmas as a kid one year, probably 1987 or 1988. I wasn't born until after MOTU was already out so I got into it a bit later and probably got lots of toys that were still hanging around on shelves. I remember getting him the same year that I got the Slime Pit. How funny that I got him on Christmas morning 30 some years later, huh? I'm always happy to see the guy show up as he's a really creepy character and I dig his blue and purple color scheme and that bright orange rifle. This version of Webstor also has a working action feature, just like the vintage toy. How cool is that? Let's check him out after the break...
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Stinkor from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
I'm close to wrapping up 2021 releases and I'm continuing to check out the sixth series of Masters of the Universe Origins figures, most of which I received for Christmas. Today I'm looking at Stinkor, the Evil Master of Odors. I loved Stinkor as a kid and I'm excited to see him in Origins. I recently reviewed the Masterverse Stinkor based on his appearance in Masters of the Universe: Revelation and I still think that was one of the best figures of last year. Is the Origins Stinkor quite as good as that figure? Let's take a look and see after the break...
Wrapping Up 2021: Eternian Goddess from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
I received series 6 of Mattel's Masters of the Universe Origins for Christmas and I wanted to make sure I reviewed them before getting too far into the new year as series 6 has some pretty unique characters in it. One of the most unique is the Eternian Goddess, also known as just the Goddess, or the Green Goddess, or the Sorceress, or Teela as the deity of the Snakemen. Yeah, the Goddess is kind of all over the place. The original version of the character stems from the original vintage minicomic "He-Man and the Power Sword" in which the Goddess (referred to as "Sorceress") is rescued by He-Man. Recognizing him as a prophesized hero of sorts, she gives him the ancient treasures and weapons she has been guarding. She's completely separate from Teela though she looks like a green version of Teela wearing the armor she comes with. Over time the Goddess disappears, replaced by the Sorceress Teela-Na who was prominent in Filmation, and it's only been within the last 15 years or so that she's regained her own unique identity as Sharella, a guide and deity who protects the Power Sword and guides heroes before the time of He-Man. It seems that in the vintage toyline there were originally plans at one point for two figures, the warrior Teela and the magical Goddess/ Sorceress but being concerned about too many female figures in the line the figures were combined. Weird, huh? Anyways, the Goddess has become a popular character and since she both has roots in the earliest minicomics and she's an easy repaint of Teela Mattel included her here. Let's take a look at the Eternian Goddess after the break...
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Power Sword Scaled Prop Replica (Chromatic Variant) from Masters of the Universe by Factory Entertainment
As I'm wrapping up stuff I picked up in 2021 I figured I'd take a quick look at the Power-Con 2021 exclusive Chromatic Power Sword scaled prop replica from Factory Entertainment. Factory Entertainment has been putting out a good bit of Masters of the Universe prop replicas and while there 1:1 scaled items are fairly expensive, these smaller scaled releases are affordable and it's easier to find room to display them. Factory Entertainment released the standard He-Man Power Sword in 2020 and Skeletor's sword in 2021 but for Power-Con 2021 they released a chromatic variant that has a really cool color scheme to it. It puts me in the mind of carnival glass, which is kind of neat. It's a unique take on the Power Sword and it looks really cool on display so I decided to pick it up. It's part of a limited run of 1,000 and you can still pick them up, so that's something. Maybe there's just not a huge market for these? Let's take a look at the Chromatic Variant of the Power Sword after the break...
Monday, January 24, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Scareglow (Classic Variant) from Masters of the Universe by Mondo
2021 was a very good year for Scare Glow and for fans of the evil, glowing ghost. Not only did Scare Glow have a pretty sizeable role in Masters of the Universe: Revelation but there was also quit a bit of Scare Glow merchandise released. Today I'm looking at the last Scare Glow piece released in 2021: Mondo's Scareglow (Classic Variant) from their 1/6th scaled Masters of the Universe line. Scare Glow (for some reason Mondo calls him Scareglow, but the official name seems to be Scare Glow) went up for sale on October 19th, 2021 and I received him in the mail in early December. Not a bad turn around time if you ask me. Mondo actually released a previous version of Scare Glow in early 2020 but that one had some design choices that made it seem a bit off. This one is more of a true update of the vintage toy and since Scare Glow is such a popular figure Mondo decided to double dip on ol' Karak Nul. He was a fairly limited release and sold out quickly, so it was obviously a good decision on their part. How did this second version of Scare Glow turn out? Let's find out after the break...
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: She-Ra from Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips by Monogram International
Today I'm wrapping up my reviews of the second series of Monogram International's Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips with a look at She-Ra. She-Ra was originally released as a bag clip in a 2019 SDCC exclusive set (which I don't have) and that same sculpt was reused in 2021 as one of the MOTU magnets. For series 2 Monogram International has given us a completely new sculpt that shows off more of She-Ra's outfit and gives her a shield as well. That's a pretty nice touch! I'm a huge She-Ra fan and I'm always glad when we get She-Ra collectibles, especially when it's a standard release and not just an exclusive. Let's all shout "For the Honor of Grayskull!" together and take a look at She-Ra after the break...
Friday, January 21, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Teela from Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips by Monogram International
Series 2 definitely fills in the rest of the main Masters of the Universe cast nicely and I'm especially glad to see Teela here. Usually I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Teela since she's one of the A-listers of Masters of the Universe but Funko has me always anxious to see her now since they've had the MOTU license for almost a decade and they have only produced one Teela item (a Pint Sized Heroes minifigure). Monogram International has been producing MOTu stuff for less than three years now and they've already got Teela on shelves. How about that? Let's take a look at the warrior goddess Teela after the break...
Wrapping Up 2021: Hordak from Masters of the Universe Figural Bag Clips by Monogram International
I'm going to be moving pretty quickly through these MOTU Figural Bag Clips from Monogram International and while I'm not going to review all of them I am covering the highlights. Series 2 includes 11 bag clips. There's Tri-Klops, Trap Jaw, Man-At-Arms, and Battle Cat (who appeared in the Walmart exclusive 3-packs), She-Ra, Moss Man, Teela, Hordak, and 2 new variants of He-Man and Skeletor, and Panthor who is the chase figure (technically Battle Cat is, also, but he came in the 3-pack and isn't rare or hard to find). I'm glad to see the Evil Horde represented here as it gives me a little hope that Monogram International may go a little deeper with the license in the future. Think we'll ever see more Horde members and perhaps even the Snake Men? Let's take a look at the Hordak bag clip after the break and see how much evil has been crammed into such a small package....
Wrapping Up 2021: Moss Man from Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips by Monogram International
I've only got about 10 days left in January which is when I'll stop wrapping up the 2021 reviews and move on to the new stuff for 2022. Today I'm going to start checking out some of the second series figures from Monogram International's really cool Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips. Series 1 came out back in early 2020, which now seems like a lifetime ago, and series 2 just started showing up in October. Well, kind of. It turns out that some of the series 2 clips were released in the Walmart exclusive 3-packs over the summer so I didn't have as many from series 2 to track down. I stumbled upon these in a Books-a-Million back in late November or early December but since I already had four of the figures from the Walmart exclusive 3-packs, I decided I would just track them down loose online. For this series Monogram International has placed a cardboard sleeve over the clips so you'll have a harder time telling what you're getting (Boo! Hiss!). Anyways, my daughter picked one up and felt it and convinced me it was Teela. I decided to go for it and picked this one up. It turned out to be Moss Man, my favorite MOTU character! How awesome, right? I love Moss Man and I'm always excited when he makes his way into any MOTU toyline. Let's take a look at this (unscented) MOTU figural bag clip of Moss Man after the break...
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Hordak (Mondo Exclusive) from Masters of the Universe by Mondo
Back in May of 2021 put both the standard and Mondo exclusive Hordak figures on order and I quickly grabbed the exclusive. A few months later they even put out a Filmation inspired variant with Imp, but I skipped that one. Mondo has been putting these 1/6th scale Masters of the Universe figures since 2019 and they've been a line I've really enjoyed. The price has really jumped on these, though; He-Man and Skeletor were around $160-$165 in 2019, Keldor was $185 in April 2021, and Hordak was $230-$240 in May of 2021. Yikes! The standard Hordak includes his crossbow and staff while the Mondo exclusive also includes an alternate arm cannon hand with the spinning blade and spinning mace attachments from the vintage Hurricane Hordak figure. Mondo does their own thing with these figures, sort of borrowing from various sources to craft a new look for the character. Let's take a look at the Mondo exclusive Hordak after the break and see if he's fit to lead the Evil Horde....
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Torn from Final Faction by Greenbrier International
Series 1 of Final Faction was pretty straight forward: The heroic human Alpha Team 1 versus the evil alien Kharn. Series 2 begins to mix things up a bit with the introduction of Torn, a mysterious covert agent who appears to help fight the Kharn and then disappears again. Seemingly human but armed with unearthly technology, there are definitely doubts cast about Torn's true loyalties. Torn has a pretty neat design and adds an interesting "wild card" character into the mix. Let's take a look at Torn after the break as I wrap up the 2021 releases from Final Faction...
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Spc. Scope from Final Faction by Greenbrier International
I'm making my way through the 2021 Final Faction releases and next up is Spc. Scope from Alpha Team 1. Specialist Scope is the sniper of Alpha Team 1 and the brother of Specialist Shift from series 1. He's a cool figure and one of the neatest looking humans in the line thanks to his slick metallic red armor. If you haven't read any of my other reviews of this series yet keep in mind that these are exclusive to Dollar Tree and only cost $1 a figure. Let's take a look at Specialist Scope after the break...
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Churro & FD-0 from Final Faction by Greenbrier International
Ready for more of the Final Faction? Today I'm checking out what is absolutely one of the coolest action figures released in 2021: Churro and FD-0. According to the bio on the back of the card (something the $1 Dollar Tree exclusive line can apparently include that most companies can't) Churro is the canine pal of Steadfast, the leader of Alpha Team 1, and the pilot of the FD-0 mech. Yeah, he actually helps the team fight the Kharn. That's pretty cool! Churro was shown in the cartoon released alongside the first series of figures but didn't make his appearance in stores until series 2. He's a really cool figure and I'm excited to check this guy out. I love dogs and I've always loved dogs included in action figures as a companion and robotic dog toy, so Churro is absolutely a treat for me. Let's check him out after the break...
Wrapping Up 2021: Arrow ATV Weapons & Armor from Final Faction by Greenbrier International
On Thursday I reviewed the Arrow ATV from Final Faction, the line of 1/18th scale sci-fi/ military figures exclusive to Dollar Tree stores. Like the action figures themselves, the Arrow ATV costs $1. I was running errands this morning and bought some beef jerky while running around. It cost more than $1. The Arrow ATV is pretty basic, though, so for another $1 you can buy the Arrow ATV Weapons & Armor battle ready conversion kit to trick it out. Like the Arrow ATV, the Weapons & Armor pack comes in a small cardboard box. You've seen what a $1 vehicle looks like so how about a $2 vehicle? Let's check out the Weapons & Armor kit after the break...
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Arrow ATV from Final Faction by Greenbrier International
Have you heard about Final Faction? Over the next couple of days I'm going to be talking about Final Faction, one of the most interesting toylines of the past few years. The first figures were released at the end of 2020 but I didn't pick them up until last year and just never got around to reviewing them. In December some figures and a vehicle from the second series dropped so I'm finally giving the line some attention on Action Figure Barbecue. For those of you not familiar with Final Faction, it's a 1/18th scaled toyline about the special operatives of Alpha Team 1 defending Earth from the Kharn, an Alien collective intent on plundering Earth's natural resources in the year 2050. OK, that's cool, so what's the claim to fame of this line? They're exclusive to Dollar Tree and they cost $1 each. Yes, the figures are $1. There are also currently six very cool accessory packs with extra gear for the humans and the aliens. Guess how much those cost? Yup, $1. Today I'm checking out the first vehicle in the line, the Arrow ATV. It's a 1/18th scaled ATV that the figures can ride in. Guess what? It also costs $1. While just being cheap isn't a quality in and of itself I think there's a lot of creativity and innovation in Final Faction. The team behind it is clearly very passionate (they have a very active Instagram page and regulalrly interact with the fan community) and are doing some neat stuff. In a world where Hasbro has started charging an extra $10 bucks because Boba Fett's armor is "deluxe" Final Faction is kind of refreshing.
The Arrow ATV is the first vehicle in the line and is a small transport for the heroic Alpha Team 1 members. It's basic, yeah, but only because there's an accessory pack that allows you to arm it with additional weapons and gear for another buck. That review is next but for now let's look at the basic Arrow ATV after the break...
Wrapping Up 2021: She-Ra on Swift Wind #279 from POP! Rides by Funko
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Sorceress from Masters of the Universe: Revelation Eternia Minis by Mattel
It's time to wrap up the Masters of the Universe: Revelation Eternia Minis reviews with a look at a fantastic minifigure: Sorceress! While released under the MOTU: Revelation banner, the Sorceress seems like one of those figures that can work equally well with the classic/ vintage styled Eternia Minis. Her looks is pretty classic styled for sure and she ought to fit right in with your collection. The Sorceress has long been a core of MOTU and I really like how Revelation told her story, leading to her passing the mantle of the Sorceress of Grayskull to Teela. I also really loved the relationship between the Sorceress/ Teela Na and Man-At-Arms/ Duncan in Revelation. I'd love a 3 pack of Duncan, Teela Na, and baby Teela, but I doubt Mattel would ever relese that, huh? Let's let the Sorceress cast a spell on us and check her out after the break...
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Faker from Masters of the Universe: Revelation Eternia Minis by Mattel
Wrapping up 2021: Mercenary Teela from Masters of the Universe: Revelation Eternia Minis by Mattel
As I'm wrapping up stuff I picked up in 2021 I'm making my way through the second series of Mattel's Masters of the Universe: Revelation Eternia Mins with a look at Mercenary Teela. Based on her appearance in the second episodes of the series, Teela is wearing the black robe and protective mask she wears when she encounters Stinkor. It's cool to see another different look for Teela but how does this version fare as an articulated minifigure? Let's check her out after the break and find out...
Monday, January 10, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Metallic Faker from Masters of the Universe: Revelation Eternia Minis by Mattel
Mattel released quite a few Eternia Minis in 2021 including two series to coincide with the release of Masters of the Universe: Revelation. The second series only had three new characters in it and I'm going to be reviewing them over the next day or two. Let's kick things off with a quick look at the Metallic Faker figure. I guess the intention was for these metallic variants to be something of a chase variant. It kind of works for Faker, though, who looks much more like a traditional robot in Revelation than most of his toy incarnations ever have. Prepare to be faked out after the break...
Wrapping Up 2021: Zodac & Scubattack from Masters of the Universe by Mega Construx
Mega Construx had a weaker year in 2021 than in 2020 but they still had a few nice sets and some solid minifigures released. One of the most unusual ideas for Mega Construx in 2021 was the introduction of the minisets packaged inside of a little Skeletor head. There were four of these; three released very early in 2021 and then a set with Zodac and the Scubattack mixed in to the assortment later in the year. I found mine back in October but with so much stuff coming out I'm just getting around to checking it out. Zodac was already released in 2020 in the Panthor at Point Dread set but the Scubattack hasn't been utilized in toy form since it's original 1987 release as part of the vintage Masters of the Universe line. One of the Power Pak sets (along with the Cliff Climber and Tower Tools) the Scubattack was one of the last accessory packs/ small vehicles released in the vintage line, so it's fun to see Mattel revisit it. Zodac is an odd choice for inclusion here but at least he's not a figure we've seen multiple times like He-Man or Skeletor. Clamp Champ was one of the figures wearing the armor on the vintage packaging so he would have been an excellent inclusion. Anyways, let's dive in and check out the Zodac & Scubattack set after the break...
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Skeletor from Flextreme!: Masters of the Universe by Mattel
Friday, January 7, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: He-Man from Flextreme!: Masters of the Universe by Mattel
2021 saw an absolute flood of Masters of the Universe toys. Seriously, I'm not sure if there's beena year since the 1980s where so MOTU product came out. Companies like Funko, Tweeterhead, Monogram International, Beeline Creative Inc. and Mondo, among others, all jumped in with product but Mattel was clearly the king this year From Mattel alone we had Masterverse, Origins, Eternia Minis, Mega Construx, He-man and the Masters of the Universe, Hot Wheels, Shogun Masters, Micro Collection, and now Flextreme!. Flextreme! didn't get a big release, though, and seemed to just show up at outlet stores like Big Lots and Ollie's (that's where mine were found) already on clearance. Maybe these were straight up intended as a bargain product for holiday shoppers looking for inexpensive gifts to fill stockings? So, what is a Flextreme!? They're 7 inch scaled hard rubber, bendable figures. Mattel has used the branding for a few other properties as well (DC Comcis, WWE) but they're nothing I've ever paid attention too. I was hoping they'd be a bit more like Stretch Armstrong or Goo Jit Zu, a toyline from Moose Toys that my daughter really likes which has some really fun designs and action features. They're not, though; they're just larger traditional bendy figures. Let's take a quick look at the Flextreme! He-Man after the break...
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Snake Eyes & Timber: Alpha Commandos from G.I. Joe Classified Series by Hasbro
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe Classified Series by Hasbro
I've got two more G.I. Joe Classified Series figures to wrap up for 2022 and the first is Snake Eyes from the Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins movie released in 2021. I still haven't seen the movie yet as it just hasn't appealed to me that much. I largely ignored the Classified Series tie-in figures except for Baroness but there was a sale in December at GameStop and I ended up finding Snake Eyes for a pretty good price. Shop around and you'll surely find this guy for as low as $10 or so. Since he's completely masked I figured I could still use him with the rest of the Classified Series figures. I do like the sleek costume as it gives a slightly different look to the character. While it seems that the film and product was a flop, Hasbro did put out some nice figures that mostly blend in well with the main Classified Series line. Let's check out Snake Eyes after the break and see if he's worth rolling the dice on....
Monday, January 3, 2022
Wrapping Up 2021: Master of Disguise Zartan from G.I. Joe Classified Series by Hasbro
It's now officially time to start wrapping up my action figure reviews of stuff from 2021 and since November and December were filled with releases I'll be working overtime in January to catch up. I'm currently in a bit of a G.I. Joe Classified Series mini marathon and today I'm checking out Master of Disguise Zartan, the deluxe Hasbro Pulse Convention exclusive version of Zartan who went up for sale in late October. I received mine in mid December so I'm not too behind, I guess. Hasbro has been getting a lot of flack about their "deluxe" offerings of late, especially in Star Wars: The Black Series, but Zartan is absolutely what a deluxe offering should be. This guy has so many alternate heads and incredibly cool accessories that you'll definitely be quite pleased even with the higher than usual price. The standard Zartan figure released in early 2021 was pretty good but this version, while mostly a repaint, still manages to top it. Let's take a look at Master of Disguise Zartan after the break...
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