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Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Action Figure Review: Clawful #1018 from POP! Television: Masters of the Universe by Funko
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Minifigure Review: Trap Jaw from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
Monday, September 28, 2020
Action Figure Review: P-1000 from Fortnite: Legendary Series by Jazwares
It's time for another review from Jazwares' Fortnite: Legendary series and this time we're getting a rather interesting variant of a previously released figure. Meet P-1000, the upgraded form of Peely! From what I've gathered through looking at the Fortnite wiki, P-1000 was created when Jonesy turned Peely into a smoothie and then built him a robotic body. Wow! That's incredibly weird, isn't it? I like that the Fortnite line gives us some very fun, random, and wacky toys, although I have to admit that P-1000 has some real problems. Let's check out P-1000 after the break and see why there are a few bad spots on this banana....
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Minifigure Review: Skeletor from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
It's time for another review from Mattel's Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis line and this time I'm checking out Skeletor from series 1. Hasn't there already been a Skeletor figure in the minis? Kind of. Back in 2013 Mattel released a Masters of the Universe He-Man and Skeletor 2-pack as an SDCC exclusive but those figures were larger than the minis we have now. When the line fully launched in 2014 through MattyCollector Mattel shrunk the figures down to just a little over 2 inches but didn't release a standard Skeletor. They only released Battle Armor Skeletor. Well, now we finally have a standard Skeletor in the main MOTU minis scale. Let's check him out after the break and see if he's still as evil despite being a minute menace!
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Toy Review: Trap Jaw from Vinyl SODA by Funko
Minifigure Review: Ram Man from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
I love Ram Man and I was really excited to learn that Mattel was putting Ram Man in the first series of the Eternia Minis as he's one of my favorites. Ram Man was supposed to be released in the second series of MattyCollector's Masters of the Universe Minis back in 2015 (he would have been packaged along with Trap Jaw, who's also in this new series) but that series never came to fruition. Ram Man is such a cool character and Mattel always does an excellent job with him. His burly, human battering ram style just translates into the aesthetics of this line oh so well, too. Let's take a quick look at Ram Man after the break...
Friday, September 25, 2020
Action Figure Review: Webstor #997 (Metallic) from POP! Television: Masters of the Universe by Funko
Back in July I reviewed Funko's Webstor #997 POP! vinyl figure from Masters of the Universe. Webstor was part of the most recent full series of MOTU POP! vinyl releases and was a standard figure but we learned that there was an upcoming "Metallic" variant of Webstor, too. It was scheduled to be a Hot Topic exclusive and both POP! and MOTU collectors were checking Hot Topic's website anxiously to get their hands on the Evil Master of Escape. Well, it turns out that while the metallic Webstor variant was intended to be a Hot Topic exclusive he somehow ended up at Walmart, the current home of most MOTU collectibles. Apparently somewhere between production being completed and the figure shipping out Webstor's exclusivity changed. While Hot Topic has an online store that is still active I wonder if the change was made during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic when it seemed likely that Hot Topic stores would be closed for an unknown period of time. Since Walmart was already getting lots of MOTU exclusives and remained open, maybe Funko just swapped things around? What do you think? Let's jump in and take a look at this simple paint variant after the break...
Barbecue's Bonfire 9/24/2020: Something Wicked This Way Comes Edition
What's up everyone? We're less than a week away from October already! While the first half of the year seemed to go oh so slow the last month or two has just flown by! Halloween 2020 is going to be different for sure but I have hope that it's going to be great as well. One of the awesome things worth celebrating is this immensely cool new "Barbecue's Bonfire" banner that Matt from The Toy Box made for me. Isn't this amazing? This is what I really look like, by the way. That's actually a photograph of me outside my house and not Matt working his digital art magic or anything. I love it! So what else is new this week?
Recently I had a big box of goodness show up from Big Bad Toy store and it was filled with Super7 Ultimates! I got the entire first series of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates (Raphael, Foot Soldier, Baxter Stockman, and Splinter) as well as the Ultimates Toxie from Toxic Crusaders. It took BBTS a long time to get their Toxies in but they seemed to show up at the same time as the TMNT Ultimates, so all is well. I heard we're getting Usagi Yojimbo, too, though he might be marketed under his own name and not the TMNT banner.
More after the break...
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Minifigure Review: Man-At-Arms from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
Earlier this month I reviewed the first half of the new Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis and now it's time to start working on the second half. The second series is already out, too, so I'll be getting to those after finishing up the first series. Today I'm looking at Man-At-Arms who is rendered here in a more classic toy style. Man-At-Arms was released in the 2014 line of Masters of the Universe minis in a 2-pack with Faker but that version resembled the Masters of the Universe Classics version rather than vintage toy. Let's take a look at this new mini Man-At-Arms after the break...
Toy Review: Skeletor from POP! Tees: Masters of the Universe by Funko
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Toy Review: Masters of the Universe from Little People: Collector by Fisher Price
I'm a sucker for anything Masters of the Universe related and, yes, I'm getting ready to review some Little People. Some Masters of the Universe Little People, to be exact. If you were born in 1960 or anytime after, odds are that you had some little people as a kid. They've been around for a long time! I was born in the 1980s and I remember playing with them, mostly at my grandmother's house. My cousins had a lot of Little People and I'm sure I had some as well. My daughter had Little People (and still has them), though hers were different from mine. I remember both the wooden and the plastic "peg" people when I was little but the modern Little People are chunkier and all plastic with sculpted bodies. Fisher-Price has been attempting to capitalize on the nostalgia for both Little People and various fan properties by introducing the Little People: Collector brand. They've released Little People based on The Lord of the Rings, KISS, The Office, WWE, and now we've got Masters of the Universe. Mattel owns Fisher-Price, so it makes sense that they'd take advantage of the brandThe set of four figures (He-Man, Beast Man, Skeletor, and Man-At-Arms) just started shipping earlier this month and allow you and/ or your little ones to have some adventures in Eternia. Let's check out this fun little set after the break...
Monday, September 21, 2020
Action Figure Review: Baxter Stockman (Glow-in-the-Dark) from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates by Super7
Ready for some more Turtle Power? How about a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line? Then let's get ready for Super7's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates line, a new 6-7 inch scaled line of action figures based on the vintage Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line. Yes, these figures aren't based on a current piece of media, the comics, or the classic films; they're based on the 1988 Playmates toys that most of us had as kids. If you're at all familiar with Mattel and Super7's Masters of the Universe Classics or Thundercats figures then you might have an idea of what to expect as these follow a similar pattern: Larger, more detailed, and more articulated versions of the vintage figures. These are meant to punch you right in the nostalgia and they succeed in that for sure. The first full series has already arrived (mine showed up today) but a month or so ago I managed to be on Super7's website at the right time to order this cool exclusive Glow-in-the-Dark Baxter Stockman. Baxter Stockman was intended to be the SDCC 2020 exclusive but due to Covid-19 he was sold directly through Super7, meaning I actually had a chance to get him. He's a cool, glow in the dark bug and since I was eager to get my hands on this line and see how it turned out I ordered him. Ready for a look at this "Bug Zapper Blue" Baxter Stockman? Then join me after the break...
Friday, September 18, 2020
Barbecue's Bonfire 9/18/2020: Scareglow Birthday Cake Edition
Hey everyone! Barbecue's Bonfire for this week is popping up a bit later today than usual but that's because yesterday was my birthday and I had a lot going on! Last year my dad (who is now retired and a fantastic baker) made me a Moss Man birthday cake. This year? Scareglow! I don't own a vintage Scareglow (yet!) but I love the character and try to get every Scareglow I can get my hands on. Scareglow is a butterscotch cake with buttercream icing. It does not glow in the dark. How amazing is this, right? What else is going on this week? Glad you asked!
I finished reading The Tommyknockers this week. Published in 1987, the Tommyknockers tells the story of the residents of Haven, Maine who are taken over by an alien presence dwelling in a spaceship buried in the woods outside of the town. I was excited to get to this book as part of my trek to finish all of King's novels (I'm trying to read through all of the ones I've never read before in order of publication) as it always stands out to me as one of the novels from the golden era of Stephen King. I also have vague memories of the TV movie from the early 1990s, though I haven't watched it yet. This is a longer King book and while it's entertaining, and at times very good, the pacing of the book is weird. It ignores main characters for hundreds of pages at a time and jumps around quite a bit. Still, it's filled with some rather interesting and disturbing imagery and feels like King's take on an H.P. Lovecraft styled tale.
More after the break...
Action Figure Review: Skeletor from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
It took me a long time but I finally stumbled upon the Masters of the Universe Origins figures themselves! I've now found all of the first series and, to get things started with the single carded figures, let's check out the Evil Lord of Destruction himself: Skeletor! It's interesting to finally have these in hands, although it's a bit anticlimactic since we've kind of been getting these figures for over a year now. Mattel first released Origins last year as an SDCC 2019 2-pack of He-Man and Prince Adam. Like the vintage line and Masters of the Universe Classics, Origins relies heavily on body reuse for most characters, though Mattel took things a step further and "pre-used" the Origins bodies for the Masters of the WWE Universe line. I guess what I'm saying is that these don' feel as "new" as a new toyline usually feels, although I am very excited to finally have Skeletor and other real MOTU characters in this style. Skeletor is one of the premiere villains of the 1980s and one of my favorite characters overall and it's always nice to see a new toy of him. Originally Origins seemed to be heavily inspired by the earliest MOTU minicomics but now things seem a bit all over the place as Orko is very Filmation inspired, Man-At-Arms has his mustache, and upcoming figures like Clamp Champ, Kronis, and Keldor obviously take cues from the 200x line and MOTUC. Still, Skeletor feels very vintage and very true to his roots. Don't be a royal boob! Check him out after the break...
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Action Figure Review: The Rock from Masters of the WWE Universe by Mattel
The Rock, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, has made his way into WWEternia! The third series of Mattel's Masters of the WWE Universe line has been pretty solid all around, featuring the Scareglow inspired Undertaker, the Beast Man inspired Braun Strowman, and the Man-E-Faces inspired trio of The New Day. While the Rock is less of a straight up homage to any one particular Masters of the Universe character, he still fits into the line quite well. Plus, it's the Rock. Even if you don't like wrestling odds are that you still love the Rock. He's made it into G.I. Joe and Masters of the Universe, so now he just needs to get in on Star Wars to complete his domination of the trifecta of the big 1980s toylines! Let's see if we can smell what the Rock is cooking after the break...
Monday, September 14, 2020
Action Figure Review: Undertaker from Masters of the WWE Universe by Mattel
To really make this review of the Undertaker as authentic as possible I should write the longest intro ever! But I'm not going to do that, as I'm ready to jump right in and talk about this toy. The Undertaker is part of the third series of Mattel's Masters of the WWE Universe line and, like most other figures in the line, you're getting a WWE Superstar meshed with the gimmick of a Masters of the Universe figure. For the usually supernaturally inspired Undertaker Mattel gave him the gimmick and weapon of Scareglow, the evil ghost of Skeletor! It's an excellent combination as this really looks like something the Undertaker would have worn during the Ministry of Darkness period. Let's jump in and check out this Dead Man Walking after the break...
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Toy Review: He-Man from POP! Tees: Masters of the Universe by Funko
This is going to be a super quick review but I did want to make sure that I checked out the new Masters of the Universe POP! Tees sets from Funko. There is a He-Man set and a Skeletor set and I'm checking out He-Man first. These are Walmart exclusives (like nearly everything MOTU these days, it seems) and they're usually found in the electronics sections with the other Funko POP! items, typically in the larger Walmart stores that have the collectibles section with figures from NECA, Bandai, and McFarlane. At the Walmart where I found mine the POP! Tees were actually locked up in an electronics cabinet and at another one I saw them with the "spider wrap" anti-theft devices on them. Inside each box is a T-shirt and an exclusive glow-in-the-dark POP! vinyl. The POP! vinyl is a repaint of the recently released He-Man #991 so it's not a new sculpt or anything, but it is packaged in standard POP! packaging. It's still labeled as He-Man #991 but it has an "Only at Walmart" sticker and a "Glows in the Dark" sticker on the plastic window. These have been a bit difficult to find and after I saw them twice, I never saw them again. Hopefully more will trickle out over the next few months for those still searching for them. Let's take a look at the He-Man POP! Tees set after the break...
Friday, September 11, 2020
Barbecue's Bonfire 9/11/2020
What's up everybody? It's Friday, so it's time for another quick installment of Barbecue's Bonfire! gather around!
Guess what I found this week? A full case of the second series of the Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis! Each figure in this set comes in a little Snake Mountain! How awesome, right? Man, is Mattel cranking out MOTU stuff right now or what? With as much product as we're seeing hitting shelves someone really must have thought that the movie was happening this year, right?
I'm still working on this year's installment of 31 Days of Toy Terror which will have a focus on horror toys prior to the year 2000. What were some of your favorite horror themed toys going growing up? I've tried to hit some of the most popular ones but also throw in some oddball favorites, too. It's been fun picking up some toys here and there that I haven't seen or owned for decades. Let's just say that my desk has some holographic horror figures from Tonka, some chattering aliens from Trendmasters, and a fleshless fury from Playmates on it right now.
More after the break...
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Minifigure Review: Jitsu from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Action Figure Review: Prince Adam & Sky Sled from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
I found another Masters of the Universe Origins item a couple of weeks ago and, I promise, it is way better than Battle Cat! I found Battle Cat very disappointing but this two pack of Prince Adam and the Sky Sled? Man, this is an incredible two-pack. While I'm still not completely wowed by Masters of the Universe Origins, as it doesn't feel like a MOTU line with a unique feel and identity yet, this set definitely has convinced me that there is promise here. I've actually reviewed both vintage toys this set is based on (Prince Adam and the Sky Sled from the Battle Ram) so it's fun to be able to check out Mattel's updated versions of these toys. Walmart seems to be stocking these pretty well (I've seen them multiple times at different locations) so hopefully you can get your hands on one. This is a pretty impressive set with wonderful packaging, so let's hop to it and check it out after the break...
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Minifigure Review: Horde Zombie He-Man from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Action Figure Review: The Child from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
Friday, September 4, 2020
Minifigure Review: He-Man from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
Barbecue's Bonfire: 9/3/2020
Hey everyone!
September is here! Fall is getting closer and, of course, I'm guessing that many of us are already starting are Halloween festivities. Heck, we've had decorations up at my house for about a month! So, what's new this week?
Well, I've finally found some more of the new Masters of the Universe product from Mattel! I've now found He-Man and Skeletor from MOTU Origins (reviews coming soon) as well as the complete first series of MOTU Eternia Minis. I've already reviewed Buzz-Off and the rest will be coming shortly. By the way, my daughter took that picture of the Havoc Staff from Skeletor. She likes to photograph these little guys with my camera.
I'm still working on this year's 31 Days of Toy Terror countdown and since this year's focus is on horror toys from before the year 2000 I'm really curious about what horror toys (or spooky characters) you want to see included on the countdown. So, what horror toys are nostalgic to you?
I'm currently in the middle of reading Stephen King's The Tommyknockers but I took an hour or so off the other night to read the trade paperback release of DC's He-Man and the Masters of the Multiverse. I tried to keep up with the series and picked up the first three issues as they were released but Covid-19 took a big hit on my local comic shop, so I wasn't able to pick up issues 4 and 5 until a month or two ago and I still haven't gotten my hands on a single copy of issue 6. I'm glad to have the TPB as my reading copy (though I did read the singles as they came out). I really like most things from Tim Seeley I've read and this one isn't an exception though it really feels like it should have been at least 8 or 12 issues. Like the MOTUC minicomics, there are so many ideas and characters jammed in here that they're all not given enough time to shine. The concept is quite cool, though, but I would say this one is really for the hardcore MOTU fans only. If you're only passingly familiar with MOTU I could see you easily getting lost.
More after the break...