Today is the last Saturday in March and this is the last review in my miniseries of reviews focusing on random Han Solo toys I have sitting around. The action figures for Solo: A Star Wars Story should be hitting stores quite soon (some lucky nerf-herders are already finding them) so there will be plenty of Han Solo reviews coming next month. Today, however, I'm wrapping things up with a review of the Disney Infinity Han Solo from series 3.0. While Disney Infinity was officially cancelled in 2016, it did leave behind a very cool style of figure that Disney is still using in a series of Disney Store exclusive action figures. The concept of Disney Infinity is that these are action figures which come to life so there already is a very toyetic quality to each figure in the line. I actually won this as part of a prize package for a Star Wars Reads Day contest at my local public library (my daughter's package has Kanan Jarrus in it), making it one of the only two Star Wars Disney Infinity figures I own. Let's take a closer look at this very cool, very classic Han Solo after the break...
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Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
Tour of the DC Universe Podcast #1: Legends
Welcome to Tour of the DC Universe, a brand new podcast presented by Confirmed Epic Podcast that focuses on iconic DC Comics storylines post Crisis on Infinite Earths. Join Jerry 'Barbecue 17' Reed monthly as he navigates, discusses, and breaks down the most iconic stories DC Comics has to offer.
In Tour of DC Universe #1 we discuss the meaning of post crisis in the DCU, and breakdown first major story of the post crisis era: Legends. This book ran from 1986 to 1987 and was a six issue mini-series by: John Ostrander, Lee Wein, and John Byrne. Legends is best known for being the introduction of the Suicide Squad.
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Road to Solo: Stormtrooper Mini Head from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
Since I've currently been working towards completing my collection of Micro Machines Mini Heads guess what you're going to be seeing quite a few reviews of? That's right: Micro Machines Mini Heads! Like the Weequay set I reviewed a few days ago, the Stormtrooper was also available in the internationally released Mini Head Playset Collection V and in the US as a Pizza Hutt exclusive in 1998. This one was from the Pizza Hutt release as it came sealed in a marked plastic polybag. The Mini Heads are pretty small (less than 2 inches tall) and don't really offer a lot of play value; the intention behind these seemed to be more about getting Micro Machines collectors some unique microfigures and a fun way to display them. With the microfigures being the main selling point I was initially disappointed that Galoob wasted a space on a Stormtrooper. How many Stormtroopers did we get in the Micro Machines line? Open this one up, though, and you'll realize that this is actually supposed to be a Sandtrooper. The helmets are fairly similar (it's tough to tell from this sculpt) so you might not be able to tell from just looking at the Mini Head but the microfigure is clearly a Sandtrooper Squad Leader. Considering that we never got a stand alone Sandtrooper microfigure (the Sandtroopers included with the C-3PO/ Cantina set were unusually stuck together) this is a pretty desirable microfigure. Let's take a closer look at it after the break...
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Road to Solo: Bossk Mini Head from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
Time for another Micro Machines: Star Wars Mini Heads review! This time we're checking out Bossk, the Trandoshan bounty hunter that my 4 year old is obsessed with eating. Her desire to eat Bossk started back in 2015 with the Hero Mashers figure and continues to this day. Whenever we see Bossk in any shape, fashion, or form, my daughter pretends she is going to eat him. As soon as we pulled this set (originally only offered in the US as a Pizza Hutt exclusive) out of the mail my daughter grabbed it and began to act like she was chowing down. The kid is crazy and delightful. Bossk was also available internationally in Collection V of the Mini Action Transforming Playsets along with Duros and a Stormtrooper. Let's check this guy out after the break...
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Road to Solo: 2-1B Mini Head from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
I've recently added quite a few Galoob Micro Machine pieces to my collection (mostly Star Wars) so I hope you dig retro reviews of micro toys that you can't find in store anymore! Today I'm checking out another set from the second series of Mini Heads that were only available in the United States via a 1998 Pizza Hutt promotion. Today I'm checking out 2-1B, the medical droid who serves Luke both at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back after his Wampa attack and at the end after losing a hand to Darth Vader. In late 1995 Galoob offered a set of various droids under the Micro Machines banner although the figures were more in scale with the Action Fleet line. 2-1B was included there but was never included in the Micro Machines series as a microfigure in any other way, making this set greatly desired. This Mini Head was included as both one of the single packed Pizza Hut exclusives and in the internationally offered set VI of the Mini Heads alongside Weequay and the Royal Guard. Let's take a look at 2-1B after the break...
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Micro Review: Alien Pitfall from Micro Machines: Galaxy Voyagers by Galoob
Around 1993, well into the Micro Machines craze but before Galoob moved into the licensed world of Star Wars Micro Machines, Galoob attempted to create their own in-house sci-fi line called Galaxy Voyagers. While the modest line is thought of fondly by those who remember it Galaxy Voyagers definitely didn't enjoy the success of other lines like Galoob's Star Wars, Star Trek, or generic military offerings. With only nine vehicle collections and three playsets the line isn't terribly expansive although some pieces can be tricky to find. One of the easier pieces to find is the only playset from the series I had as a kid: The Alien Pitfall! I recently picked this one up as my original was sold at some point during my childhood, probably around when I purged my military Micro Machines too. What a shame! Fortunately, eBay allows us to rectify the follies of our youth and I'm now a 34 year old man writing about the Alien Pitfall playset. I loved this one as a kid as I was always a fan of trap based playsets (such as the Horde's Fright Zone or Swamp Thing's Swamp Trap. Let's take a closer look at the Alien Pitfall after the break...
Monday, March 26, 2018
Confirmed Epic Podcast Retro Rewind #9: G.I. Joe Retaliation
*This podcast originally aired on April 5th 2013, and is part of our Retro Rewind initiative to publish our back catalog of episodes for our listeners!
In the 8th installment of The Confirmed Epic Podcast we review Jon Chu’s long anticipated G.I. Joe sequel: G.I. Joe Retaliation and discuss the insanely quick popularity of The Walking Dead property.
We also cover the EPIC new items of the week: Gamora being cast in Guardian’s of the Galaxy, the death of Roger Ebert, Matthew McConaughey being cast as the lead in the next Christopher Nolan film, and the end of Lucas Arts.
As always we also get into what we have been checking out: Sideshow Collectibles Freddy Krueger Premium Format Figure, Thano’s Rising #1, and NECA figures.
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or follow and tweet us @thereelbradbell
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Sunday, March 25, 2018
Road to Solo: Royal Starship Repair from Micro Machines: Star Wars Episode I by Galoob
I've recently announced that one of my goals for Action Figure Barbecue is too have the most comprehensive archive of Star Wars Micro Machines reviews on the web and today I'm making another step towards that effort with a review of one of the more difficult to acquire Episode 1 Micro Machines playsets: Royal Star Repair. As best as I can tell, the Royal Starship Repair was released later in 1999 as part of the second "wave" of Episode I product. By the launch of the Episode line Galoob was now owned by Hasbro and, unfortunately, it suffered the same problems as Hasbro during the Episode I launch: Too much product on shelves. There was so much stuff on shelves that most of these sets were ordered in limited numbers and thus are hard to track down today. Having completed all of the playsets from the Original Trilogy, I've begun procuring Episode I sets when I can and this one was a huge check off my list (I have two sets left to pick up and one to complete!). Much of Episode I takes place onboard the Naboo Royal Starship, Queen Amidala's modified J-type 327 Nubian starship, so this makes perfect sense as a deluxe playset for the line. Let's take a closer look at this very cool playset after the break...
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Road to Solo: Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise) from Star Wars: The Power of the Force by Kenner
Picture this: It is August 1995. On August 29th the Star Wars Trilogy would be released on both VHS and laserdisc for both returning fans and a new generation of fans to experience. While Galoob had a Star Wars Micro Machines toyline on shelves, soon Kenner (now a subdivision of Hasbro) would be releasing their Star Wars: The Power of the Force line to mass retailers. Star Wars was about to hit it's wave of popularity, one that arguably has never actually went away. I was in the 6th grade and our class was doing a project involving cereal boxes. One of my classmates brought in a box of Froot Loops with this promotion on the package. Having never seen Star Wars, I was still fascinated by the dramatic looking offer and the incredibly cool action figure. I managed to convince my classmate to let me have the package and, from then on, it was all downhill. Between ordering the Kellogg's exclusive Han Solo in Stromtrooper Disguise and receiving him in the mail in either late December or early January (he took awhile, I remember) my family had moved across the country, I had become obsessed with the Original Trilogy, had read as many of the Expanded Universe novels as I could get my hands on, had acquired most of Kenner's offerings (including a couple of vintage figures), and was actively collecting the Micro Machines line. Han Solo was just the sample that the Star Wars machine peddled to me for free. It was the first taste that got me hooked, you might say. That being the case, today's Han Solo focused review holds a very special place in both my personal Star Wars fandom and in getting folks prepared for the return of Star Wars in general. Let's check out Han Solo in Stormtrooper Disguise after the break.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Toy Review: Batman: Arkham Knight Batmobile (2/5, 112/365) from Hot Wheels by Mattel
I'm always down for snatching up a Hot Wheels Batmobile and while out at my local Wal-Mart last week I stumbled across an updated version of the Arkham Knight Batmobile. Hot Wheels released the original version of this model in 2015 as part of a Wal-Mart exclusive series but this one has a better color scheme and some enhanced paint applications. It is number 2/5 in the Batman subset and number 112/ 365 overall. Let's take a quick look at this new model after the break...
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Confirmed Epic Podcast #89: The Shape of Water & Toy R' Us Tribute Show
In the opening segment we discuss our favorite Toys R' Us memory in tribute of the iconic American toy retailer officially closing it's doors!
We also get into what we have been checking out (I Tonya, Star Wars The Last Jedi Novelization) as well as discuss the epic news items of the week (The final Avengers Infinity War trailer, Ava DuVernay's directing a DC New Gods film, and the possible return of Kaybee Toys.)
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or follow and tweet us @thereelbradbell
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @theconfirmedepicpodcast
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Road to Solo: Weequay Mini Head from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
One of the older toylines that I'm always working on trying to complete is Galoob's Star Wars Micro Machines. It's easily one of my favorite toylines ever and it is one of the toylines that my daughter and I regularly play with too. She has a real affection for it and is a great inspiration/ enabler in encouraging me to continue picking up pieces that I missed out on over the years. My goal is to one day have the most comprehensive archive of Star Wars Micro Machines reviews on the internet so today I'm introducing the first Mini Head review into the mix. Near the end of 1996 Galoob introduced the Mini Heads into the Star Wars Micro Machines line. Sold in four packs of three, each set included three miniature character heads that unfolded into a miniature diorama for the specific included microfigure. They remind me of the Mighty Max Shrunken Heads sets from the early/mid 90s as the focus is more on getting a unique microfigure to use with your other playsets. While the second series of Mini Heads were not sold at retail in the USA, 12 of the 16 new heads were released as promotional giveaways through Pizza Hutt in 1998. This was a really cool promotion although I remember it being difficult to find the sets (I only ever scored two back in the day). Internationally the Weequay was sold in Collection VI along with 2-1B and a Royal Guard but through Pizza Hutt he was available in a labeled plastic bag. I recently picked up the Weequay and I'm pretty pleased. While Galoob released quite a few Jabba the Hutt themed playsets they never did include any of the skiff guards. This particular Weequay (sometimes called the Weequay skiff guard) is officially named Pagetti Rook and he was onboard the same skiff as Luke, Han, Chewie, and Lando. Even if you're not familiar with Pagetti Rook's name, you probably recognize him thanks to his appearing in one of the best scenes in the Original Trilogy and appearing in Kenner's vintage toyline. Let's take a closer look at the Weequay Mini Head after the break...
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Action Figure Review: Raphael in Disguise from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by NECA
It's not often (although it's probably happening more and more frequently due to me getting older) that I can legitimately say that I have been waiting 28 years for an action figure. I have been waiting 28 years for this action figure. In 1990 my father took me to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I was blown away. Well, he took me to see the movie, I got so excited that I got sick in line, I had to go home and rest and recuperate a bit, and then we went back and then I was blown away. Still to this day I don't believe there has ever been a better incarnation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles than the 1990 film. It's a solid story with excellent pacing, good characterization, fun action scenes, just the right blend of humor and seriousness, and the best looking turtles we've ever seen on screen. You would think that in the following 28 years that someone would do a better job with creating amazing looking on screen representations of the TMNT but nope, it hasn't happened yet. Raphael has always been my favorite turtle and I absolutely loved the fact that original film depicted him wandering through the streets of New York City in his trench coat and fedora similar to the disguises worn in the 1987 cartoon. It's probably my favorite look for the character and has been an action figure I've always dreamed of owning. Now, thanks to NECA, it is a reality! Raphael is part of NECA's quarter-scale series meaning he is around 16 1/2 inches tall and overall I do believe he's quite similar to the quarter-scale regular Raphael, but this time with new accessories. He's a big dude who is cool but rude. What more can I say? Quite a bit, actually; let's talk turtles after the break...
Monday, March 19, 2018
Adding to the Archives: Who Should be the Star of April's Spotlight?
For March I've been covering some older Han Solo releases to help us get collectively pumped for the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story and to add more Han Solo themed reviews for the archives. I've decided to keep this as a monthly trend and so for April 2018, I'll hold a vote: Simply leave a comment below naming which of the following characters you'd like to see have a month long review series on!
Here are the options:
Bane- It's been quite a few years since there was a lot of Bane product out on shelves. I'd definitely try to take a look at a variety of Bane offerings from over the years. He's an interesting character with some crazy toys, so why not?
Captain America- With the impending release of Avengers: Infinity War, let's check out some previous Captain America figures and give Steve Rogers the tribute he deserves!
Wonder Woman- I've reviewed a ton of Wonder Woman figures over the past year or so and she's so close to having enough reviews on the site for me to give her her own personal review archive. Let's get her over the top, shall we?
Indiana Jones - Indy is one of my favorite film characters (possibly my favorite) and yet I haven't reviewed much Indy product on the site due to there not being much over the past decade. Let's fix that and check out some various versions of Dr. Jones.
Lara Croft- With the new Tomb Raider just released (I haven't seen it yet, though, and I haven't heard great things) this is still a great time to check out Lara Croft's long action figure history. Tomb Raider came out in 1996 when I was in Middle School and I've always had an affinity for Ms. Croft.
Deadpool- There aren't many Marvel characters that I could review multiple versions of over a month. Deadpool is one of those. I still have my childhood Toy Biz Deadpool and, with the impending Deadpool 2, this seems like a great time to check him out.
Lando Calrissian- Let's throw Lando in here, too. You know you like scoundrels! Plus, he's in Solo!
So, who do you want to see four action figure reviews of in April?
Confirmed Epic Podcast Retro Rewind #8: Olympus Has Fallen
*This podcast originally aired on March 28th 2013, and is part of our Retro Rewind initiative to publish our back catalog of episodes for our listeners!
In this week’s edition of The Confirmed Epic Podcast we review Antoine Fuqua's latest film Olympus Has Fallen.
We also cover the EPIC new items of the week: HBO Go for every one, 1966 Adam West digital Batman comics, and Independence Day sequels.
We also get into what we have been checking out this week: GI Joe Retaliation figures, Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated Volume 1, Prometheus on Blu-ray, and The Evil Dead trilogy.
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Sunday, March 18, 2018
Road to Solo: Rey (Island Journey) from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
Today I'm checking out a Star Wars figure that I've been waiting over two years to get: Rey in her Resistance Outfit. Hasbro is calling this one Rey (Island Journey) rather than Rey (Resistance Outfit) like the 1/18th scale The Force Awakens figure as she does have elements of her appearance in The Last Jedi such as her oversized cloak but, make no mistake, this is the Rey from the end of The Force Awakens that delivers Luke Skywalker his lightsaber on the mysterious Ahch-To. Groovy! As a 2018 new release Rey takes advantage of the face printing technology that Hasbro has been using on some of their Marvel Legends figures. That means you're getting the most realistic Daisy Ridley likeness you are going to find in this scale! Let's check out this cool new version of Rey after the break...
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Road to Solo: Ice Planet Hoth from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
For four Saturdays in March I'm going to be covering a Star Wars toy that features Han Solo to help get us all collectively pumped for the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Since I'm such a huge fan of Micro Machines I've decided to review some sets that feature Han Solo in some of the Original Trilogy's greatest scenes. Last week I looked at the C-3PO/ Cantina Transforming Playset that featured Han Solo's iconic encounter with Greedo. Today I'm checking out the Micro Machines Ice Planet Hoth playset that was part of the first series of playsets releases in 1994 (Galoob rereleased the exact same set in different packaging in 1997, too). This is another of my original childhood sets so if you see some rough spots, just remember that this playset survived multiple moves and has been one of those things that has always been on display in my home in some fashion. Let's check it out after the break...
Friday, March 16, 2018
Action Figure Review: Knightmare Batman from One:12 Collective: DC Universe by Mezco
I've had him for a couple of weeks now but I'm finally getting around to reviewing my first 2018 One:12 Collective release (Deathstroke was technically a 2017 release): Knightmare Batman. Despite your feelings on the film overall, I think most of us can agree that Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice had some excellent costume designs. One of my favorites from the film is the "Knightmare" Batman costume that Batman sports during his post-apocalyptic nightmare of a world where Darkseid and the minions of Apokolips have invaded and Superman rules the Earth. It's different than what we typically see from Batman, offering up something that is quite new and different than nearly anything we've seen before. Mezco started showing this figure at conventions but cancelled it early last year for some reason. Due to collector backlash, however, Mezco offered it as their own website exclusive and the figure sold our pretty quickly. Now that he has shipped the demand has skyrocketed and the figure is selling for quite a bit above the original retail price. Is the Knightmare Batman worth picking up, though? Find out after the break...
Confirmed Epic Podcast #88: Avengers Revisited
In order to prepare for Avengers Infinity War out April 27th 2018 join Jerry "Barbecue17" Reed and The Reel Brad Bell as The Confirmed Epic Podcast assembles to revisit the all time superhero classic: Joss Whedon's Avengers from 2012.
We also get into what we have been checking out (Mother Panic, X-men Mojo Worldwide) as well as discuss the epic news items of the week (DC Comics Black imprint announcement, Jon Favreau being announced as the live action Star Wars TV show runner, and Toy R' Us closing).
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or follow and tweet us @thereelbradbell
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @theconfirmedepicpodcast
Checkout Jerry's Action Figure reviews hot and fresh daily over at
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Thursday, March 15, 2018
Action Figure Review: Clayface from DC Comics Multiverse by Mattel
It has been a few weeks but I've finally reviewed all of the newest series of DC Comics Multiverse figures and have assembled the Collect & Connect figure: Clayface! Befitting Basil Karlo's roots as an actor, Clayface has had a starring role in the DC Rebirth Detective Comics series as part of the team Batman has assembled to protect Gotham. Detective Comics is easily one of the strongest books in DC Rebirth (easily in the top 5) which is actually very high praise as the majority of titles in Rebirth have been fantastic. While I definitely want Mattel to release some classic 1980s DC characters to fill in rosters in DC Universe Classics (Outsiders Katana, Geo-Force, and Halo would be great additions) I do like that Mattel seems to be focusing on current characters from the comics.Now that DC Collectibles seems largely uninterested in releasing anything current other than the same dozen characters or so, Mattel is offering up a pretty impressive character selection while also improving their product. They also seem to be focusing on some level of team building and it looks like they're working on adding to team Detective Comics, the Justice Legaue, and the Justice League of America currently. Clayface is an excellent choice for a build-a-figure, so let's check him out after the break...
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Road to Solo: TIE Fighter Pilot Elite from Star Wars: Micro Force by Hasbro
Here's the fourth of the Star Wars: Micro Force microfigures I picked up a couple of weeks ago: The TIE Fighter Pilot Elite. This elite pilot of the First Order has a pretty snazzy costume and just looks pretty cool. I've reviewed the Black Series version of the TIE Fighter Pilot (along with the massive Special Forces TIE Fighter he was packaged with) so now we're going with something in a much smaller scale. This is another one of the brand new sculpts from Series 2, so let's check him out after the break...
Monday, March 12, 2018
Confirmed Epic Podcast Retro Rewind #7: The Incredible Burtwonderstone
*This podcast originally aired on March 21st 2013, and is part of our Retro Rewind initiative to publish our back catalog of episodes for our listeners!
In this installment of The Confirmed Epic Podcast we review Steve Carell and Jim Carrey’s magical comedy: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.
In this week’s epic news section we discuss new horror films in the works at Sony based on R.L. Stine’s popular Goosebumps kids book series from the 90’s, as well as MGM and Paramount’s decision to move forward with a sequel to Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters.
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or follow and tweet us @thereelbradbell
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @theconfirmedepicpodcast
Checkout Jerry's Action Figure reviews hot and fresh daily over at
Support the podcast with some our Confirmed Epic Podcast merch. found at
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on iTunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast
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Action Figure Review: Two-Face (All-Star Batman) from DC Comics Multiverse by Mattel
It has been awhile since Mattel last released a Two-Face figure but we finally have a new, updated one as part of the DC Comics Multiverse line. Lately, Two-Face's biggest role in DC Comics was in the first story arc in Scott Snyder's now discontinued All-Star Batman (which has nothing to with the the absolutely bonkers Frank Miller/ Jim Lee All-Star Batman). Based on the artwork of John Romita Jr, this version of Two-Face sports a snazzy red and black outfit and a red-scarred face that definitely makes me think of Tommy Lee Jones' sometimes great/ often times terrible portrayal of Harvey Dent in Batman Forever. I've already reviewed the other four figures in this series (links are at the end of the review) so Two-Face wraps this series up. Well, other than the Clayface Collect & Connect figure which I'll definitely be reviewing. Let's check out this quite current update of Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face, after the break...
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Road to Solo: Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars: Micro Force by Hasbro
How about another quick, simple review of one of a Star Wars: Micro Force minifigure? Obi-Wan Kenobi is another figure I picked up from a pack of the Series 2 blind bags and, like Emperor Palpatine, he is a reissue of one of the older Fighter Pods figures. It's nice to see Obi-Wan in here as there definitely seems to be a real lack of Prequels based product lately. I love Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan and I definitely am holding out hope that he'll get a Star Wars Story film at some point. That could be exceptional, couldn't it? Let's check out this mini Obi-Wan after the break...
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Road to Solo: C-3PO/ Cantina Transforming Action Set from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
While the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story is still a couple of months away, I've been wanting to do a series of reviews on some cool Han Solo themed merchandise from my collection. Since one of my absolute favorite Star Wars toylines of all time is Galoob's Micro Machines line I figured I would start out with a review of the C-3PO/ Cantin Transforming Action Set from 1994. Transforming from a bust of the beloved golden protocol droid into a playset of the Mos Eisley Cantina, this set features the place where the audience is introduced to Han Solo. Plus, it features a pretty fun way to reenact Han Solo's infamous encounter with Greedo. When I think of Han Solo, I think of him chilling out in Chalmun's Cantina, so this is the first review in this March 2018 miniseries dedicated to Han Solo. This is my original childhood set and while it was released in 1994 I picked it up sometime during the Fall of 1995 when I was just getting into Star Wars. I still love it and it has been a persistent part of my collection for nearly 23 years now. Let's take a look at it after the break...
Friday, March 9, 2018
Action Figure Review: Superman (DC Rebirth) from DC Comics Multiverse by Mattel
Slowly but surely I'm making my way through the newest series of DC Comics Multiverse figures and today I'm looking at Mattel's DC Rebirth version of the Man of Steel himself, Superman! While the Rebirth version of Batman was released last year (with Wonder Woman coming sometime later this year), Mattel is offering up a Rebirth Superman as the "anchor" figure for the Clayface series. Mattel is really focusing on offering up current looks for characters which is probably a smart move. Of course, my favorite era in DC Comics overall is the 1970s to mid 1980s so I do hope we'll get some more of those characters sprinkled in the line to help complete various rosters from DC Universe Classics. I will admit that Superman was my second least anticipated figure in this series (behind Martian Manhunter, who turned out to be a pretty nice figure) and while he definitely has some improvements over previous figures, not too much has changed. Let's check out the Rebirth version of Superman after the break...
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Confirmed Epic Podcast #87: The Cloverfield Paradox
*At 1 hour and 25 Minutes into the podcast the The Reel Brad Bell had a mic cord malfunction that made his audio a bit distorted, we apologize for the technical difficulties, and any inconvenience they may have on your listening experience! - The Epic Review
Poor yourself a Slusho, and get ready to open up the mystery box in episode 87 of The Confirmed Epic Podcast Jerry "Barbecue17" Reed and The Reel Brad Bell welcome back their original co-host: AKA Andrew Stokes to review Netflix's Cloverfield Paradox.
We also get into what we have been checking out (Marvel Legends Black Panther Wave, Venom Blood In The Water Graphic Novel) as well as discuss the epic news items of the week (Avengers Infinity War's release date moving up till April 27th, Matthew Vaughn's Silver Surfer movie, The Christopher Robin Trailer, and JJ Abrams scrapped Star Wars Episode 8 script).
Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or follow and tweet us @thereelbradbell
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @theconfirmedepicpodcast
Checkout Jerry's Action Figure reviews hot and fresh daily over at
Support the podcast with some our Confirmed Epic Podcast merch. found at
Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on iTunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast
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Road to Solo: Finn (FN-2187) from Star Wars: Micro Force by Hasbro
Guess what I'm checking out today? Am actual new sculpt from the Star Wars: Micro Force line by Hasbro! While series 1 of the Star Wars: Micro Force line simply reused figures from the older Fighter Pods line Series 2 introduces new sculpts from the newer Star Wars films. Today I'm checking out Finn, AKA FN-2187, in his First Order Stormtrooper gear. While Finn didn't wear his outfit long in The Force Awakens he certainly wore it during some character defining scenes. Let's take a quick look at this minifigure Finn after the break...
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Action Figure Review: Martian Manhunter from DC Comics Multiverse: Supergirl TV Series by Mattel
Today I'm checking out Martian Manhunter, the 3rd figure in the Clayface series of DC Comics Multiverse action figures from Mattel. Based on the characters appearance in the Supergirl TV series (where he is played by David Harewood), this version of J'onn J'onzz is the sole non-comic figure in this series. The television based figures have gone back and forth, either having been some of the more difficult figures to find or some of the biggest peg warmers. With Mattel's distribution for the Rookie series, the Justice League series, and this series seemingly being so bad, though, it's doubtful that any of these figures could be called peg warmers. It has been nearly a decade since Mattel last released a Martian Manhunter figure (the DCUC series 15 versions in 2010) so I'm sure collectors are eager to pick up the character again. Let's take a look at this very cool TV version of the Martian Manhunter after the break...
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Road to Solo: Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars: Micro Force by Hasbro
While I was out picking up a birthday present for my good friend and Confirmed Epic Podcast co-host the Reel Brad last weekend I stumbled upon series 2 of Hasbro's Star Wars: Micro Force line. I couldn't resist grabbing two packs of these little guys. While the first series contained all reused sculpts from the Fighter Pods line, series 2 features eight new sculpts out of the twelve total characters. Emperor Palpatine was in the first bag I pulled and while he is a reused sculpt, I never owned any of those figures so he's new to me. He's also very, very cool. This is a very slick looking toy that captures the Emperor's haunting visage perfectly in a somewhat deformed style. Let's take a quick look at this teeny, tiny Emperor Sheev Palpatine, AKA Darth Sidious, after the break...
Minifigure Review: Pack D from M.U.S.C.L.E.: Robotech by Super7
Today I'm looking at the fourth set, Pack D, of the Robotech M.U.S.C.L.E.s from Super7. This turned out to be a pretty good series of minifigures that captured the M.U.S.C.L.E. look and feel pretty well while still remaining faithful to the Robotech designs. Pack D includes three minifigures: A Zentraedi Soldier, a VF-1S Super (Super Valkyrie), and a Tomahawk. Let's jump right in and take a gander at these slick little figures, shall we?
Monday, March 5, 2018
Confirmed Epic Podcast Retro Rewind #6: OZ The Great and Powerful, & The ABC's of Death
*This podcast originally aired on March 1st 2013, and is part of our Retro Rewind initiative to publish our back catalog of episodes for our listeners!
In this weeks edition of The Confirmed Epic Podcast we review Sam Raimi and Disney’s Wizard of Oz prequel/origin story: Oz the Great and Powerful. We also review the brand new horror anthology film: The ABC’s of Death.
During the Epic news section of the podcast we discuss: Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s upcoming New 52 Batman origin story Batman Zero Year, Jackie Chan’s possible involvement in The Expendables 3, Jurassic Park 4, and Army of Darkness 2.
We also delve into what we have been checking out this week: The Game of Thrones season 2 blu-ray set, Fantastic Plastic Toys upcoming Mystical Warriors of the Ring toy line, Hot Toys Avengers Captain America and Spiderman 3 symbiote Spiderman, AMC’s Comic Book Men Gary Con-over Con, and DC’s Injustice Gods Among Us figures.
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