I promised that more reviewed of the basic vehicle/figure collections from Galoob's Star Wars Episode I Micro Machine line were coming, and here's Collection II! These were released in 1999 to coincide with the film that I was initially wowed by, then disappointed with, then actively hated, then apathetic towards, and now that I will defend and love with all of the vigor of a Victorian gentleman defending the honor of a lady. Funny, huh? Also, notice how Nute Gunray looks like he's wearing a scarf? Turns out that's a part of the slowly decomposing rubber band that had held the figure in the tray for the past 17 years. I didn't notice it until I started typing the review and I honestly questioned if I should retake the figures. I decided not to, though, because this is a review of 17 year old Micro Machines. I'm just not putting that much effort in here. Sorry, y'all, but Homey don't play that. Let's take a look at some Micro Machines and just enjoy ourselves, shall we?
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Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Micro Review: Collection I from Micro Machines: Star Wars Episode I by Galoob
I'm so into Micro Machines right now and as I'm filling in some gaps in my collection I'm also bringing you some reviews of cool, classic Star Wars product. Today I'm looking at the first pack of the smaller carded Micro Machines sets released for Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I remember these being out but I didn't collect many of them at the time as I was more interested in the traditional 1/18th scaled figures. These were cool sets that I remember thinking had bizarre character selections. There were lots of B and C list (even Z list, possibly) characters in them which is always cool when it comes to Star Wars, but which seemed weird when it was really hard to assemble the main film cast. This set gives you one of the top dogs, though, as you get a young Anakin Skywalker figure. Let's take a brief look at the first in a series of five of these short reviews, shall we? Join me after the break...
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Action Figure Review: Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Hero Mashers by Hasbro
It's time for a special edition of "Barbecue17 reviews his kid's toys!" Tonight I'm reviewing an action figure that my little one picked up today while we were out on a grocery/toy run: Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing pilot's outfit from Hasbro's Star Wars: Hero Mashers line. I've been concerned for the health of this line (like so many of Hasbro Star Wars products of late) so it was good to see a few new figures in stores. While my attention has been on Micro Machines lately (in case you haven't noticed) my little one was pretty excited to find some new Mashers she had never seen before. They had a Shadow Trooper, Plo Koon, and this Luke Skywaler. She picked Luke tonight and we brought him home and played with him through snack time. She's in bed now so I grabbed Luke off of the table, snapped some pics, and decided I'd get you fine folks a review of something new that you can hunt down. Ready for a closer look at Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing gear? Then join me after the break...
Monday, June 27, 2016
Micro Review: Naboo Temple Ruins from Micro Machines: Star Wars Episode I by Galoob
I hope you're all about some Micro Machines because I am right now! Today I'm extremely pumped because I've added one of the Episode I sets from 1999 to my collection: The Naboo Temple Ruins! Say what you want about Episode I (a film I've come to appreciate more and more over the years) but it had one heck of a toyline which was filled with some of the best stuff Kenner/Hasbro and Galoob had ever made. Let me take you back to the summer of 1999 when a young Barbecue17 roamed his neighborhood during the day in a Darth Maul t-shirt drinking Star Wars branded Mountain Dew out of a giant Boss Nass cup from Kentucky Fried Chicken, listening to Barenaked Ladies' Stunt and SmashMouth's Fush Yu Mang on a portable Walkman, and scouting the neighborhood pool for the ladies I was too shy to talk to. My evenings were spent toy hunting (you know, whenever someone would take me to the store), though, and while I picked up a couple of the Micro Machines playsets back in the day, at the time I was much more focused on the standard Kenner/Hasbro action figures. Now, though, I'm trying to make up for the folly of my youth as I managed to find this set at a great price, possibly less than the original retail price (I may have paid around $15 shipped). Ready for a look at a cool toy from days gone by? Then join me after the break...
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Micro Review: Speeder Chase from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
In today's Micro Review I'm looking at another set of three vehicles from Hasbro's Micro Machines: Star Wars line. It's called the Speeder Chase and it includes a Jakku Landspeeder, a First Order Transporter, and Rey's Speeder. As far as I'm aware, both Rey's Speeder and the Jakku Landspeeder seem to be pretty unique to this set. I have a First Order Transporter already (the one released with the First Order Stormtrooper Playset) but this one is neat and clean while that one was covered with sand. This is a set that you can pick up at retail still for around $5 bucks and which might be a great introductory set to Hasbro's Micro Machines. Ready for a short look at three Micro Machines? Then join me after the break...
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Micro Review: Desert Invasion from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
I've been fairly critical of Hasbro's efforts (or lack thereof) on the Micro Machines line but I will give them credit for the work they're doing with the actual Micro Machines vehicles themselves. Today I'm looking at one of the small three-packs that you can find for around $5: Desert Invasion. Packed with the Resistance X-Wing, Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle, and a Luggabeast, this is a pretty cool little set of three vehicles (well, two vehicles and a creature) from the beginning of The Force Awakens. No stands included, though, which really is a shame. This is a micro review so how about we keep things short and get it rolling, eh? Join me after the break...
Friday, June 24, 2016
Action Figure Review: Darius from Masters of the Universe Classics by Mattel
Wow! After the first five months of this year feeling pretty light on Masters of the Universe Classics releases, June has been a veritable treasure trove of figures with the release of the Power-Con 2016 exclusives. Of course, there's still the main Collector's Choice subscription figure as well and for the third figure in 2016 we get Darius! Darius is from the New Adventures of He-Man and is another figure that only ever made it into prototype form in the vintage lines, similar to Mara of Primus or He-Ro and Eldor. Mattel has made another dream come true, though, and we now have Darius for the shelf. While we no longer get bios on the back of the packages, Darius is called the "Leader of the Galactic Protectors," so my guess is that he was replaced by Master Sebrian in the cartoon and was pretty much forgotten (other than a few brief international comic appearances). Ready for a closer look at an old hero who has been given a second chance? Then join me after the break...
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Action Figure Review: Granamyr (Green Power-Con Exclusive) from Masters of the Universe Classics by Mattel
Today I'm looking at one of the largest Masters of the Universe figures in existence: Granamyr, the Great Dragon Lord of Darksmoke. This giant green dragon is the third Masters of the Universe Classics 2016 Power-Con exclusive figure from Mattel and he's a pretty impressive addition to the collection. This version of Granamyr is a simple repaint of the original 2012 red Granamyr figure in the green color scheme from the character's appearance in the minicomic Dragon's Gift. At SDCC 2011 Mattel held a fan-vote to decide on the color of Granamyr and since red won back then, we now get the green color scheme as the exclusive. Considering that Granamyr has really jumped up in price on the aftermarket having another go at the character was a pretty good idea in addition to offering a variant a number of fans really seemed to be eager to pick up. Ready for a closer look at the great green Granamyr? Then join me after the break...
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Action Figure Review: Enzo Amore & Big Cass from WWE Battle Packs by Mattel
How you doin?
Today I'm looking at a new WWE Battle Pack from Mattel that features Enzo Amore (a certified G and a bonafide Stud) and Colin Cassady, AKA Big Cass (who is seven foot tall). For both of these guys it's their first time in the WWE line and it's incredible to pick them up in one swoop. Between the New Day and these two, it's tough to say who the most exciting tag team in the WWE is right now. If I had to pick who the most talented WWE performer currently on the roster is, though (factoring in mic skills and in-ring presence) these guys would both be on the short list, although I'm not sure anyone has the presence and mic skills of Enzo Amore. Seriously, watch this guy even if you don't like wrestling. He's incredible! These guys have been incredible in NXT and have already made a massive impact on the main roster, even with Enzo sustaining a pretty frightening in-ring injury at Payback. These guys are what this sport is all about and they never fail to entertain. They're energetic, enthusiastic, and without a doubt the realest guys in the room. Ready for a closer look at two guys who make all the haters look sawft? Then join me after the break...
Today I'm looking at a new WWE Battle Pack from Mattel that features Enzo Amore (a certified G and a bonafide Stud) and Colin Cassady, AKA Big Cass (who is seven foot tall). For both of these guys it's their first time in the WWE line and it's incredible to pick them up in one swoop. Between the New Day and these two, it's tough to say who the most exciting tag team in the WWE is right now. If I had to pick who the most talented WWE performer currently on the roster is, though (factoring in mic skills and in-ring presence) these guys would both be on the short list, although I'm not sure anyone has the presence and mic skills of Enzo Amore. Seriously, watch this guy even if you don't like wrestling. He's incredible! These guys have been incredible in NXT and have already made a massive impact on the main roster, even with Enzo sustaining a pretty frightening in-ring injury at Payback. These guys are what this sport is all about and they never fail to entertain. They're energetic, enthusiastic, and without a doubt the realest guys in the room. Ready for a closer look at two guys who make all the haters look sawft? Then join me after the break...
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Action Figure Review: Camo Khan from Masters of the Universe Classics by Mattel
Today I'm looking at the second figure in the trio of Power-Con exclusive figures: Camo Khan! More than just a simple repaint, Camo Khan actually features parts from different figures to form a new creation that rather faithfully matches the Kobra Khan Camuflado figure released by Top Toys in Argentina back in 1987. As I said in yesterday's review of the Blood-Red Beast Man, a rare foreign variant is a pretty good selection for a convention variation. Also, the organizers of Power-Con allowed any fans to pre-order these and have them delivered directly to their homes. They charged the standard entry-fee for the con to help offset some costs but they also sent out a con badge and six beautiful art prints out which I think is more than fair. The figures were a bit pricier than your average Masters of the Universe Classics figure ( and there was a bizarre no exchanges policy that didn't inspire a whole lot of confidence) but considering how limited the run was and that these were created for a fairly small convention, the price doesn't seem too unfair. Ready for a closer look at Camo Khan, the Evil Camouflaged Master of Snakes? Then join me after the break...
Monday, June 20, 2016
Action Figure Review: Beast Man (Blood-Red Henchman) from Masters of the Universe Classics by Mattel
Just a few weeks ago (June 4th and 5th) Power-Con was held in Los Angeles, California. The convention has been held a few times now (it's been a bit sporadic, having skipped a year and having been canceled once) and at one time tried to bring in a larger audience by also focusing on the Thundercats and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's a Masters of the Universe convention at heart, though, and that seems to be what still draws the fans in. I've yet to be able to attend Power-Con but I'm glad they made their exclusives so easily available for fans. And I'm actually pretty happy that they had exclusives! I'm not a big fan of exclusives as a general rule but Power-Con picked characters that would only be of interest to a pretty niche crowd and allowed even non-attendees to purchase them and have them shipped for a small fee. Today I'm looking at the first convention exclusive: Beast-Man, Blood-Red Henchman. Also referred to as Red Beast (an early name for the character when he was being considered for the role of the main villain in the line), this Beast Man repaint is based on how the character appeared on cross-sell art that appeared on the backs of some products and the minicomics. Since Beast Man was a character that hadn't received any variants in Masters of the Universe Classics and this variant was definitely known by the more dedicated fans, he made a great exclusive. Ready for a look at the blood-red Beast Man? Then join me after the break...
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Micro Review: R2-D2 Playset from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
Today I'm actually heading to the 2016 HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC for a day of shopping for action figures and Batgirl stuff! If you see a pretty handsome Star-Lord running around with a toddler dressed like BB-8, come say hi: That's your old pal Barbecue17! While I hope you too can spend your day rummaging through bins of action figures and taking pictures with cosplayers, if you can't I'll leave you with a review of the final playset in Hasbro's Micro Machines revival. Released last year on Force Friday the R2-D2 playset opens up to reveal a scene from Starkiller base. R2-D2 originally appeared as a transforming playset in the original Micro Machines line (he opened up to reveal Jabba's palace and the Rancor pit) but he's such a recognizable character for something like this that I guess Hasbro just decided to use him again. Ready for a closer look at this set? Then join me after the break...
Friday, June 17, 2016
Micro Review: Droid Army Ambush from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
I'm on quite a Micro Machines kick lately and I'm just letting it ride! Today I'm looking at another of Hasbro's figure and vehicle multipacks which features an assortment of pieces from Revenge of the Sith. While I've been complaining about Hasbro's work on playsets and microfigures, I do like the vehicles they've been releasing. This is another set that I managed to get at a discount which has some cool, unique vehicles that we have never seen in Micro Machines form before. Ready for a closer look? Then join me after the break...
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Micro Review: Classic Characters (2nd Edition) from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Galoob
I've definitely been rough on Hasbro attempt at Micro Machines over the past week or so; part of that is because I hold Galoob's original Micro Machines line in such high esteem. Beginning in 1994, Galoob began creating one of the best Star Wars product lines of all time. Each vehicle, microfigure, and playset was so lovingly crafted and clever that few Star Wars lines can match them. Today as part of a social experiment (and, y'know, collecting) I've went back and picked up one of the Star Wars Micro Machines sets I've never owned before so I can try my best to give this set an unbiased look without being overpowered by the lenses of nostalgia. To supplement the main line and the playsets Galoob released a number of figure sets which included nine separate figures. While most were army builders (Ewoks, Stormtroopers, Rebel Pilots, etc.) a couple of the later sets features named characters. One set released by Galoob around 1996 was called Classic Characters and featured nine figures of the main Star Wars cast originally released in a number of different playsets. These figures were simple reissues, though, so it was surprising when Galoob reissued the set with nine completelt new figures. Released in the mid-late 90s, this set might represent Galoob at the peak of their minifigure sculpting. Ready for a closer look at a very cool Star Wars set? Then join me after the break...
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Micro Review: Rebellion Rising from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
I've been pretty rough on Hasbro's Star Wars Micro Machines over the past few days but that's mostly because the playsets have been pretty weak. Today I'm looking at something that Hasbro is doing a much better job with: The Micro Machines themselves! Today I'm reviewing the very cool Rebellion Rising pack which contains five vehicles and two microfigures from the first season of the cartoon Star Wars: Rebels. I love this set and I'm really hoping we see more Rebels themed Micro Machines down the line as they have some great designs. This set was originally released on Force Friday 2015 but it's dropped in price a bit so I snapped it up as part of a larger lot. Ready for a closer look at this very cool set? Then join me after the break...
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Micro Review: Millennium Falcon Playset from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
I hope y'all are Micro Machines fans because, due to some awesome clearance sales, I just recently picked up a fairly large number of Hasbro's Micro Machines that were released last year on Force Friday. So far I've looked at two of the plasyets and I've gone from being somewhat underwhelmed to overtly hostile. Today I'm looking at the Millennium Falcon playset which transforms into a somewhat generic Jakku scene. Seriously, other than a few parts that resemble the Millennium Falcon's interior, there isn't much here that can be matched up with the film. As someone who hung on to all of my Star Wars Micro Machines from my childhood and has continued to collect these into adulthood, I'm pretty well versed with most of what this series has had to offer. I'm trying to both judge these on their own merits and as successors of the Micro Machines brand. So, how does the Millennium Falcon stack up? Join me after the break and find out...
Monday, June 13, 2016
Action Figure Revew: Guardians of the Galaxy from Marvel Legends Infinite Series by Hasbro
Today I'm looking at the Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends: Infinite Series 5-pack that was released late last summer. An exclusive to Entertainment Earth, the set is an online only release that features the five most prominent members of the Guardians of the Galaxy in their comic inspired outfits. Not only did the film Guardians of the Galaxy prove to be wildly successful but it also had an impact on the comic (which wound up taking some cues from the film). Of the five figures in this set, two were originally build-a-figures (Rocket Raccoon and Groot), one was released as part of a difficult to find convention exclusive set (Star-Lord), and one is entirely new (this is the first comic Gamora released), so it's a pretty desirable set for fans of the team. Besides, how often can you typically purchase most of a superhero team at one time? Usually teams get spread out over years! I've watched this set since last year and now that it has been dropping to around 25% off at a few places I decided to jump in and snag it before it simply disappears. Ready for a look at this bunch of a-holes from Knowhere? Then join me after the break...
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Micro Review: First Order Star Destroyer Playset from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
Today I'm looking at another playset from Hasbro's Star Wars: Micro Machines revival: The First Order Star Destroyer Playset. Based on the Finalizer, a Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer which was introduced in The Force Awakens under the command of General Hux, this playset is definitely the largest of the four released so far under Hasbro's watch. While looking at it might remind you of the older Micro Machines playsets such as the transforming "Double Takes" Death Star, let me go ahead and manage some expectations right now: This is a pretty weak toy overall. I don't usually reveal my hand this early but I'll admit that this is one of the most disappointing toys I have purchased in quite sometime. I think something like this perfectly summarizes much of what was wrong with the majority of Hasbro's The Force Awakens products. Take a closer look at what I mean after the break...
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Micro Review: First Order Stormtrooper Playset from Micro Machines: Star Wars by Hasbro
I think this is the first time I've written about Micro Machines on here, which is pretty surprising considering that Galoob's Star Wars Micro Machines are quite possibly my favorite Star Wars toys of all time. I've written about my first Star Wars figures but Galoob's Star Wars Micro Machines were the first Star Wars toys that I picked out and bought myself (or, y'know, asked my parents to buy me). I was really pumped for Force Friday last year when I found out that Hasbro was once again Star Wars Micro Machines but the actual product initially left me pretty cold. I kept an eye on things, though, and eventually decided to bite as prices have been dropping at places like Amazon (particularly if you can snag some sweet warehouse deals. Today I'm looking at the First Order Stormtrooper Playset that opens up into the Tuanul village on Jakku which is where the first scenes in The Force Awakens take place. Ready for a closer look at one of the first two Star Wars transforming heads Micro Machines released since 2000? Then join me after the break...
Friday, June 10, 2016
Action Figure Review: Nuke from Marvel Legends: Captain America by Hasbro
When I bought this figure, I thought that I had no idea who Nuke was. It wasn't until I looked him up on Wikipedia that I realized I do kind of know who he is, but only from his rather different appearance in Jessica Jones where he's a police officer. That guy was interesting, but this figure is freaking incredible. Seriously, I bought this thinking I knew nothing about Nuke other than that he looked freaking insane. He kind of looks like a mixture of Duke Nukem, the Terminator, and John Matrix from Commando which is just A-OK in my book. He might be a mean, sadistic SOB, but Nuke looks like the kind of guy you'd want to cheer for in an 80's action movie. Heck, maybe that's kind of his whole appear? Imagine taking every 80's action film on VHS, throwing them in a blender with some live ammuniton, then assembling them together into an awesome piece of modern art; I'm pretty sure you'd get Nuke. Nuke is part of the second Marvel Legends: Captain America series and includes the torso to build the Civil War version of Ant-Man in his Giant-Man state. Of course, since I wasn't planning on building Giant-Man, I went ahead and bought this guy loose for less money. Ready for a closer look at an action figure crafted from pure testosterone? Then join me after the break...
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Action Figure Review: Natalya (Series 61) from WWE by Mattel
Today I'm looking at another figure from series 61 of Mattel's WWE basic line: Natalya! Natalya's been a major contender in the Women's Division of WWE over the past few months as she has pursued the Women's Championship and fought against the dirty tricks of Charlotte and her former manager, Ric Flair (she kicked him to the curb on a recent episode of RAW). This figure represents Natalya during her time as a manager for the tag team duo of Cesaro and Tyson Kidd, however, so the outfit it a little different. Ready for a closer look at this third generation superstar? Then join me after the break...
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Action Figure Review: Jack O'Lantern (Villains of the Night) from Marvel-Legends: Spider-Man by Hasbro
Sometimes you see a figure that's so cool you just have to pick it up even if you don't know who the character is. That's what happened with me and Jack O'Lantern. Released as part of the most recent series of Spider-Man Marvel Legends figures, Jack O'Lantern (called Marvel's Jack O'Lantern on the packaging) is released as one of those weird Hasbro Marvel Legends oddities where two separate figures are sold under one banner. Jack O'Lantern and Morbius are both labeled as Villains of the Night, although Hasbro has started including the characters names on the back of the package. Again, that's good because I had no idea who this guy was until I started writing the review. A trained assassin, Jack O'Lantern is the latest in a string of villains using the guise although he claims he's killed everyone else who has ever worn the costume. He's a slender, spooky bad guy and just a cool looking toy. Since I wasn't planning on building this series' build-a-figure of the Absorbing Man, I bought this guy loose without the BAF part on E-bay at about half of the price of retail price. That's a deal, eh? Join me after the break for more spooky villainy!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
A New Batgirl Review: Batgirl (The Penguin Bride Variant) from Batman Classic TV Series by Figures Toy Co.
You gotta give a company credit when it finds it's niche: Figures Toy Company has been able to release wave after wave of Mego inspired figures based on the classic Batman television series. We're not just talking the four villains and three heroes that Mattel and a few other companies have gotten around to; we're talking characters like Shame, Mad Hatter, and Bookworm along with insanely episode specific variants such as the subject of today's review: Barbara Gordon in the wedding dress she wears in the 3rd season episode "Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin." The general plot of the episode? Penguin tries to marry Barbara Gordon so that he'll be Commissioner Gordon's son in law and thus will have immunity from prosecution. That's not really the way these things work, right? Anyways, this figure is an extremely episode specific variant and is a limited exclusive (500 pieces) to Toycade. Ready for a closer look at Barbara Gordon as the Penguin's Bride? Then join me after the break...
Monday, June 6, 2016
Action Figure Review: Zack Ryder (Series 61) from WWE by Mattel
Zack Ryder: The wrestler that the WWE universe seems to love and the WWE management seems to hate! Let me put it simply: If you don't love Zack Ryder, you probably are dead inside. This is a guy who just seems to love what he does with a passion and you can't help but cheer for him. At our Wrestlemania 32 party I'm pretty confident that the single event that caused everyone to get the most excited and to shout the loudest was Zack Ryder winning the Intercontinental Championship. While no one had picked Ryder to pull off the feat I don't think anyone in our crow was disappointed. While I'd eventually love to see Mattel release an Elite of Zack Ryder from Wrestlemania 32, I really wanted a Ryder for my shelf now. I stumbled upon this guy from series 61 of Mattel's basic WWE line and just had to snag him. Ready for a look at a figure of the man known as the Ultimate Broski, the Internet Sensation, and Long Island Iced-Z? Then join me after the break...
Saturday, June 4, 2016
A New Batgirl Review: Batgirl from DC Comics Figural Keychains by Monogram International
Near the end of last month I shared a story of sitting on the floor of a Books a Million for the better part of an hour feeling for Batgirl figures in blind bags. One of the two mystery figures I picked up that day was this Batgirl figural keychain from Monogram International. Batgirl is part of the third series of these and comes blind bagged in a foil pouch with a little piece of cardboard which I guess is supposed to help preserve the mystery aspect. It failed, though, as I was able to tell that this was indeed Batgirl. I will say, though, that at first I was carrying a figure up to the register whom was not Batgirl. While waiting in line I kept feeling through the figures and realized that I thought I was feeling wings and not bat ears, meaning I'd picked up Hawkman instead. I hopped out of line and began sifting through the bin of foil bagged frustration again until I was sure I'd found Babs. Surprise! I found her and ended up being 2 for 2 that day in determining blind-bagged figures! Ready for a look at a funky keychain? Then join me after the break...
Friday, June 3, 2016
Action Figure Review: Sami Zayn (Series 61) from WWE by Mattel
Feel free to queue this up to get you in the mood for the review!
C'mon? Who doesn't love Sami Zayn? He's been a big deal in NXT over the past few years and made his main roster debut at the 2016 Royal Rumble where he eliminated his former best friend and now bitter rival Kevin Owens. While he's been going back and forth between feuding with Owens and fighting for the Intercontinental Championship, currently he's one of the seven contenders in the upcoming 2016 Money in the Bank ladder match. There are so many great wrestlers on the main roster right now that I really don't know who I'm planning on cheering for at Money in the Bank? It'll probably be Cesaro, but with Sami and Dean Ambrose in there (and one spot still unclaimed) it's a tough call. Unless Bray Wyatt somehow ends up in there. Then I gotta cheer for Bray. That's neither here nor there, though, as we're talking about Sami Zayn. He was released in this same outfit in last year's WWE Elite series 40 but I never saw that figure anywhere and it has skyrocketed in price. I tend to pick up Elites but decided to grab this guy when I found him at a Target for $10. Ready for a closer look at this competitor? Then join me after the break...
C'mon? Who doesn't love Sami Zayn? He's been a big deal in NXT over the past few years and made his main roster debut at the 2016 Royal Rumble where he eliminated his former best friend and now bitter rival Kevin Owens. While he's been going back and forth between feuding with Owens and fighting for the Intercontinental Championship, currently he's one of the seven contenders in the upcoming 2016 Money in the Bank ladder match. There are so many great wrestlers on the main roster right now that I really don't know who I'm planning on cheering for at Money in the Bank? It'll probably be Cesaro, but with Sami and Dean Ambrose in there (and one spot still unclaimed) it's a tough call. Unless Bray Wyatt somehow ends up in there. Then I gotta cheer for Bray. That's neither here nor there, though, as we're talking about Sami Zayn. He was released in this same outfit in last year's WWE Elite series 40 but I never saw that figure anywhere and it has skyrocketed in price. I tend to pick up Elites but decided to grab this guy when I found him at a Target for $10. Ready for a closer look at this competitor? Then join me after the break...
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Action Figure Review: Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection: The Secret of the Ooze by Playmates Toys
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are definitely one of those teams that I can never buy just one of. Despite the fact that Raphael is my favorite, I just cannot ever buy just one turtle from a series. You collect them all or get out of Dodge when it comes to the TMNT my friends. Today I'm looking at the fourth and final figure in Playmates Toys' Wal-Mart exclusive The Secret of the Ooze figures. Overall, I'm highly impressed with this line. It's certainly not the most realistic looking or most detailed toyline but the amount of extras Playmates has included here is just incredible. These really feel like a dream toyline of sorts. I apologize that all four of these reviews have had so much reuse in them but, let's be honest, overall these figures are really quite similar. That doesn't make them any less fun, though, so check out this cool (but rude) review of Raph after the break...
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Action Figure Review: Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection: The Secret of the Ooze by Playmates Toys
Today I'm looking at the third figure in Playmates Toys' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection series based on the 1991 film The Secret of the Ooze: Michelangelo! These figures are exclusive to Wal-Mart and seem to be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the film as well as hyping up old school fans for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. While I've pretty much abandoned Playmates' cartoon and movie focused TMNT toylines, I still have to give them mad props for what they're doing. Playmates has kept that line stocked and on shelves with consistent turnover and plentiful stock since 2012. The line has been in a largely consistent scale (even between the movie and cartoon based lines) and has included vehicles and playsets. Huge playsets! While Hasbro certainly cuts corners, they also seem to be able to pull off all of the stuff that other toy companies claim is impossible in the toy aisles. They consistently put older figures back into rotation, sell massive play-sets, and feature dozens of ancillary characters, all at reasonable prices. Seriously, Playmates manages to do stuff that Hasbro couldn't do with The Force Awakens. Of course, as I mentioned above, those cut corners did cause me to lose interest but there's no way on earth I could say no to a Michelangelo figure packaged with combat cold cuts. Ready for a closer look at this new figure? Then join me after the break...
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