Today I'm checking out Buzz-Off, the first Masters of the Universe POP! Vinyl I've reviewed on the site and, it turns out, possibly the last one Funko releases. Strange things are going on with the Masters of the Universe license and Funko seems to be the first licensee affected. While there is no hard evidence yet, it seems that Mattel may be trying to fully get the MOTU license back in their control so they can renegotiate things before the tentative release of the film scheduled for sometime next year. While there have been rumors that Mattel was upset over Funko's DC Primal Age line, Mattel trying to exercise more control over the license in preparation for the inevitable merchandising blitz of a movie makes more sense: Buzz-Off just kind of appeared as an ECCC and FYE exclusive with little fanfare from the company. Nothing new has been announced for the license and retailers are no longer able to make any new orders of MOTU Funko product. On the Funko forums where staff often interact, there has been nothing reassuring said about the line. Furthermore, other licensees such as Super7 and The Loyal Subjects have made
comments insinuating that the future of the license may currently be up
in the air for them as well. Hopefully this is just a temporarily issue and the companies who have been carrying the MOTU torch for quite a few years now can get back to releasing more cool stuff. Let's check out the heroic Adreenid warrior Buzz-Off after the break...
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
Action Figure Review: Superman from DC Primal Age by Funko
Today I'm wrapping up series 2 of Funko's DC Primal Age line with a look at Superman! Yes, the Man of Steel is finally in this sword and sorcery inspired DC line and he looks pretty cool. It's interesting as DC actually pumped out a few DC Comics back in the day (at one point they handled the minicomics, too and jumped back into the MOTU comic scene in 2012) and Superman has been a recurring character in MOTU many times. Now fans of the vintage styled MOTU figures will have a Superman to pal around with the brawny, burly Eternians. Apparently Funko was able to release this series of figures even while Mattel holds the master DC toy license (which they lose next year) because these are Funko's unique designs for the characters. Funko had to go out of the way to ensure that these figures looked different from their classic counterparts which is probably why three of the figures in series 2 have giant spiked maces for hands. That's a pretty easy detail to point to if you're trying to defend that your designs are completely unique. It's an odd choice for Superman, but it's also kind of cool, too. Let's check out Superman after the break and see how he fairs in the realm of barbarian fantasy...
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Masters of the Universe Day 2019: Possessed Skeletor from Masters of the Universe by Super7
Happy Masters of the Universe Day 2019! I've got a second review for you today and this time it's for a rather unusual MOTU figure: Possessed Skeletor! Remember this one from your childhood? Nope? That's because this one was released by Super7 in 2017 to tie in to the release of the Masters of the Universe: The Curse of the Three terrors cartoon. If you're not familiar with it, The Curse of the Three Terrors is a cartoon done in the style of the Filmation animated series that uses the original theme, music, and some of the backgrounds. Directed by Brian Flynn and featuring the voice talents of Alan Oppenheimer, this short cartoon is a real treat if you haven't seen it before. It's well done, quite funny, and absolutely charming. It's nice to see Super7 doing things that move the brand forward, even if only in small ways. Possessed Skeletor is one of four figures based on this cartoon and it depicts Skeletor after he has been possessed by the spirit of King Heltor, and ancient evil being who Skeletor awakens by mistake. Let's check out this vintage styled figure after the break...
MOTU Day 2019: Scare Glow from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Happy Masters of the Universe Day 2019! It's been a few years since I've done much for the holiday bit today I've got some special MOTU reviews lined up for you. First up I'm going to be checking out Scare Glow, the Evil Ghost of Skeletor! Scare Glow is a a pretty interesting character in MOTU lore for a few reasons. First, he's a glow in the dark skeleton in a purple cape. That's just wicked cool. Second, he's one of the rarest figures in the vintage line. As part of the last full series of figures Scare Glow was made mostly using reused parts to get out a cost-saving series of figures. Now he's insanely expensive! Third, his title as the "Evil Ghost of Skeletor" has definitely been the source of much speculation as some folks wonder if the original intention of the figure was for Scare Glow to be the spirit of a deceased Skeletor rather than an evil spirit in service to Skeletor. While all media since then has portrayed Scare Glow as a minion of Skeletor, sometimes the original intentions of the toyline were never reflected in the media. Fourth, Scare Glow is interesting as he definitely has had a surge in popularity over the past decade or so. He was released during the first full year of Masters of the Universe Classics and is also being released in the next series of the Mega Construx figures, even before typical A-list villains like Tri-Klops, Mer-Man, and Trap Jaw. Super7 has of course also included Scare Glow as part of the latest series of new ReAction figures so we're checking him and his eerie glow after the break...
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Action Figure Review: Mace Windu from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
Over the past few months we've received a few figures that have seemed like extremely huge holes in the Star Wars: The Black Series collection. Padme Amidala, General Grievous, and the Battle Droid were all insanely welcome additions to round out the Prequel Trilogy roster and now we've got Mace Windu, another prominent Jedi to add to the ranks. Mace Windu was one of the first Prequel based toys ever released (he was a "Sneak Preview" mail away) and now, here we are at the 20th anniversary of Episode I, and I'm still getting excited over Mace Windu figures. While this Mace Windu is based on Episode II (based on the length of the sleeves of his robe), my guess is that most fans will be OK using this as an all around Prequel Trilogy as everything else is pretty similar. How crazy that thus far in 2019 there have been two figures of younger Samuel Jackson, huh? This one and the artificially de-aged version from the Captain Marvel toyline. Let's check this incredible Mace Windu figure out after the break...
Friday, April 26, 2019
Action Figure Review: Lex Luthor from DC Primal Age by Funko
You'd think I would be talking about Avengers: Endgame today, wouldn't you? I saw it last night and it was incredible. Unfortunately, I don't collect that many Marvel toys. Instead, I'm checking out the penultimate figure from Series 2 of Funko's DC Primal Age line and this time it's Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor! I'm really glad Funko delivered a version of Lex in his battle armor as it not only is one of my favorite looks for the character but it also translates so well into the sword and sorcery style of DC Primal Age. I enjoyed the exclusive comic that Target released alongside of series 1 and I'd really love to see it developed as an ongoing series. How great would that be as an ongoing Elseworlds tale? There is just so much potential there! Let's jump in and check out Lex Luthor after the break...
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Action Figure Review: Ram Man from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
It's time for another review from the latest series of Masters of the Universe ReAction figures and this time it's another classic Heroic Warrior: Ram Man! Ram Man is absolutely one of my favorites. I mean, yeah, it's Masters of the Universe and my list of "favorites" probably makes up about 20 characters or something but Ram Man is definitely a top...5-7 for me. Ram Man was one of the first figures I reviewed back when I was actively writing at The Epic Review and, for years now, I've kept a vintage Ram Man on my desk at work. I just love the character although I prefer the depictions of Ram Man as a larger, oversized warrior rather than the smaller springy of the Filmation cartoon series. This ReAction styled figure definitely makes Ram Man look like a larger, beefier character who is both powerful and intimidating. Let's get started with this one after the break...
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Action Figure Review: Krypto the Superdog from DC Primal Age by Funko
Series 2 of Funko's DC Primal Age only includes one larger mount and this time it's Krypto the Superdog! Since Superman is a series 2 release, it's only fitting that his faithful pup joins him too. While overall the Series 2 figures have felt like they are of a better quality than the series 1 figures I was curious if Funko would improve Krypto the Superdog. While the Joker Beast was a pretty good mount, Ace the Bathound was a fairly weak release. Krypto utilizes the same body as Ace only with a new harness/ saddle combination. Ready to check out Krypto the Superdog? Let's take a closer look after the break...
Monday, April 22, 2019
Confirmed Epic Podcast Bonus Episode: Top 10 Most Anticipated Films of Summer 2019
The Confirmed Epic Podcast commences an annual tradition as we countdown our top 10 most anticipated films of Summer 2019, to do so we welcome back Amos of The Just Being Amos Podcast. We also give our thoughts on the Disney Plus rollout.
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Be sure to checkout the Just Being Amos Podcast here!
Action Figure Review: Orko from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out another figure from Super7's most recent series of Masters of the Universe ReAction figures and today I'm looking at the always lovable Orko! Created for the Filmation cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Orko didn't appear in the vintage toyline until the 1984 series of action figures but he's typically always thought of as one of the most important characters in the series. I'm really glad to have Orko in this line. As a smaller character, Orko reminds me of other smaller vintage figures from Kenner's Star Wars line such as Yoda and the Ewoks. Let's check out this powerful, if unpredictable, Trollan magician after the break...
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Action Figure Review: General Grievous from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
While Hasbro has offered some deluxe releases in the Black Series for some time, last year they started offering some oversized retailer exclusive figures as deluxe releases, such as the Target exclusive Gamorrean Guard and Moloch. General Grievous is the first mainstream release to be numbered in the deluxe series and he's been hitting lots of online retailers and even a few brick and mortar stores as well (I've seen reports of the figure at Best Buy and GameStop). Considering he's one of the main villains of the Prequel Trilogy and the Clone Wars, Grievous is another character whose absence from the line has been incredibly conspicuous. We've finally got him, though, and it's clear that Hasbro has put some real effort into this release. Let's check out the deluxe release of General Grievous after the break...
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Action Figure Review: Mekaneck from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Finally I'm reviewing a hero! Today I'm checking out another figure from the newest series of Masters of the Universe ReAction figures and this time it's the Heroic Human Periscope, Mekaneck! Mekaneck isn't necessarily one of my favorite MOTU characters but for some reason he's one I always like to draw on the place mats at restaurants. There's something fun about his helmet and goggles, plus getting to draw a long crazy neck. Mekaneck is one of the figures from the third series of vintage figures and definitely seems to be one of the figures that most folks remember. Having an extendable neck is pretty memorable, don't you think? So far as I'm aware, he's the first figure from the Masters of the Universe ReAction line to have an action feature (Scare Glow really glows, so maybe that counts?). That's pretty cool! Let's check him out after the break...
Friday, April 19, 2019
Action Figure Review: Faker from Masters of the Universe ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out a very classic evil twin who is part of the newest series of Super7's Masters of the Universe Classics figures: It's Faker! I love Faker. Evil twins are always a fun (though) usually silly trope in fiction but Faker is one of the best because he so clearly doesn't look like He-Man. He's blue with red hair. And He-Man isn't. While the Filmation Faker made more sense since he was a magical creation that pretty much looked like He-Man, the toy Faker was clearly robotic in nature due to the title on his card (Evil Robot of Skeletor) and the electronic panel on his chest. A number of years ago I started writing my own Masters of the Universe stories based on the MOTUC bios for fun and here's my take on Faker: While based on an experimental android created by Man-At-Arms, Skeletor got his hands on it and used evil magic to create an evil clone of He-Man utilizing some of He-Man's blood and tissue left on the evil half of the power sword after a previous battle. Some of Skeletor's blood found its way into the mix, though, leading to Faker being a magic clone on an android base body that took on the characteristics of both He-Man and Skeletor. That's a pretty cool origin, right? Now let's check out this faux vintage figure of Faker after the break...
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Action Figure Review: The Flash from DC Primal Age by Funko
I'm kind of speeding through reviewing series 2 of Funko's DC Primal Age so it only makes sense that I'd check out the fastest of the fast, The Flash! Series 2 offers up the rest of the Justice League introduced in the DC Primal Age comic (anyone else find it odd that Cyborg wasn't in the comic? He could have had a real Roboto vibe here) with the Flash and Superman. Let's check out the Flash after the break...
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Action Figure Review: Black Manta from DC Primal Age by Funko
It's time for a look at a another figure from the second series of Funko's DC Primal Age figures and today I'm checking out one of Aquaman's arch foes: Black Manta. While most of the figures in this series have stayed within the realms of traditional barbarian fantasy, Black Manta brings some technology into the Primal Age roster. Black Manta is a very cool character and I think that Funko's design for the figure is one of the best for the character I've ever seen. I love the old school diving outfit on this guy! Let's check out Black Manta after the break...
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Action Figure Review: Bizarro from DC Primal Age by Funko
I just got my Pile of Loot from Big Bad Toy Store and inside of it was series 2 of Funko's DC Primal Age toyline from Funko. I really enjoyed series one and series 2 looks to add to the fun. First up from series 2 is Bizarro. Let me tall you that while this is supposed to be a faux vintage styled Bizarro based on the aesthetics of the vintage Masters of the Universe line and it's many imitators, this is perhaps the creepiest looking toy of the character I've ever seen. While He-Man had Faker to contend with, in DC Primal Age Superman gets Bizarro. Fitting, right? Let's check out the fearsome opposite of Superman after the break...
Monday, April 15, 2019
Confirmed Epic Podcast #104: The Joker Trailer
The original Confirmed Epic Podcast team of The Reel Brad Bell & Jerry 'Barbecue17' Reed return to give their thoughts on the first look of one of their most anticipated films of 2019 as they breakdown the first trailer for Todd Philip's Joker.
As always we also get into what we have been checking out (Back to the Future Funko Pops, Funko's vastest Reaction Figures, The Man Who Laughs Diamond Select Gallery Figure, The Masters of the Universe DC Omnibus), and the epic news items of the week (Disney's tentative MCU Phase 4 Plans for Black Widow and Dr. Strange 2, as well as the latest on James Gunn's Suicide Squad 2).
You can always contact the show directly via email at or on twitter @thereelbradbell
Action Figure Review: Battle for Etheria 2-pack from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power by Super7
Back in October Super7 announced that they were doing a limited pre-order for two figures based on Dreamworks' She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Netflix series. The pre-order sold out pretty fast and these figures have started arriving about a month ago or so. Oddly enough, while the cartoon debuted in November Mattel has yet to announce any merchandise based on the new show and nothing was shown at Toy Fair 2019 either. Apparently Dreamworks really wanted something available as they reached out to Super7 to do a special set. The set of She-Ra and Catra comes in a brown shipper labeled "Battle for Etheria 2-pack" although both figures are packaged separately inside. If you're interested in getting anything from the new show, this might be your only option (it seems Mattel stated stuff is coming out this fall). I'm about...60/40 on the new show but I definitely wanted to at least add some representation from it on my shelf and these figures seem like they're going to end up being slightly uncommon in the future. Let's check out She-Ra and Catra after the break...
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Action Figure Review: Evil-Lyn from Masters of the Universe: ReAction by Super7
Today I'm checking out a Masters of the Universe figure from a series I haven't checked out yet: Evil-Lyn from Super7's Masters of the Universe ReAction line. Evil-Lyn is part of the new fourth series of figures, adding another Evil Warrior to the ranks of Skeletor's army. While this is certainly not the first ReAction figure I've reviewed, it is the first MOTU ReAction so I do want to take a second and share a couple thoughts on the line: It's rather interesting to get a vintage styled action figure of a toyline that already had vintage action figures. Masters of the Universe was Mattel's attempt to create a toyline that would rival Kenner's Star Wars, the line on which ReAction figure aesthetic is based. Rather than use the Kenner style in the vintage toyline, however, Mattel went bigger and bulkier. MOTU figures were much taller and way wider than Star Wars, making the denizens of a galaxy far, far away seem wimpy in comparison. It's interesting, then, to see MOTU figures in the vintage Kenner style they shunned. Anyone want to ask Roger Sweet what he thinks about these? Let's check out Evil-Lyn, the Evil Warrior Goddess, after the break...
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Toy Review: Wind Raider Attack from Masters of the Universe by Mega Construx
Last week I stumbled upon the Mega Construx Wind Raider Attack set and decided to scoop it up. I had seen it once before during the same toy run where I snagged the Battle for Eternia Collection, Man-At-Arms, and Evil-Lyn but I passed it up that time. The next trip, someone had spilled green slime all over the lone Wind Raider Attack set (probably from some other random toy on the shelf) and so I passed it up. I found a clean box at another Wal-Mart, though, so now I have this cool vehicle to show off. While Mega Construx has been moving rather slowly with this line they definitely seem to have more product planned for 2019, including a massive Castle Grayskull. This set comes in around $20 bucks and offers up a nice sized buildable Wind Raider with two minfigures of He-Man and Skeletor. While they're quite similar to the previously released figures they do have some minor differences that help them stand out a bit. Let's check this kit out after the break...
Friday, April 12, 2019
Action Figure Review: Beastman from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Mattel
I've been reviewing lots of Super7's Club Grayskull/ He-Man and the Masters of the Universe figures lately but do you know what I haven't yet reviewed? A single figure from Mattel's Club Grayskull/ He-Man and the Masters of the Universe line! That's going to change today as I just recently picked up Mattel's Filmation inspired Beastman and I figured I should check him out. Mattel began releasing the Club Grayskull in 2016 during the last full year that they offered Masters of the Universe Classics product. Mattel didn't release many figures during in the line but they did get a few of the heavy hitters out. Let's check out the bumbling Beastman, the August 2016 Club Grayskull release after the break...
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Action Figure Review: She-Ra from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Super7
Today I'm checking out the final figure from Super7's third series of Club Grayskull/ He-Man and the Masters of the Universe figures: She-Ra, Princess of Power! I'm a huge She-Ra fan and this was easily my most anticipated figure in this series but I have to say that while She-Ra should have been one of the biggest home runs of the line, she ended up being quite a bit disappointing. Super7 is doing a great job at releasing lots of product for Masters of the Universe and they clearly have a lot of passion for the property. Unfortunately, their quality control can be all over the place. Read a few other reviews or visit the forums at and you'll discover that some folks have gotten some bad She-Ra figures. I don't mean bad in the 90s way that meant good, either. I mean mismolded skirts, bent/broken tiaras, and eyes completely mis-stamped. I feel pretty fortunate that my She-Ra turned out OK but she's still not completely ideal, particularly for the price of these figures. Let's check her out after the break...
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Action Figure Review: Imperial Jumptrooper from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
Yesterday I was surprised by a package on my doorstep that arrived from GameStop. Opening it up I was pleased to find the Imperial Jumptrooper, a new GameStop exclusive Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III action figure. I preordered this sometime last year through GameStop's website and they're now shipping out and showing up in stores. Originally an Expanded Universe concept first appearing in the insanely fun Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back video game for Super Nintendo (that was a great series of games, wasn't it?) the Imperial Jumptroopers have entered into the New Canon through appearances in Star Wars: Commander and Star Wars Battlefront. This version is based off of the design seen in Star Wars: Rebels, however, which is a smart move. Rebels always had excellent character and trooper designs. While the Jumptrooper might not be a must have character, it is a very fun figure that's worth checking out. Let's see how high this guy flies after the break...
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Action Figure Review: Pale Man from The Guillermo del Toro Signature Collection by NECA
Last year NECA released the first figure in their new Guillermo del Toro Signature Collection, Santi from The Devil's Backbone, and now they're preparing for a trifecta of characters from 2006's Pan's Labyrinth. First up is the Pale Man, a creepy creature portrayed by Doug Jones whose visage is probably the most memorable part of the film. If you asked me to name my favorite del Toro directed film, I'd probably have to go with Pan's Labyrinth, so it's a real treat to have some extremely nice action figures based off of the film. I was fortunate to catch the movie during it's limited US theatrical and I've been a fan ever since. This line is very cool as it really reminds me of the figures from NECA's Cult Classics and clearly feels like a labor of love on NECA's part. Let's check out this creepy eater of children after the break...
Monday, April 8, 2019
Action Figure Review: Mantenna from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Super7
It's been over five years since I reviewed the Masters of the Universe Classics Mantenna from Mattel which was an incredible figure that combined elements from the vintage figure, 200x Staction, and the Filmation cartoon. Today I'm checking out Super7's Mantenna from the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/ Club Grayskull line and this one is strictly based on the Filmation cartoon series. Mantenna is definitely one of the main members of the Horde in the Filmation series so he's a great choice for the line. Super7 did an incredible job with this figure and really went all out to give us one of the best figures in the Club Grayskull line to date. Let's take a closer look at poor ol' Mantenna after the break...
Confirmed Epic Podcast #103: The Dirt
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Sunday, April 7, 2019
Action Figure Review: Frankenghost from The Worst by Super7
It's taken me a while but I'm finally getting around to reviewing the last figure in series 2 of The Worst: Frankenghost! Initially Frankenghost was the figure I was most looking forward to in this series as he's just a great blend of coolness with equal parts Frankenstein and poltergeist mixed together with translucent plastic and eerie red eyes. Having him in hand I'm not sure I like him as much as I thought I would but I still really do like him. The Worst is definitely one of the coolest toylines Super7 is putting out and I hope we see some cool repaints of the Series 2 crew and an even crazier Series 3 in the future. For now, let's check out Frankenghost after the break...
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Minifigure Review: Dungeon Diorama Set from Super Mario by Jakks Pacific
Today I'm checking out another item from Super7's new Super Mario line but rather than being an item from the standard from the 4 inch line, this time I'm checking out a set from the minifigure line. Jakks also released a fairly extensive minifigure line for the World of Nintendo collection, too, and these will fit right in with that series. I picked this up at GameStop about a month ago and managed to get it for 25% off as well thanks to a sale they were running. GameStop is getting to be the premiere retail destination for picking these figures up so it's always worth checking them out if you collect this line. Jakks has released playsets and diorama sets before in the World of Nintendo line but this one really appealed to me thanks to the spinning Fire Bar accessory. The Fire Bars have been an obstacle for Mario and Luigi ever since 1985's Super Mario Bros. and having them as an accessory is just too cool. You're also getting three other minifigures and a pipe, meaning that this set is loaded with fun stuff to reenact one of myriad of dungeons populating the Mushroom Kingdom. Let's check this one out after the break...
Friday, April 5, 2019
Action Figure Review: Grizzlor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Super7
Today I'm checking out another figure from Super7's He-Man and the Masters of the Universe line: Grizzlor! Interestingly, while the figure is in the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/ Club Grayskull line Grizzlor didn't appear on He-Man; he appeared on She-Ra: Princess of Power. A member of the Evil Horde, Grizzlor was included in the vintage MOTU line, appeared in the NECA produced line of staction figures, and was remade in Masters of the Universe Classics. He's always been one of my favorites although I never felt the Filmation version lived up to the wild, savage character of the original figure. Still, it's cool to be assembling Filmation versions of the Evil Horde and so Grizzlor makes another nice addition to this growing series. Let's check out this animation inspired Grizzlor after the break...
Action Figure Review: Fisto from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Super7
I recently received Super7's third series of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/ Club Grayskull action figures and today is the first of four reviews covering the figures in the series. Today I'm checking out Fisto, the Heroic Master of Hand to Hand Combat who fist appeared in the 1984 series of MOTU action figures. Fisto also appeared in four episodes of the Filmation cartoon series and that's where the inspiration for this figure comes from. Masters of the Universe is a property where I have lots of favorite characters and Fisto is easily another of my favorites. I've kind of been working on growing a beard and getting into shape to cosplay him at a comic book convention this summer. Anyways, while Fisto wasn't a major part of the Filmation cartoon he is a popular character so he was a good choice for the Filmation based line. His Masters of the Universe Classics figure was also notoriously tough to get a hold of (some folks received the wrong figure for their subscription that month) so I'm sure there are still folks who just want a Fisto for their collections. Well, here he is! Let's check him out after the break...
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Action Figure Review: Vice Admiral Holdo from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
I'm really considering if I want to review this figure or now as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo is a bit of a lightning rod, isn't she? Hated by some, loved by others, Holdo is one of the most divisive characters from the most divisive Star Wars film ever. It took Hasbro over a year but they finally have delivered her in the Black Series line (though no Crait Luke Skywalker yet). Holdo is part of the most recent series of figures which includes an unusual mixture: A Battle Droid, Mace Windu, Padme Amidala, Han Solo as a Mudtrooper, and Vice Admiral Holdo. That's three Prequel figures, one Star Wars Story figure, one Sequel Trilogy figure, and no Original Trilogy figures. Holdo definitely stands out in any crowd so let's see how she turned out after the break...
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Toy Review: Man At Arms from Dorbz: Masters of the Universe by Funko
This isn't a new release or anything but I did just recently acquire the Man-At-Arms Dorbz figure (spelled on the packaging as Man At Arms) from Funko. I love collecting Masters of the Universe stuff though I hate collecting Funko stuff as they tend to make so many of their products insanely exclusive. Often it's not even variants but major characters. Still, I'll always pick up a random MOTU character so I was glad to have the chance to add another version of Duncan to my collection. ready to check out the Heroic Master of Weapons in the fun Dorbz style? Then join me after the break...
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Action Figure Review: Padme Amidala from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase III by Hasbro
I cannot believe it has taken over five years but finally, finally, FINALLY Hasbro has given us a figure of Padme Amidala in Star Wars: The Black Series. While Hasbro has definitely been a bit reserved with Prequel based merchandise since the great The Phantom Menace Debacle of 2012 (other than Clones. Clones always sell.), we're finally getting some of the major characters from the films. Padme is part of the newest series of Black Series figures which is interesting in that it contains no Original Trilogy based figures. Padme is one of the big guns from the Prequels and it's kind of cool that I'm reviewing her now as I'm in the middle of reading Star Wars: Queen's Shadow by E.K. Johnston which is all about Padme's transition from being the elected monarch of Naboo to being an appointed member of the Galactic Senate. Of course, this figure is based on her appearance in Episode II: Attack of the Clones (no longer my least favorite Star Wars film!) when she goes to Geonosis with Anakin in search of Obi-Wan. It's one of her best looks from the film even though it's one of the simplest outfits she wears. Oddly enough, though, the figure doesn't get a designation such as Padme Amidala [Geonosis] or Padme Amidala [Droid Factory Chase]. Hopefully this doesn't indicate that Hasbro doesn't plan any further Padme figures, though. Let's check this one after the break...
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