I just reviewed the deluxe Masters of the Universe Origins Clamp Champ a day or two ago so how about now I get around to reviewing Ram Man? I love Ram Man. He's one of my favorite MOTU characters and one of my favorite vintage figures. Some people aren't too thrilled by the vintage Ram Man figure since he was built so differently from the other figures in the line but I've always liked him. I never owned Ram Man as a kid but now I have three vintage Ram Mans (Ram Men?) and I always keep one of them on my desk at work. The MOTU Origins Ram Man differs from the rest of the figures in the line, too. He really does feel fairly deluxe and Mattel gave him some very cool accessories. Ready for a look at Ram Man? Then join me after the break...
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Monday, May 31, 2021
Action Figure Review: Ram Man from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
I just reviewed the deluxe Masters of the Universe Origins Clamp Champ a day or two ago so how about now I get around to reviewing Ram Man? I love Ram Man. He's one of my favorite MOTU characters and one of my favorite vintage figures. Some people aren't too thrilled by the vintage Ram Man figure since he was built so differently from the other figures in the line but I've always liked him. I never owned Ram Man as a kid but now I have three vintage Ram Mans (Ram Men?) and I always keep one of them on my desk at work. The MOTU Origins Ram Man differs from the rest of the figures in the line, too. He really does feel fairly deluxe and Mattel gave him some very cool accessories. Ready for a look at Ram Man? Then join me after the break...
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Action Figure Review: Clamp Champ from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
Friday, May 28, 2021
Action Figure Review: M.O.D.O.K. from Marvel Legends Series by Hasbro
Many of you regular readers know that I've collected Marvel Legends on and off for years (my first Legends review was back in 2013 but my first purchase of one was the original Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series IV Punisher) but lately I've been really impressed with them and keeping up with many of the current releases. I've long been known as a DC guy and honestly hadn't read many actual Marvel comics until this year but lately I've been reading a lot of the classic stuff and loving it. As a kid I went back and forth between being nuts about Marvel and Toy Biz's releases, especially X-Men and the Iron Man lines, and being nuts about Batman and whatever Kenner was putting out at the time. I distinctly remember one time in 1995 when I was dead set on obtaining Modok and War Machine from the Toy Biz Iron Man: The Animated Series line and I ended up getting both at Target while on a shopping trip with my mom. I still have that M.O.D.O.K.! He's just so strange and wonderful! I'm not a huge fan of the character necessarily but I love his wonderful design that's filled with the magic of the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby era. Toy Biz made M.O.D.O.K. a build-a-figure in 2006 for the original Marvel Legends line so it's definitely time for an upgrade. Rather than go with M.O.D.O.K.as a build-a-figure this time around Hasbro opted to make him a deluxe release. I'm not going to complain about that as it made him easy to pick up in one swoop. Let's take a look at Hasbro's M.O.D.O.K. after the break...
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Action Figure Review: Boba Fett from Star Wars: The Black Series Phase IV by Hasbro
It's been over 3 months since I last reviewed a Star Wars: The Black Series figure! There is a new series of standard figures out now but I haven't found any of them yet. I have, however, found the new deluxe release of Boba Fett based on his Return of the Jedi appearance. The original Boba Fett figure in the Black Series was released in 2013 so it's nice to finally get an update even if this is a fairly different outfit. Jar Jar Binks was released at the end of last year as a deluxe figure and he seemed a bit light for a deluxe release even though he was fairly tall and packed with some larger accessories. Why does Boba Fett warrant a deluxe release rather than being packaged in a standard box? Good question. My guess is that it has to do with him having more paint applications and a fairly nice complement of accessories though you may disagree. Let's take a look at this new version of Boba Fett after the break and see if he's worth hunting down...
The Facts:
The Positives:
* The helmet looks like a great sculpt and has some excellent paint work. Seriously, it's superb and looks more like metal than plastic.
* Boba Fett also has a functioning range finder. Well, functional in the sense that it can pivot down over his visor and not in the sense that it can actually truly aid the figure in targeting fools during combat.
* Boba Fett comes with his EE-3 blaster rifle. It's absolutely a new sculpt that's based on the Return of the Jedi model. It's very sharp and has a lot of weathering too it rather than the cleaner look of his ESB rifle.
The Negatives:
* The paint and sculpt of Boba Fett's helmet is really excellent but there's a weird issue with the helmet looking kind of scrunched at the bottom. Rather than just sculpt a "head" Hasbro actually sculpted a Temuera Morrison portrait and then permanently attached the helmet over it. They've been doing this on the Stormtroopers and newer clones, too, and I suspect it's a way to enure that helmets are appropriately sized. Unfortunately, it means the lower part of Fett's helmet is thinner and flexible and ended up a bit smooshed from being in the plastic tray.
Is this the nicest Boba Fett figure made in the Black Series line? Definitely. Is this a pretty impressive figure overall? Absolutely. Is there any reason why this really feels like a deluxe figure? Ehh.. not really. I don't think it's as overpriced as some people do but I definitely think Hasbro is overly inflating the price on the Fett man her. He's a Great figure but I can't help but feel that you're paying extra for some features that really should just be expected. There are also lots of little odd issues, too, that I wouldn't have expected with this guy, especially the smooshed helmet. Still, he's pretty cool and I don't you'll feel like passing him up if you run into him.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Action Figure Review: Flint from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro
Articulation: Swivel/ hinge ankles, boot swivels, double hinged knees, swivel thighs, ball jointed drop down hips, ball jointed waist, mid-torso hinge, butterfly pecs, swivel/hinge shoulders, bicep swivels, double hinged elbows, swivel/hinge wrists, ball jointed neck base, hinged neck, and a ball jointed head.
Accessories: Shotgun, pistol, holster, and beret.
Non-Scalper Price: $20 dollars
* I've seen some mixed opinions on Flint's hadsculpt but I'm liking it. I've heard some comments that he looks like John Cena but I'm not sure I'm seeing it. He looks a bit older than Duke but I think that makes sense based on what we know about Flint. The scar over his left eye is cool and adds some character.
* Flint's beret is a removable piece and he looks fantastic wearing it. It seriously fits really well and stays on securely. I'm impressed.
* Here's a close up of Flint's gear. You can see the body armor, the communicator device on his left shoulder, all of the shotgun shells he's toting around, and the grenades on his belt. It all looks great and all of the items have some painted details as well. Fantastic!
* Like the rest of the Clasified Series Flint has some incredible articulation. There's some seriously well designed articulation that
allows for a great range of motion everywhere on this guy. The Classified Series truly makes the classic Joes,
the ARAH Joes, and the modern 1/18th scale Joes proud. These are fun, durable figures that are a joy to mess around with.
* Flint's pistol is the same model that came with Duke and Beach Head but this time it's just molded in plain black plastic. It looks good, though, as all black accessories are fairly realistic looking.
* Flint has almost always used some sort of shotgun as his primary weapon and the Classified Series is no different. He comes with a very cool and compact pump action shotgun. The design is great and the forearm gets a paint hit to help it stand out. The extra shells along the back also have their brass parts painted. It's an incredibly nice looking weapon.
* Flint's pistol can easily fit into the removable holster on his right hip. It looks great and gives him easy access to his backup weapon.
* Flint even has a holster for his shotgun! There's a holster permanently attached to the web gear on his lower back which his shotgun can conveniently slide into. It stays in their securely and looks petty cool.
If I have any complaints about Flint it's just that I wish he had an extra weapon or two. A knife with a sheathe would have been cool, or perhaps a second type of shotgun to give him some options. What we have is still pretty Epic, though. I continue to be impressed with the G.I. Joe: Classified Series and I'm excited to see what comes out next. I've seen rumors pointing towards Barbecue, the Alley Viper, Cover Girl, and Dr. Mindbender, so it';; be interesting to see who Hasbro adds to the growing ranks of both the Joe team and Cobra.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Action Figure Review: Zartan from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Malevolent May: Hordak from Masters of the Universe by Super7
It's time for another installment of May 2021's Malevolent May, a month long tribute to Hordak, and today I'm checking out the 5 1/2 inch Filmation inspired Hordak from Super7's neo-vintage Masters of the Universe line. I reviewed most of this line as they were coming out but I didn't review all of the first series figures so let's begin to rectify that today with a look at Hordak. If you're not terribly familiar with these this was Super7's attempt at releasing vintage-inspired figures styled after the Filmation character designs. The line started off kind of rough with lots of problems with series 1 but by the end it was a really solid line that I hated to see end. This version of Hordak is based, of course, on his appearance in the She-Ra: Princess of Power cartoon so you can display him with your vintage Princess of Power line if you want. Catra needs some help! Let's take a look at Hordak after the break...
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Action Figure Review: Panthor (Flocked) from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Action Figure Review: Civil Warrior from Marvel Legends Series: Gamerverse by Hasbro
Monday, May 17, 2021
Action Figure Review: Ultimate Warrior from Masters of the WWE Universe by Mattel
Ultimate Warrior is the Heroic Champion of Masters of the WWE Universe and the star of the greatest anti-smoking PSA of all time. Ultimate Warrior was released in Masters of the WWE Universe previously as part of series 1 and proved to be one of the most popular figures of the series. That figure seems to have been based on the Masters of the Universe concept character Oo-Lar while this figure has Vikor's cape with him so, for some reason, Ultimate Warrior strikes someone as being a proto-He-Man kind of guy. He's another figure from series 6 and since this line is exclusive to Walmart you just can't reliably find them. That's a shame, too, as this is a really fun toyline. Let's take a look at Ultimate Warrior after the break...
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Malevolent May: Hordak from Masters of the Universe Classics by Mattel
It's time for another Hordak review for Malevolent May and today I'm checking out the original Hordak figure from Masters of the Universe Classics by Mattel. It's no secret that Masters of the Universe Classics is my favorite toyline of all time so it's always exciting to go back and review one of the figures released before I started reviewing them. Hordak was released in June 2009 and was one of the original figures planned for release before the line turned into an ongoing juggernaut. Hordak's a great example of the early years of MOTUC and the superb work of the Four Horsemen and the Mattel design team at the time. He's a great update of the vintage figure but with improvements! Rather than just having the bat creature shield of the vintage toy Hordak has an actual little minion perched on his arm. His crossbow is improved from the vintage toy and he comes with the staff from his 200x incarnation. Rather than just plain black armor he has the red ribs from the Malaysian Hordak variant. There was a lot of creativity and blending of eras in the early days of the line, some of which sadly disappeared for a bit during the middle years when upper management supposedly became overly involved. Hordak is just excellent, though, so let's take a look at him after the break...
Toy Review: Skeletor from Masters of the Universe Magnets by Monogram International
Friday, May 14, 2021
Action Figure Review: Tri-Klops from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Minifigure Review: Battle Armor He-Man from Masters of the Universe Eternia Minis by Mattel
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Action Figure Review: Stratos from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
I'm currently finishing up my reviews of the fourth series of Masters of the Universe Origins figures and today I'm checking out Stratos, the Winged Warrior of Avion! Stratos was one of the original eight figures released in the 1982 Masters of the Universe line and now, with his appearance in series 4, we have the original 8-back figures. That's a pretty cool little milestone for Origins! Stratos had a few vintage variants, the most common being whether he had red wings and a blue jetpack or blue wings and a red jetpack. For the series 4 figure Mattel went with the blue wings and red jetpack which is the same as the vintage Stratos figure I own. I've never been a huge Stratos fan and about the only time I've ever found him overly interesting was during the 200x era due to his characterization in the Mike Young Productions animated series. Still, I'm not passing him up, so here he is! Let's take flight with Stratos after the break...
Monday, May 10, 2021
Malevolent May: Hordak from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
It's time for the second installment of Malevolent May and today's Hordak tribute is from the Masters of the Universe Origins line. Hordak is one of the figures in the fourth series of figures which have been showing up on store shelves over the past month or so. I managed to walk into a Target one day and find the whole set in one go which is pretty incredible. Since then I haven't seen a single one. What the heck, Mattel? Also, why are these figures shipped in cases of four? They're fairly small! Why not cases of 8? Anyways, Hordak is the first member of the Evil Horde to appear in MOTU Origins and hopefully he won't be the last. I had both the standard Hordak and Buzz-Saw Hordak as a kid although at some point my original Hordak disappeared or got sold off. Bummer, huh? This guy does a pretty good job of capturing the spirit of the vintage toy although I'm not completely sold on the headsculpt, particularly the eyes. Let's see what the Ruthless Leader of the Evil Horde brings to the Origins line after the break...
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Action Figure Review: Firestar from Marvel Legends Series by Hasbro
Friday, May 7, 2021
Action Figure Review: Ninjor from Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel
Let's check out Ninjor after the break...
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Action Figure Review: The Grady Twins from Toony Terrors by NECA
A weekend or two ago I was at Target and stumbled upon some new Toony Terrors from NECA. Y'all know I'm a pretty big Stephen King fan and I was thrilled to see that the Grady Twins are included in the most recent series of NECA's "horror icons meet vintage Saturday morning cartoons" line of action figures. Stanley Kubrick's The Shining might not be a very faithful adaptation of King's book but is sure is one heck of a movie. The film is filled with iconic imagery and the Grady Twins, the ghosts of two young girls who haunt The Overlook, are quite possibly more well known at this point than Jack Nicholson. They're pop culture fixtures and NECA has immortalized them in plastic to hang out with the big guns of horror. Now before some of you get all persnickety with me I'll go ahead and disclose that yes, in the book they're not twins. The girls are different ages. They also don't show up in the book and are only mentioned in passing. The Grady girls in this format are purely an invention of the movie. Second, there are some folks who are convinced that these are not the Grady girls (again, mentioned in the movie as being 8 and 10) but are some other twins haunting The Overlook. When the girls are mentioned as having been killed in the hotel and then their ghosts show up, c'mon? Why complicate things? These are the Grady Twins and we're getting ready to check these figures out after the break...