Saturday, February 1, 2025

Wrapping Up 2024: Rogue & Destiny from Marvel Legends Series: X-Men by Hasbro


   In February I'll still be wrapping up some 2024 reviews, but I've got some new stuff for 2025 to look at. I'll also be publishing my annual Best of the Year Awards throughout the month, so keep reading!

   I thought 2024 was a really good year for Marvel Legends. While it was odd that it took Hasbro so long to get out action figures for Deadpool and Wolverine, and then it was a pretty basic lineup (if any Marvel film in recent memory was going to be a surefire hit that was it, plus those two always sell action figures), I think most of the year was excellent. The second series of X-Men '97 figures were great, the 80th Anniversary figures were incredible, whether individual figures, multi-packs, deluxe releases, or Ghost Rider with his motorcycle, the Strange Tales and Secret Wars sets seemed pretty popular, and the Spidey fans got plenty to love. My main Marvel Legends focus is X-Men, and while most releases were excellent, I do want to look at a set that I received for Christmas which was a bit disappointing: Rogue and Destiny. The character selection isn't bad at all (first appearance "villain" Rogue and the first ever figure of Destiny/ Irene Adler), but the figures are the definition of barebones. Compare this set to the Wong and Doctor Strange set, also an exclusive and a 2-pack, and you'll be shocked by what you get with that set versus the single pair of swappable hands that Rogue and Destiny each come with. No energy or power effects? No really cool alternate hands like Rogue taking off her glove? No alternate portraits, or an unmasked portrait for Destiny? Nope. I added this set to my wishlist because while I like Rogue, I really wanted Destiny for my Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Sometimes with figures like this you never know what's going to hang around and what's going to disappear (this year's Target exclusive Warbird and the Cabal set come to mind) and skyrocket in price. Let's take a look at this two-pack after the break...

The Facts: Rogue

Height: 6 1/4 inches

Articulation: Swivel/hinge ankles, double-hinged knees, swivel thighs, balljointed hips, balljointed waist, swivel/hinge shoulders, swivel biceps, double hinged elbows, swivel/hinge wrists, and a barbell jointed head.

Accessories: 4 swappable hands and two glove cuffs. 

The Facts: Destiny

Height: 6 1/4 inches (6 1/2 with her funky hat)

Articulation: Swivel/hinge ankles, double-hinged knees, swivel thighs, balljointed hips, balljointed midtorso, swivel/hinge shoulders, swivel biceps, double hinged elbows, swivel/hinge wrists, hinged neck, and a barbell jointed head.

Accessories: 4 swappable hands.

Non-Scalper Price: $50 dollars

The Positives:

* This version of Rogue is based on her first appearance from 1981 back in Avengers Annual #10 where she was a villain. Like with most Marvel Legends Series figures, Hasbro's team has taken some liberties and created a figure that both looks like the comic art and design and yet also looks like a more traditional, less stylized version of Rogue as well. She's wearing a fairly simple green outfit with lighter green hems. It's a pretty basic outfit but the way it looks like a jacket like-top versus a one-piece jumpsuit does cause it to standout a bit. The glove cuffs are extra pieces that are removable, but there's no reason to pop them off. All the paintwork is neat and clean. There's not much of it, sure, but it's all straight and looks sharp. 

* I really like this portrait but I can understand why some folks might not. It's actually quite different from her original appearance where she appeared to be quite a bit older and had two white streaks on the sides of her hair. Here, she still looks like the Rogue we know best, but younger. She looks villainous thanks to the devious look in her eyes  and a bit of a smirk on her lips, but instead of two white streaks she just gets her lone trademark white streak, which looks larger due to her shorter hair style. 

* Rogue is sporting a hood, but it's nonfunctional, sculpted in a permanent down position. I do like the detail, though, and it would have been easy to ignore or to have left off. 

* Articulation-wise, Rogue is pretty much on par with most other female Marvel Legends figures that aren't wearing a ton of extra gear. She's pinless, feels sturdy, and all of her joints have a great range of motion. Her knees and elbows are double jointed, so he has great movement in those areas. Since she's wearing a new jacket style outfit over her torso, she has a balljointed waist rather than any kind of mid-torso movement. It works pretty well with only some minor restrictions and it does make the figure look much cleaner.

* Rogue only has four swappable hands: A pair of fists and a pair of gesturing hands with splayed fingers. This is about as basic as it gets.

* I'm a huge Rogue fan, sure, but Destiny is the real reason anyone is buying this set. And here she is! Destiny looks excellent. She's wearing a fairly basic outfit, sure, but she's instantly recognizable with the blue one piece, long blue opera gloves, and that blue cape with a mantle that goes over her shoulders. Interestingly, the top of Destiny's one-piece isn't just painted on: The line between her outfit and her bust is actually sculpted, making sure everything looks clean and neat. Mystique ought to be pleased! 

* Destiny does not come with an unmasked portrait, which is a bit disappointing. That being said, her helmeted portrait is quite good and really turned out well. her helmet is very unusual, looking like something from a 1950s or early 1960s sci-fi film, though her mask looks like something from antiquity. It's a gold mask but not only did Hasbro give it a nice gold color, it also has some painted facial features or lines on it that make it look more like reflective metal. It's a cool look and really is quite impressive. 

* Destiny's cape drapes quite a bit in the middle. Interestingly, it's also her neck (her head is attached directly to the neck of the cape). To highlight the way the cape drapes, giving it some extra depth, Hasbro did do a heavy wash back here.

* Destiny's articulation also isn't bad. She's still a sturdy, well articulated figure with pinless joints and a solid range of motion in most places. I did say most, as her shoulders have an issue, but I'll get their in a minute. Overall, with a little work to get around her limited shoulders, you still should be able to get around the shoulder issue and make her look cool hanging out with Mystique or being devious with the rest of the Brotherhood of Mutants. 

* She also comes with the same two swappable sets of hands: The open hands and fists. 
The Negatives:

* Because of the cape, which still does look really cool, Destiny's shoulders are pretty limited. I'm not sure what might have been a better design. Maybe a softer cape mantle or perhaps make it just a bit slimmer on top? It is limiting when you're trying to pose her. 

   I know many Rogue fans have long wanted this set and Destiny has been a missing character in the line for years, but how's this set? I'm giving it a Good. The figures are nice but there's little to no creativity or extra here to sell the set and these aren't particularly unique designs in terms of the builds. It's like a nice steak with no seasoning or spice, you know? How about the glove holding hand, a swappable up and down hood, or even a smooching head for her and Cap? And Destiny? Why not an unmasked portrait of Irene Adler at the very least? How about two? One with her more modern look and one with the classic white hair and glasses? This set is a good example of how Hasbro's Legends can go back and forth between absolutely knockout sets (The S.H.I.E.L.D. pack, Doctor Strange and Wong), and some very lazy releases.

I could have sworn I had reviewed more figures of Rogue/ Anna Marie LeBeau, but the only one I have reviewed is the Marvel Legends Series Rogue from the Juggernaut BAF series.

This is the first figure of Destiny/ Irene Adler I've reviewed. For more Marvel Legends Series reviews check out the following:
Marvel Legends Series by Hasbro (2016)

Marvel Legends Series: 85th Anniversary by Hasbro (2024)

Marvel Legends Series: Avengers by Hasbro
Yelena Belova

Marvel Legends Series: Black Panther by Hasbro (2017)
Black Panther 

Marvel Legends Series: Black Widow by Hasbro (2020)
Black Widow: Deadly Origin
Marvel Legends Series: Captain America by Hasbro (2016)
Black Panther
Demolition Man (Mercenaries of Mayhem)
Nick Fury 

Marvel Legends Series: Captain Marvel by Hasbro (2019)
Captain Marvel

Marvel Legends Series: Deadpool by Hasbro (2018)
Deadpool (Boxers)
Deadpool (X-Force)
Lady Deadpool 
X-23 (X-Force)
Marvel Legends Series: Doctor Strange

Marvel Legends Series: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) 
Marvel Legends Series: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
Baron Zemo

Marvel Legends Series: Fantastic Four (2017)
Mr. Fantastic
Marvel Legends Series: Gamerverse
Civil Warrior

Marvel Legends Series: Guardians of the Galaxy by Hasbro (2017)
Groot Evolution

Marvel Legends Series: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 by Hasbro (2017)
Gamora (Daughters of Thanos)
Nebula (Daughters of Thanos)
Rocket Raccoon & Groot

Marvel Legends Series: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 by Hasbro (2023)
Marvel Legends Series: The Infinity Gauntlet by Hasbro (2021)
Marvel Legends Series: The Infninity Saga by Hasbro
Captain Marvel & Rescue Armor

Marvel Legends Series: Inhumans by Hasbro (2017)
Marvel Legends Series: Ironheart by Hasbro (2021)
Marvel Legends Series: Iron Man by Hasbro  
Vault Guardsman

Marvel Legends Series: Marvel Knights (2023)

Marvel Legends Series: Phoenix by Hasbro (2024)
Jean Grey and Phoenix Force

Marvel Legends Series: The Punisher by Hasbro (2019)
The Punisher (Walgreens Exclusive)
Marvel Legends Series: She-Hulk by Hasbro

Marvel Legends Series: Silk by Hasbro
Silk and Doc Ock

Marvel Legends Series: Silver Surfer by Hasbro (2018)
Silver Surfer

Marvel Legends Series: Spider-Man by Hasbro
Hallow's Eve
King in Black: Knull and Venom

Marvel Legends Series: Strange Tales (2024)

Marvel Legends Series: Super Villains by Hasbro (2021)

Marvel Legends Series: Thor by Hasbro

Marvel Legends Series: Thor: Love and Thunder by Hasbro (2022)
Mighty Thor

Marvel Legends Series: Typhoid Mary by Hasbro (2018)
Typhoid Mary

Marvel Legends Series: The Unbelievable Gwenpool by Hasbro (2018)

Marvel Legends Series: Venom by Hasbro (2018)
Marvel Legends Series: WandaVision by Hasbro (2021)
Marvel Legends Series: What If? by Hasbro (2021)

Marvel Legends Series: Wolverine by Hasbro
Wolverine & Lilandra Neramani
Wolverine & Psylocke

Marvel Legends Series: X-Men by Hasbro (2016)

1 comment:

What'chu talkin' 'bout?