Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Action Figure Review: Martian Manhunter from DC Comics Multiverse: Supergirl TV Series by Mattel

 Today I'm checking out Martian Manhunter, the 3rd figure in the Clayface series of DC Comics Multiverse action figures from Mattel. Based on the characters appearance in the Supergirl TV series (where he is played by David Harewood), this version of J'onn J'onzz is the sole non-comic figure in this series. The television based figures have gone back and forth, either having been some of the more difficult figures to find or some of the biggest peg warmers. With Mattel's distribution for the Rookie series, the Justice League series, and this series seemingly being so bad, though, it's doubtful that any of these figures could be called peg warmers. It has been nearly a decade since Mattel last released a Martian Manhunter figure (the DCUC series 15 versions in 2010) so I'm sure collectors are eager to pick up the character again. Let's take a look at this very cool TV version of the Martian Manhunter after the break...

 The Facts:

Height: 6 1/2 inches

Articulation: Hinged ankles, hinged knees, swivel thighs, H-hinged hips, swivel waist, mid-torso hinge, swivel/hinge shoulders, swivel biceps, hinged elbows, swivel wrists, and a balljointed head.

Accessories: 4 interchangeable hands, cape, Black Mercy plant, and the left arm of Clayface Collect & Connect figure.

Non-Scalper Price: $20 dollars
 The Positives:

* The Martian Manhunter is pretty nice looking figure. He's probably the best TV based figure that Mattel has released to date and definitely shows a more realistic sculpt than many of the others. While this is a very different look than we typically see J'onn J'onzz sporting there are some nice callbacks to his original costume such as the red "x" across his chest.

* The headsculpt on this figure is super impressive. It may quite possibly be the best headsculpt in this series of figures. The details on the head are incredible and the expressions is very intense and piercing.

* While Martian Manhunter does have the older Movie Masters style of articulation most of his joints do have a decent range of movement, so you can still get some cool poses out of him. He'll fit right in with your DCEU Justice League team or your Arrowverse crew due to the style.

 * Martian Manhunter comes with two sets of hands: Fists and open palms. They swap out very easily and are very durable; I had no fear of breakage whatsoever.
 * Just behind the headsculpt in terms of coolness is the excellent Black Mercy accessory. Originally appearing the 1985 story "For the Man Who Has Everything" the alien parasitic plant Black Mercy has been harnessed by Mongul against a number of heroes. While this is from the Supergirl TV, the design is quite faithful to the comic appearances and would work great with comic based figures, too. This is an excellent accessory.

* The figure also includes the left arm for the pretty large Clayface Collect & Connect figure. I'm getting very excited to show this guy off and now, after reviewing Martian Manhunter, I'll only have two more figures to review before we get to Basil Karlo!
 The Negatives:

* Martian Manhunter has one of the most frustrating and awkwardly designed capes I have ever seen. Rather than permanently attach to his back or use a peg or something, the cape just plugs into a slit in the figure's back. As you can imagine it is very prone to just falling out at a moment's notice. Bummer.

 Martian Manhunter was probably my least anticipated figure in this series since I don't really collect any of the figures from the Arrowverse shows. Still, this is a nice figure of the Martian Manhunter that offers up a slightly different take on the character. The Movie Masters styled body definitely feels very dated at this point and the poorly designed cape is a real drag but I can't find fault with the killer headsculpt or the excellent Black Mercy accessory. Factor in that you're getting another piece to the Clayface Collect & Connect figure and J'onn turned out to be a Great figure. Mattel definitely upped their game on this series, didn't they? This figure feels very loaded with extras and makes you feel like you're getting your moneys worth.

If you're looking for another Martian Manhunter review I also checked out the DC Nano Metalfigs Martian Manhunter figure from the 2017 10-pack.

If you're looking for more DC Comics Multiverse action figures, check out the following:

Batgirl (The Batgirl of Burnside)
Batman (Batman: Zero Year)
Batman (DC Rebirth)
Batwing (DC Rebirth)
Batwoman (DC Rebirth)
Damian Wayne Robin (Robin War) 
Doctor Psycho (Collect & Connect figure)
Duke Thomas (We Are Robin)
Earth 23 Superman
The Flash: From Page to Screen
Jessica Cruz (DC Rebirth)
Jim Gordon Batman (Batman: Superheavy)
The Joker (Batman: Endgame)
Justice Buster
The Reaper (Batman: Year Two) 
Rookie (Collect & Connect figure)
Wonder Girl (Teen Titans)

The Arrow

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Armored Batman (The Dark Knight Returns)
Batman & Superman (The Dark Knight Returns)
The Flash & The Atom (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns)
The Joker (The Dark Knight Returns) 
Mutant Leader (The Dark Knight Returns)
Robin (The Dark Knight Returns) 
Son of Batman
Wonder Woman

Batman v. Superman
Armored Batman
Bat Creature
Batman's Grapnel Blaster (Collect & Connect accessory) 
Batman Unmasked
Knightmare Batman
Lex Luthor
Wonder Woman

DC's Legends of Tomorrow 
The Atom

The Flash
Reverse Flash (The Flash TV Series)

Justice League
Aquaman (Toys R Us Exclusive) 
Batman (Wal-Mart Exclusive) 
Cyborg (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
The Flash
Mother Boxes (Collect & Connect Accessory)
Steppenwolf (Collect & Connect Figure)
Wonder Woman 

Suicide Squad
Croc (Build-a-Figure)
Harley Quinn (6 inch) 
Harley Quinn (12 inch)
Harley Quinn (Gold Dress)
Harley Quinn (Toys R Us Exclusive)
The Joker 
The Joker (Toys R Us Exclusive)
Rick Flag 


Supergirl TV Series 

Wonder Woman
Diana of Themyscira
Queen Hippolyta
Steve Trevor 
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman (Toys 'R Us exclusive)

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