Sunday, February 28, 2016

Check Out The Confirmed Epic Podcast #39: An Epic Return and Deadpool Reviewed

Guess what? The Confirmed Epic Podcast is back! Check us out in Episode 39 as we review FOX's latest mutant hit: Tim Miller's Deadpool.  We also discuss DC rebirth in Epic News.  As always we will dive into what we have been checking out this week: The people Vs. OJ Simpson, Marvel's Secret Wars, Brian Michael Bendis and Dave Marquez new Iron Man comic, The Dark Knight Returns, and Pokemon day 2016!

This podcast can also be found on it's new home on the GWW Radio Network!

*If you are having trouble listening on your phone please use the pod bean here!

*to find us on itunes soon, just search: thepicreview podcast network or GWW Radio


  1. Woohoo! Glad to see the pod revived :).

    1. Thanks, man! There should be some good things in store for it!


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