Friday, May 4, 2018

Confirmed Crap Podcast #3: The Last Jedi Revisited

In the 3rd edition of The Confirmed Crap Podcast join The Reel Brad Bell and Jerry 'Barbecue17' Reed as they rip into Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi like never before in a character by character breakdown of the infamous film.

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  1. I thought you liked the last Jedi.

    1. Did you listen to the podcast yet? I only ask because I definitely make my feelings about the film known throughout, especially at the end. If you're just wondering why it's called a "Confirmed Crap" podcast, that's simply because we use the Confirmed Crap title when we do a podcast that's kind of out of the ordinary. I hosted this one and since we did the breakdown of the film character by character (rather than plot based) we decided to go with our alternate title of Confirmed Crap podcast rather than Confirmed Epic. My feelings on the film are still complex and scattered and I don't think I'll truly know what to think about it until after Episode IX is released. This one is some good, some misguided, some pointless, and very problematic.


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