Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Action Figure Review: Jonah Hex & The General (All-Star Western) from DC Multiverse by McFarlane Toys


   I'm not terribly knowledgeable on Jonah Hex but I do like the character, so I scooped this guy up when McFarlane put up the preorder over the summer. Not is this just a cool western cowboy figure, it's also one of the few DC figures to come with firearms since Warner Bros. "no firearms" mandate for all of their brands. It seems that Warner Bros. has loosed their regulations a bit in the past six months or so, allowing for figures to come with firearms if they're directly marketed to collectors (Jonah Hex and & The General have "17+" printed on the box) and are sold directly online. Since Jonah's release we've also seen a BvS Batman two-pack with weapons, a re-release of Thomas Wayne as Batman with pistols, and the upcoming (and ridiculously priced) 2-pack from the 2019 Joker film. Jonah Hex comes with his faithful steed, The General, and is available in this McFarlane Toys Store exclusive set or in another Gold Label set with blue clothes, a grey coat, and The General with white hair. Ready to set off on a reviewing journey with Jonah Hex and The General? Then ride along into the break...

The Facts: Jonah Hex

Height: 7 inches

Articulation: Hinged toes, double swivel hinged ankles, double hinged knees, swivel/hinge hips, balljointed waist, balljointed mid torso, swivel/hinge shoulders w/ ballsockets, bicep swivels, double hinged elbows, double swivel/ hinge wrists, and a barbell jointed head.
Accessories: Collector card, display stand, 2 belts, coat, rifle, 2 revolvers, sword, knife, and tomahawk. 

The Facts: The General

Height: 8 1/8ths inches

Articulation: Double swivel/hinge hooves (x4), double swivel/ hinge knees (x4), hinged front legs, swivel rear legs, double swivel/ hinge tail, hinged neck, and a balljointed head.

Accessories: None

Non-Scalper Price: $70 dollars

The Positives:

* If Jonah Hex has shared parts with any other figures released in the DC Multiverse line yet, I don't recognize them. He's a pretty classic looking gunslinger, that's for sure. There are elements of the bits of his old Confederate uniform he sometimes wore, but they're not crazy recognizable. I could see this becoming a popular base figure for plenty of cowboy customs. His shirt has a texture that gives it a decidedly old school, hand woven appearance and a little bit of variation in the color. He comes with two removable belts for holding his weapons but the belt he's wearing here isn't removable; it's a separate piece worn around the figure's waist.

* Jonah Hex's headsculpt is really good. His hat isn't removable but it is clearly a separate piece that looks just right on his head. His standard face is rugged with long sideburns and quite a bit of stubble. The scarred half of his face, the "mark of the demon," is quite grotesque with most of the eyeball exposed, some seriously damaged flesh, and a hole in his cheek so you can see his teeth even when his mouth is closed. 

* There's a lot of detail on Jonah's jeans. Besides having a denim-like texture and a paint scheme that makes them look weathered with a blue and white pattern, there's also a lot of dust and dirt painted on the bottoms from a long day of riding on the range.

* Jonah Hex isn't wearing his Confederate outfit this time around (Mattel's Dc Universe Classics figure was). Instead, he's wearing a rather plain, standard Western styled outfit and a duster. I like it. It's a soft goods piece that's easily removable, fits the figure well, and looks pretty good. It's made from a fairly thin material, so it doesn't look oversized. The stitch work on it isn't particularly impressive or anything, but it does complement the figure nicely. He's easily one of the best cowboy figures I own.

* Jonah Hex is on the leaner side, so factor that in with him being well articulated and having a respectable range of motion in his joints and you've got a pretty good figure. Nothing much different here than most other DC Multiverse figures, but it all comes together nicely. He does have swivel joints at his mid thighs, probably to help him more easily ride his horse. With a nice complement of weaponry and the trench coat, Jonah Hex is a really fun figure to mess around with.

* Joan Hex is one of the rarest of rare DC Multiverse to come with a firearm. He actually comes with three, and first we're checking out two of them: A pair of revolvers. They look like Colt Single Action Army revolvers and are a pretty nice sculpt. For anyone wondering, these are not the same revolvers that came with Gunslinger Spawn. They're a different sculpt.

* Next up is a Bowie knife. This thing looks mighty sharp and like a nasty tool for dealing with bad guys when Jonah has to get up close and personal.

* Two different belts are included which can easily fit around Jonah Hex's waist. The first is a standard belt with holsters for both revolvers and a slit in the back to hold the bowie knife (or another of the included weapons). There are a couple paint hits on the front to show off the brass cartridges in the loops and the belt buckle. 

* A cavalry styled saber is also included. Probably a useful tool when Jonah Hex wants to ride around on the General and swing at stuff. I hope it was given to him by an old man in a cave who told him "It's dangerous to go alone!"

* Jonah Hawk has fought with tomahawks, killed with tomahawks, been cut with tomahawks, and had his face burned by a heated tomahawk. Guess what he comes with? A tomahawk! That's pretty cool as you don't see tomahawks as an accessory that often. 

* Jonah Hex's second belt is two leather belts crossed with two slits on the side and one in the back. The saber, tomahawk, and knife all can fit on this belt. I'm pretty impressed that McFarlane Toys gave us two different options for belts. It's not the kind of feature we often see from them.

* Last up is a really cool Winchester styled rifle. I love this sculpt! It's not overly complex but it looks nice and you can get tons of cool poses with it.

* As usual for the McFarlane Collector Edition figures, you get a glossier collectible card and a display base. Yes, the display base should have a silver DC logo. I grabbed the wrong one for the picture. You know what they look like.

* Now we get to The General, Jonah Hex's faithful steed. The General good sized horse and is actually a straight up repaint of Roach, the horse from McFarlane's The Witcher line. The scale seems right and the horse is pretty impressive looking. I could see this being a popular horse for collectors wanting something affordable in the 1/10th scale, though it could probably be fudged into a 1/2th scale display, too. Roach seems to have gone up in price and this guy would most likely be cheaper.

* The General actually looks like a pretty calm horse, especially because of his big, brown eyes. What a lovely horse! His reins and such are soft and flexible, though not removable. I'm actually really surprised this is the same sculpt as the horse from The Witcher line as you don't often see companies share sculpts or elements like this across different brands. 

* The reins are flexible and easy for Joan Hex to hold in his hands. The General's mane is also quite long and parted, falling over his right side. 

* I was really surprised when I realized that almost everything about The General was reused from The Witcher's Roach as the saddle and gear really has a very Western feel to it. I like the texturing on the various items like the saddle, the horse blanket, and the various saddlebags and pouches for Jonah Hex to carry his gear in. 

* Here's a shot from the other side to see more of the saddle and gear sculpted on here. There's some dry brushing on most of it, too, which does give the gear, especially the parts intended to be leather, a more realistic appearance.

* Besides the colors, the only difference I can spot between pictures of Roach and The General is that Roach had a sheathe for Geralt's sword while The General has a long holster for Jonah Hex's rifle. I love being able to store the rifle here. It's a really neat detail that adds to the cowboy feel of the set.

* I like that The General's tail is articulated. You can move it to make him look like he's moving quickly. Or swatting flies with it.

* The General isn't just a static horse like what you'd get from Breyer: He does have quite a bit of articulation. There's no body articulation but he can move his head a bit, move his neck up and down, move his tail, and his legs each have three of the swivel/ hinge joints with a swivel on both sides of the hinge like most McFarlane action figures these days. It is entirely possible to get some cool poses out of The General, particularly if you're placing all legs on the ground. 

The horse's legs. Not your own. 

* Jonah Hex doesn't look bad at riding on The General at all. He has those thigh swivels which are a big help in getting his legs adjusted so his feet can fit into the stirrups and he can grab the reins with one or both hands. I think these two make a pretty impressive pair. 

The Negatives:

* It's weird to have the swivel/ hinge joints on the legs and hooves while the hips (or whatever you call them; I'm no horse expert) just swivel with no lateral movement. It really makes it tough to balance The General in all but the most static of positions without some kind of aid. 

* Most of the weapons in this set are quite good, better than most McFarlane Toys accessories, but Jonah Hex's cavalry saber is very wobbly and rubbery with a blade that's a bit warped.

   This set really impressed me, especially Jonah Hex himself. Even if you're not a fan of the character, this is a pretty cool Western/ cowboy set that could easily find a place in your collection. I have no real complaints about Jonah Hex himself. If he were sold separately he'd be one of the best DC Multiverse figures released. The General isn't bad, but the limited leg motion definitely weakens him a bit, keeping him from taking most poses that aren't just static and neutral. Still, this is a cool set. You get a lot of weapons, Jonah Hex is incredible, and having a horse in the collection is pretty welcome, too. It's a Great and a 1/2 set.

   These are the first figures of Jonah Hex and The General I've reviewed. For more DC Multiverse reviews check out the following:
Harley Quinn (The Suicide Squad)
Hugo Strange (Batman: Transference)


  1. I might have to get this. Always loved me some Jonah Hex

    1. There are two versions out there now. They have different colored outfits and a different colored horse. The second one is a Platinum and has a blue outfit with a white horse.

    2. Well, I can only find one here in UK at present and it's already gotten kinda expensive, so I may have to skip and just enjoy other people's photos of it. :)


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