Halloween is almost here and while this isn't a 31 Days of Toy Terror review, nor is it a scary action figure in any way, this version of Robin from Batman Forever absolutely reminds me of Halloween. In 1995, when Batman Forever came out, I though Chris O'Donnell's Robin was the coolest. I remember finding the Kenner Street Biker Robin on the same trip to Target that I found the Riddler and Two-Face, so that was a huge deal, but it took me quite a bit more time to find Hydro Claw Robin, the first Robin that was actually in his costume. I think I put the animated series Robin on that figure and gave him the staff from the Toy Biz Joker figure to complete my ideal Robin at the time. For Halloween that year I dressed up as Robin and had a great costume that actually had a hard plastic chest plate. Sadly, my parents have not been able to find any pictures from that Halloween, so that's a bummer. Recently a friend shared an old picture of him and his brother as the Riddler and Two-Face from 1995 and I really wanted to show off my Robin costume. I'm pretty glad to get this guy as Robin is definitely the best part of Batman Forever (though Dr. Chase Meridian, Sugar, and Spice are close). I don't dislike Val Kilmer but I think he's pretty much the most boring Batman we've ever had. Chris O'Donnell as Robin, however, really worked quite well. It's a shame we didn't get to see him teamed up with Michael Keaton's Batman. This guy is a darn fine Robin figure, so let's take a look at him after the break...
The Facts:
Height: 6 7/8ths inches
Articulation: Hinged toes, double swivel hinged ankles, double hinged knees, swivel thighs, swivel/hinge hips, balljointed waist, balljointed mid torso, swivel/hinge shoulders w/ ballsockets, bicep swivels, double hinged elbows, double swivel/ hinge wrists, and a barbell jointed head.
Accessories: Collector card, display stand, four swappable hands, and wing of the Nightmare Bat Collect-to-Build figure.
Non-Scalper Price: $25 dollars
The Positives:
* In terms of Robin costumes, the Batman Forever Robin Suit is one of the best. It manages to still have the classic colors and be brighter in contract to Batman's suit, yet it also looks more mature. Definitely something an adult male wouldn't look out of place wearing compared to some of the older Robin costumes (O'Donnell was around 24 when the movie was filmed). The colors are great and the details like the body armor torso and belt look pretty good. I'm not a fan of the film itself these days as it's just aimless and the villains without menace, but there's little about Robin in this move I could criticize. Robin's a tough character to pull off in live action, hence why most adaptations have just ignored him, but Batman Forever does it well. I love how the suit is a mixture of Robin's circus background with elements of Batman's costumes.
* It's also wired, allowing you to pose Robin with his cape blowing in the breeze, or flowing behind him as he's running alongside Batman.
* The Batman Forever series is pretty strong, and that's probably high praise coming from me considering I don't like the film all that much. This is a really good take on Robin, though. He's definitely the strongest figure in the series. I just really like this guy. It'd be cool if he came with a gadget or something, even though he didn't really use much in the film that I can recall. In the video game for Batman Forever Robin used a staff, which I always gave to my toy Robin and carried as part of my Halloween costume. This is an Epic figure, though, and I'm super glad to have him as part of my collection.
If you're looking for more reviews of Dick Grayson as Robin, Batman, or Nightwing, I've also reviewed the DC Multiverse Nightwing (Titans) and Nightwing (Batman: Knightfall), Mattel's DC Comics Multiverse Dick Grayson Batman, the Lego Batman: Man-Bat Attack which includes Nightwing, the Kenner Legends of Batman Nightwing, the DC Icons Hush Nightwing, the New 52 Nightwing, the McFarlane Super Powers Nightwing, the Jada Nano Metalfigs DC103 Nightwing, and Robin from the Teen Titans Go! To the Movies line.
If you're looking for more Robin reviews in general, no matter who is using the title, I've also checked out Mattel's DC Comics Multiverse Damian Wayne Robin (Robin War), Duke Thomas (We Are Robin), Red Robin (DC Rebirth), and Robin (The Dark Knight Returns), the McFarlane DC Multiverse Robin- Tim Drake (Robin: Reborn) and Robin (DC vs. Vampires), the McFarlane DC Page Punchers Robin (Fighting the Frozen), the Jada Nano Metalfigs DC102 Robin, Robin from the Batcave set, DC56- Robin (Tim Drake), and the Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Cyborg, Robin, Slade, Starfire, and Wonder Woman 5-Pack.
For more DC Multiverse reviews check out the following:
Impulse (Flash War)
The Joker- Bank Robber (The Dark Knight)
The Joker (The Dark Knight Rises) Jokerized
The Joker (Infinite Frontier)
The Joker- Sonar Vision (The Dark Knight)
Justice Buster (Batman: Endgame)
Kalibak (The Darkseid War)
Man-Bat (DC Rebirth)
Mister Freeze (Victor Fries)
Aquaman (Flashpoint)
Arsenal (Titans)
Bane (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Bane (Trench Coat) (The Dark Knight Rises)
Batcycle (The Flash)
Batgirl (Batman: Three Jokers) Jokerized
Arsenal (Titans)
Bane (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Bane (Trench Coat) (The Dark Knight Rises)
Batcycle (The Flash)
Batgirl (Batman: Three Jokers) Jokerized
Batgirl Cassandra Cain (Batgirls)
Batman & Spawn
Batman (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) Jokerized
Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) Jokerized
Batman (DC vs Vampires)
Batman (The Flash)-- Keaton
Batman (Hush)
Batman (Knightfall)
Batman Duke Thomas (Tales from the Dark Multiverse)
The Batman Who Laughs with Sky Tyrant Wings (Dark Knights: Metal)
Batwing (Batman Inc.)
Batwoman Unmasked (Batman Beyond)
Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Beast Boy (Titans)
Catman (Villains United)
Catwoman (Batman: Knightfall)
Catwoman (The Dark Knight Rises)
Clock King
Batman & Spawn
Batman (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) Jokerized
Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) Jokerized
Batman (DC vs Vampires)
Batman (The Flash)-- Keaton
Batman (Hush)
Batman (Knightfall)
Batman Duke Thomas (Tales from the Dark Multiverse)
The Batman Who Laughs with Sky Tyrant Wings (Dark Knights: Metal)
Batwing (Batman Inc.)
Batwoman Unmasked (Batman Beyond)
Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Beast Boy (Titans)
Catman (Villains United)
Catwoman (Batman: Knightfall)
Catwoman (The Dark Knight Rises)
Clock King
Deadman (DC Rebirth)
Donna Troy (Titans)
Earth-2 Batman (Batman: Arkham Knight)
The Flash (DC Rebirth) Black & White Accent Edition
The Flash (Flashpoint)
The Flash Jay Garrick (Jay Garrick: The Flash Age)
Fulcum Abominus (Dark Knights: Metal)
Gladiator Batman (Dark Knights: Metal)
Grifter (Infinite Frontier)
Harley Quinn (The Suicide Squad)Donna Troy (Titans)
Earth-2 Batman (Batman: Arkham Knight)
The Flash (DC Rebirth) Black & White Accent Edition
The Flash (Flashpoint)
The Flash Jay Garrick (Jay Garrick: The Flash Age)
Fulcum Abominus (Dark Knights: Metal)
Gladiator Batman (Dark Knights: Metal)
Grifter (Infinite Frontier)
Impulse (Flash War)
The Joker- Bank Robber (The Dark Knight)
The Joker (The Dark Knight Rises) Jokerized
The Joker (Infinite Frontier)
The Joker- Sonar Vision (The Dark Knight)
Justice Buster (Batman: Endgame)
Kalibak (The Darkseid War)
Man-Bat (DC Rebirth)
Mister Freeze (Victor Fries)
Mister Zsasz
Nekron (Blackest Night)
Nightwing (Batman: Knightfall)
Nightwing (Titans)
The Penguin (DC Classic)
Project Superman (Flashpoint)
Raven (Titans)
The Riddler (Arkham City)
The Riddler (Batman Forever)
The Riddler (DC Classic)
Robin (DC vs. Vampires)
Robin- Tim Drake (Robin: Reborn)
Scarecrow (The Dark Knight Rises) Jokerized
Scarecrow (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
The Signal Duke Thomas
Sportsmaster (DC Classic)
Nekron (Blackest Night)
Nightwing (Batman: Knightfall)
Nightwing (Titans)
The Penguin (DC Classic)
Project Superman (Flashpoint)
Raven (Titans)
The Riddler (Arkham City)
The Riddler (Batman Forever)
The Riddler (DC Classic)
Robin (DC vs. Vampires)
Robin- Tim Drake (Robin: Reborn)
Scarecrow (The Dark Knight Rises) Jokerized
Scarecrow (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
The Signal Duke Thomas
Sportsmaster (DC Classic)
Starfire (McFarlane Collector Edition)
Superman (Black Adam) Black & White Accent Edition
Superman (Superman: Lois and Clark)
Superman Vs. Doomsday
Two-Face (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Two-Face as Batman (Batman: Reborn)
Superman (Black Adam) Black & White Accent Edition
Superman (Superman: Lois and Clark)
Superman Vs. Doomsday
Two-Face (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Two-Face as Batman (Batman: Reborn)
I dunno. I like the movie well enough but Robin was always my least fave thing in it. I just found him annoying and unlikable. The figure looks decent though has the nipple and crotch thing (which I'm at least glad this Robin is much older cos that on typically young Robin would be even more weird) but again it's the bat I like most. Wondering if maybe I bought all the figures then sold them off and kept the bat parts. I gotta hope there's enough folk who want the movie characters themselves and aren't interested in the bat.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what the cost would be to ship the bat because I've been trying to sell mine off. He is quite cool.
Deleteoh it would be too expensive to the UK but thanks for the thought. :)