Thursday, April 19, 2018

Adding to the Archives: Who Should be the Star of May's Spotlight?

For April I've been covering some older Deadpool  action figures to tie-in to the upcoming release of Deadpool 2 and to add more Deadpool themed content to my Action Figure Index. Now it's time to start voting for the subject of May 2018's spotlight reviews! Time for another vote: Simply leave a comment below naming which of the following characters you'd like to see have a month long review series on!

Lando Calrissian- Let's throw Lando in here, too. You know you like scoundrels! Plus, everything you've hard about him is true. Donald Glover looks like he is going to kill it as Lando. Since Solo is coming out in May, this seems like a great time to focus on this guy!

Bane- It's been quite a few years since there was a lot of Bane product out on shelves. I'd definitely try to take a look at a variety of Bane offerings from over the years. He's an interesting character with some cool toys, so why not? Plus, Bane: Conquest is getting ready to start.

Captain America- While Avengers: Infinity War will have just been released, it's still a great time to check out some previous Captain America figures and give Steve Rogers the tribute he deserves!

Wonder Woman- I've reviewed a ton of Wonder Woman figures over the past year or so and she's so close to having enough reviews on the site for me to give her her own personal review archive. Let's get her over the top, shall we?

Indiana Jones - Indy is one of my favorite film characters (possibly my favorite) and yet I haven't reviewed much Indy product on the site due to there not being much over the past decade. Let's fix that and check out some various versions of Dr. Jones.

Lara Croft- With the new Tomb Raider released a month or two ago (I haven't seen it yet, though, and I haven't heard great things) this still seems like a great time to check out Lara Croft's long action figure history. Plus, she had a new video game coming out this year. Tomb Raider came out in 1996 when I was in Middle School and I've always had an affinity for Ms. Croft.

Catwoman- Catwoman is one of my favorites and since she has such a prominent place in DC Comics right now (I mean, Bruce Wayne is marrying her) it seems like a great time to focus on all of the excellent Catwoman toys released over the years.

Who do you want to see four all new reviews of in May 2018? Leave a comment below and let me know! Voting ends at the end of April 2018!


  1. Steve Rogers with a beard

  2. Captain America..preferably with a beard.

  3. My favourite Avenger,Steve Rogers,with a beard

  4. Bearded Captain America FTW

  5. Bearded Steve Rogers,of course.

  6. Bearded Captain America.

  7. Bearded Steve Rogers,duh.

  8. I want to see bearded Captain America in this blog,at least once.

  9. Bearded Captain America,please be here.

  10. I would love to see my childhood hero,Steve Rogers with a beard here.

  11. I must see bearded Steve Rogers here.

  12. Come on,Captain America with a beard,where are you?

  13. I love Captain America with his beard.

  14. I want to see a bearded Captain America here.

  15. I love Steve Rogers and his bead.Especially the beard!

  16. Somebody has a crush on bearded super soldiers, haha.

  17. Or either some people,especially fangirls,no offense.Once encountered a group of fangirls wanting to see a naked Thor.Yikes!


What'chu talkin' 'bout?