Saturday, March 21, 2020

Toy Review: Stratos from Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips by Monogram International

    It's time for another heroic warrior to join Monogram International's collection of Figural Bag Clips and this time it's the mighty winged warrior Stratos! Stratos has been on a roll lately as it seems like every company producing Masters of the Universe product has been adding him to their rosters! I gotta admit that while I've never been the biggest Stratos fan this guy is iconic and has a great color scheme. While most of these figure clips are clearly based on the Filmation cartoon designs, the sleekness of this figure definitely reminds me a little bit of the DC Comics Stratos. Let's take look at Stratos after the break and see how high this guy can fly!

 The Facts:

Height: 2 1/4ths inches

Articulation: None

Accessories: None

Non-Scalper Price: $7-8 dollars

 The Positives:

* I really like the look of these. They look like what a cartoon strip version of Masters of the Universe might look like that was targeted towards kids. Or Scribblenauts. They kind of look like the Scribblenauts characters, don't they? The details are "etched" into the rubbery figures and, for the most part, everything is neat and clean. Stratos has one of the more complex designs with detail on his wings, helmet, and his harness. The colors look fantastic here, too. They're very bright and really grab your attention!

*  Rather than having a metal key-ring, these have a plastic clip. They're marketed as bag clips, so I guess the intention is to display them on a backpack or satchel of sorts. Or swing him by the clip and make him fly! I love the detail on his jetpack on his back, too. I'm going to have to find a cool way to display them in my MOTU collection.
  The level of detail on Stratos definitely makes me feel like he's deserving of a Great rating. While they're blind bagged (with a cardboard sleeve around them to make it harder to tell who you're getting), which I don't like, these are definitely kind of unusual, too. I love seeing the fun, colorful MOTU crew in a variety of mediums and the Monogram International bag clips deliver for me. They're perhaps a bit overpriced for what they are but I still like them. Stratos is one of the only 3 heroic characters in the first series (if you count Adam and He-Man as the same person), so Orko and He-Man definitely need his help!

If you're a Stratos fan then check out my review of the M.U.S.C.L.E. green Stratos from series #2, the minifigure Stratos from the 200x Heroes Vs. Villains Gift Pack #1, the Mega Construx Stratos and the Mega Construx Heroes Stratos, the Club Grayskull Stratos, and Super7's Neo-vintage Stratos.

For more Masters of the Universe: Figural Bag Clips, check out the following:
Prince Adam

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