Wednesday, October 23, 2024

31 Days of Toy Terror Takes the Universe: The Wolf Man from Universal Studios Little Monsters by Fetch for Pets


Our dog, Zoey, did a special review for last year's 31 Days of Toy Terror and it was pretty popular. Zoey absolutely loves stuffed toys and carries them all around the house. She carries them, licks them, chews them a bit (though she is rather gentle), throws them around, and uses them like pillows. I tempted her into writing another review this year by buying her another Wolf Man toy. Ready to read a (dog) toy review written by Zoey, our 6-year old Kelpie/ terrier rescue dog? Then read on!

[Editor's Note: Zoey is a very, very good dog, but she's still not the best speller. She also doesn't always use the correct words. We've been working with her on this, though progress is slow going.]

   Hi. I Zoey. And I back. Back in black. And brown. With white. Girl say I look like Cimmammammon roll. I is good dog. Very best. And I like wolfs. Like, like, like. My Gram-Gram bought me stuffed werewolf when I younger. He Werewolf and he very nice. He big and delicious. Then for my birthday my family buy me purple werewolf. He Lon. I call him that. He purple, fuzzy, and delicious. He squeak. Two weeks ago Barbcue tell me he have gift for me. He hide it behind his back and make go squeak. Squeak, squeak. I kind of like a wolf but I not go squeak. I bark and am fierce. I sit and say "Want, want. Please give." I also say that when people have food. So Barbcue give me it. It little Wolf Man. Barbcue say it Wolf Man from Universe of Monster. He watch lots of old black white movies and say they Universe of Monster. I just sit and get pets. Or bark at deer. They friends. And snacks. Mostly friends. I talk about Wolf Man now. Hit button please. Thamks. 

The Facts:

Height: 5 1/4ths inches

Articulation: None

Accessories: None

Non-Scalper Price: $5 dollars

The Pawsitives:

* This Wolf Man. He small. I bigger than him. And fiercer. I more telligent, too. I wily. Wolf Man small. He wearing clothes. I not wear clothes much, but he does. I have fur. So does he. He is not bear, but he kind of like bear. He has fur and he look tasty. He has paws. I has paws, too. We have same number. I not good counter, but we have same. My nails longer than his. I tacks him and he just take it.
* He cute. He fierce, but cute. Zoey fierce but cute, too. Everyone compliment me as being very good girl and very tentious. They say I villigant because I keep watch with keen eyes and my sharp nose. I see and smell everything. Does Wolf Man? Maybe. Barbcue say his real name Larry. Why? I not know. I watch movie but I not pay much attention. I like hearing wolf howls and music. I think big front windows more entertaining than movie. Cept when bears on TV. I like bears. I like Larry. That his name now.

* How tasty is Wolf Man? He good. He yummy. It always take bit before he good and smelly but he get there. He has fur which nice. He soft. He small and easy to grab. I show him who boss is. That right, it Zoey. I boss. I fierce. I your mama, Wolf Man. You not cause trouble. 

* Here is Wolf Man from back. Why he not have tail? Why? I has tail. Other dog in house, Crouton, has tail. Wolfs on TV has tail. Why this Wolf Man not have tail? I like to chew it. I ask for tail and say want, want. Please give. I think they hiding tail. But no, family say there no tail. Wolf Man does squeak. Barbcue, Girl, and Krimstin (that my family) will take Wolf Man down hall and squeak him. My ears pop up and I say "What?" Then I run and take him. Sometimes they hide him and act like they not hear him. They dumb. I not dumb. I know he there. I smell. 

* Here my clection of wolfs. I has three. Three wolfs. I ask girl how many wolfs I has and she says three. Wolfman (on left), this new Wolf Man I call Larry (in middle), and purple wolf called Lon on right. I has more bears than wolfs, but wolfs catching up.

Larry Wolf Man small. Barbcue tell Krimstin and Girl that Wolf Man was sposed to be 6 inch. I not know what that mean. Barbcue say Zoey need to be super viced with Larry or I might eat. I chew, but I not eat. I not dumb. Crouton, he dumb dog. I not. I very telligent. 

 Like Wolf Man. Like Larry. Like. Wish he bigger. Barbcue say he sposed to be bigger. He kind small. Why? Want more Wolf Man. Want more to chew. Want more to smell. Want more to snack on. He cute, though. Friend. Little friend. Want bigger Wolf Man, though. I has insayshbull appetite for life and I wants more. More. More. I hear that on Vince ManMan show Barbcue watch. But it true for Zoey, too. I is best dog. And want more. More more. Thamks. 

Thanks Zoey! You are definitely the best dog!

   For more of Lawrence/ Larry Talbot, the Wolf Man, I've also reviewed the Funko ReAction Wolf Man, Jada Toys' The Wolf Man, the Real Ghostbusters Wolfman Monster, NECA's Raphael as the Wolfman, the McFarlane's Monsters Werewolf Playset, the Imaginext Wolfman, the Werewolf from Mezco's Tower of Fear, Mezco's 2010 Wolfman, and Luke Talbot (the Wolfman) from Monster Force.


  1. aw, more doggo reviews, please. :)

    1. I'll talk to Zoey and see what can be worked out. She loves a chance to pose with her toys. She's very shy in real life but she loves the online attention!

  2. Very cute. My dog would tear that to pieces. So I will not purchase something so cute to be murdered by him.

    1. Yes, the first dog my wife and I ever had would destroy any and every toy within seconds. Eventually the only thing he could have were things like Nylabones and such. Zoey takes really good care of her toys and just gently licks them and holds them in her mouth. It's really cute. Before bed she'll even go find a toy she wants to take to bed and she'll drag it down to the bedroom.

  3. That's a great review! Good dog.

    1. I passed that comment on to her. She loves praise!


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