Friday, October 11, 2024

31 Days of Toy Terror Takes the Universe: April O'Neil as the Bride of Frankenstein from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles X Universal Monsters by NECA

   Today I'm back with another Universal Monsters themed review and it's another from NECA's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles X Universal Monsters line: April O'Neil as the Bride of Frankenstein! April as the Bride of Frankenstein was also released in 1994 as part of series 2 of the vintage Playmates TMNT Universal Monsters line and, thus far, she is so far one of only two figures that match the TMNT character and Universal Monster from the vintage line (Leonardo as the Creature from the Black Lagoon is the second). Interestingly, not only is this a figure of April O'Neil as the Bride of Frankenstein but it is based on Judith Hoag's portrayal of April from the 1990 live action film. Incredible! This is a figure of a lady (Judith Hoag), playing a lady (April O'Neil), disguised as a lady (Elsa Lanchester) who was playing another lady (Mary Shelley), imagining herself as another lady (the Bride of Frankenstein). This might be the most convoluted action figure ever made! Let's take a look at another excellent addition to the TMNT obsessed NECA's Universal Monsters tribute line after the break...

The Facts:

Height: 6 5/8ths inches (7 1/8ths inches w/ hair)

Articulation: Swivel/hinge ankles, double hinged knees w/ upper swivel, swivel thighs, balljointed hips, balljointed waist, swivel/hinge shoulders, swivel/ hinge elbows, swivel/hinge wrists, and a barbell jointed head.

Accessories: 2 portraits, 4 swappable hands, purse, sai, microphone staff, 2 rats, and spider.

Year of Release: 2022

Original Retail Price: $35-$38 dollars
The Positives:

* I really get a kick out of these TMNT/ Universal Monsters collaborations and April is another really good one. The original toy was definitely recognizable as the Bride based solely on the hair, but the outfit was mostly April O'Neil. This one feels a bit more like a solid blend of both. Her main outfit is clearly based April's outfit from the beginning of the 1990 film, a brown vest with matching skirt and a yellow trench coat, though what she's wearing underneath is the bandaged wraps that the Bride wore under her robe, though these have some gaps where her skin is uncovered. The trench coat is paler here, and really ripped up, with a bit of a robe-like feel. Also, her skin is a greenish blue which gives her more of a monstrous and mutant feel. 

* Here's a closer look at April's outfit so you can see the different layers here. NECA has been doing an incredibly job of using different layers of plastic on their figures to give them a more realistic, three dimensional feel without making them look overly thick or bulky, and Bride April is another solid one. Each piece of her costume is really nicely detailed with a different texture. I'm very impressed by the paint effects, too. The material really does look worn and faded. How about that insect on her lapel, too. Pretty funny!

* Here's a look at the back of the figure so you can see more of the excellent trench coat/ gown. Bride O'Neil has definitely been spending time in the sewers more than the Bride of Frankenstein, so her outfit is suitably filthy and ragged, especially on the bottom hem. Take a look and you can also see the cool tubing that runs from around her neck to the hole in her back. Maybe a mix of lab equipment and such with news reporting equipment, like a lapel mic?

* April comes with two bridal portraits, the first having a bit more of a smile on her face. The likeness to Judith Hoag is really impressive and NECA has captured her likeness from back in 1990 really well. Well, if Ms. Hoag had went to a party dressed up as the Bride of Frankenstein. Her hair does have a bit of red to it and she's wearing some lightning bolt earrings, too. 

* The second portrait has a more neutral expression. I'm not sure why NECA didn't go with a slightly more extreme expression for April as the Bride but this one at least gives you some variety. Or you can use it to make a custom Gwen Piper from the Halloweentown series!

* Here's a shot of April's hairdo from the side. It's nice and high with a Marcel wave and a cool white streak on each side. Also, you can better see the tube coming out of her neck from this angle (along with some more stitches). 

* Here's a shot of her legs to show off the cool sculpted stitches here, too. I'm also liking her fancy shoes and painted nails. Very trendy!

* If you're familiar with most of NECA's "Ultimates" figures like their move turtles, most horror figures, or the Universal Monsters line, then you have a good idea of what to expect here. April is nicely articulated and can take some excellent nuanced poses. There is some limitations as she has inhibited waist and torso joints, but I don't find that to detract much at all. She feels quite nice and sturdy and I've had no issues with her at all. 

* April comes with four swappable hands, each with the nails painted black and wrapped in bandages. There is a pair of gripping hands for holding her accessories and a pair of open gesturing hands for reaching out and looking menacing. 

* The Bride of O'Neil comes with some fun little creepy crawlies to keep her company. First up is a tarantula with multiple paint applications. Quite impressive on such a small figure.

* Next up is a rat with an ear stitched to its back. The rat has a long tail and creepy red eyes. Oh, and the aforementioned ear. Was Dr. Pretorius growing ears from lab rats or just messing around?

* This second rat is even cooler as he's sporting a nasty eyeball. Definitely something funky going on here.

* April carried a large purse and used it as an improvised weapon against some Foot Clan thugs in the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie so she comes with a purse here, too. It's more monstrous, though, with a padlock, a real chain instead of a strap, and a bone sticking out of it. That's a darn neat accessory. 

* Another not to the 1990 film, perhaps? April comes with one of Raph's sai. Well, one of the sai from Raph as Frankenstein's Monster. It's got a cool lightning bolt shaped monouchi while the yoko, tsuka, and tsukagashira look like electrodes and such. 

* When April O'Neil- Frankenstein needs to report on the crazy happenings in the sewers under the village, she can utilize this cool microphone like staff. I love the old timey microphone top (it says "WTRI") and the electrical equipment down the shaft.

   April as the Bride of Frankenstein is such a neat figure with lots of clever details. I love the balance between April O'Neil's movie costume and the Bride of Frankenstein's classic outfit; it blends together really nicely. Her accessories are all top notch, too. The weird rats, the microphone staff, and heavy duty purse are all just really well done extras. No shortcuts here, for sure. She's an Epic figure that manages to still standout among the more monstrous turtles in the line. Since she bears Judith Hoag's likeness, she also ties these turtles in to the movie universe, which is quite fun. 

Oddly enough, I think this is the first figure of April O'Neil that I've reviewed on the site.

For more of the Bride of Frankenstein check out my review of the Funko ReAction figure of The Bride of Frankenstein and the Mystery Minis Bride of Frankenstein.

For more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles X Universal Monsters check out the following:


  1. Neat mashup. Didn't see this one coming.

    1. I'm really glad Judith Hoag was game for this. She seems very cool and has worked with NECA a lot now on promotional stuff.

  2. The Eyeball Rat deserves his own spin-off I reckon


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