Monday, July 30, 2018

Confirmed Epic Podcast #100: Confirmed Epic Reboot

Jerry 'Barbecue 17' Reed, The Reel Brad Bell, & AKA Andrew Stokes live and in person!
Thank you to everyone who has ever clicked play and downloaded The Confirmed Epic Podcast, and welcome to an event 5 years in the making: Confirmed Epic Podcast #100.  Join myself, Jerry 'Barbecue 17' Reed, AKA Andrew Stokes, Kate Mcall, and the returning Arathaella as we usher in a new, and exciting era of the podcast.  And here we go...

In episode #100 we discuss:

-Who is the best live action Batman? (Epic Games)

-Black Lightening, Handmaid's Tale, Dr. Aphra Volume 3, Fort Night, Nintendo Switch (What we have been checking out)

-How many streaming platforms are too many? (TV)

-What is the next great franchise following the MCU? (FILM)

-What's Up with DC Collectibles following SDCC 2018? (COLLECTING)

-Should comics influence films? Or should films Influence Comics? (COMICS)

-We also have some random tweets, and our weekly CONFIRMED CRAP & CONFIRMED EPIC ratings of the week

Let us know what you thought about the podcast in the comments below or follow and tweet us @thereelbradbell  

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Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to us on iTunes just search for: The Confirmed Epic Podcast 

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